Chapter 15

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Alex: "What?! Your water just broke?"
Jo: "Yes. It seems so!"
Alex: "Ohh. Ok. Ok. Don't panick Jo. Just don't panick. We'll be just fine"
Jo: "I'm a little panicked but it seems you're way more worried than me so shut up and call Robbins before I kick your ass!"
Alex: "Ok. Where's my cell phone?! I left it on the table!"
Jo: "It's right in front of you! Ohhh. Contractions. It hurts."
Alex: "Ok. I am here. I won't leave you! Hey, Robbins. Jo's water broke so we're coming to the hospital. Actually her first contraction came just now."
Arizona: "Ok. Come as soon as possible."
Alex: "Ok Jo. We have to go to the hospital. Let's go to have our babies."
Jo: "Hey Alex. Hang on. Have you realized that when we'll come home we will be a family of four?"
Alex: "Oh God. I actually hadn't thought of that. But now, we really have to go."
Jo: "Fine. Let's go deliver the babies."
Alex's pov:
So, apparently it seems that I'm having the babies 2 months earlier! I am so excited but I can't look at Jo who's suffering from these contractions. We are in the car right now and we're heading to the hospital.
Jo: "Alex. It really really hurts. I can't handle such pain."
Alex: "Calm down princess. We will have arrived in 10'."
Jo: "Stop calling me princess stupid. I hate you so much. You can't understand my pain."
Alex: "Love you too baby. Love you too."
Finally,we arrived at the hospital. Everybody was waiting for us. Arizona, Meredith, Amelia, Cristina Callie and Miranda.
Arizona: "Hey Jo. You and your babies are going to be just fine. Can you walk and follow me?"
Jo: "It seems so."
Arizona: "Ok. Let's go in and have these babies delivered."

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