Chapter 18

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The next day:
Jo's pov:
Today is a new day. Alex came here at 3:00 after decorating the babies' room and he fell asleep on the chair. Suddenly,he woke up.
Alex: "Good morning princess! How are you feeling today?"
Jo: "Much better. I think you're supposed to check on some patients don't you?"
Alex: "Yes. That's true. I'll go do some rounds before my paternity leave starts. I love you. Bye."
Jo: "Bye sweetie."
A while later:
Alex's pov:
I completed doing rounds and headed back to Jo's room. The babies were there but Jo was crying. My heart broke into million pieces.
Alex: "Hey Jo. What's going on? Why are you crying?"
Jo: "Because when you left, a nurse came with the babies and tried to make me breastfeed them but I couldn't do it because I am the most useless mom in the world. Our babies will hate me. And what if they think that I don't love them?"
Alex: "Hey. Jo. There are thousands of mothers around the world that don't breastfeed their children because of plenty reasons. You're not a bad mom. And believe me, the babies will never hate you because of that. Now. Let's carry them in our arms."
Jo took Amy and I took James. We were holding them for over an hour. Suddenly Amy started crying.
Jo: "Alex. What did I do? Did I do something wrong?"
Alex: "No. It's just that she's hungry. Do you want to try to breastfeed her again? But if something goes wrong don't worry. You are the strongest woman no matter what."
Jo tried for one more time but Amy didn't want to breastfeed. Jo was devastated.
Alex: "Hey. Don't worry. I'll go make her some milk." I said and put James in his crib.
Jo: "You might be thinking that I am a bad mom and cannot feed your kid properly and you must hate me for that."
Alex: "Jo. Don't you ever say that again ok? And for the record, they're our kids and not just mine. Please don't you ever repeat that ok?"
Jo: "Oh. Ok Dr. Karev. Did I hurt your feelings? Besides you will never be in the same position as I am. You will never feel guilty for not giving the best things to your kids because of some reasons."
Alex: "Ok then Mrs. Wilson. I'll go for a walk in order to forget that you're the mother of my children!" Oh shoot. I shouldn't have told her that. I'm a jerk.
Arizona: "Hey guys. Why are you fighting? All the hospital can hear you. Amy is crying. Let me feed her." She said and took the bottle of my hand."
Arizona: "Jo. Why are you crying so much? What happened exactly?"
Alex: "I'm going for a walk."
Arizona: "No one is going anywhere."
Jo: "Let him. Besides I am the one who wants to forget."
Arizona: "Alex. What did you tell her?"
Alex: "The truth is that I said something bad and I am so sorry for doing that Jo. I really am. It's just that I haven't slept a lot these days. Please forgive me. I really didn't mean that."
Jo: "Please go. I want to stay alone."
Arizona: "What's the matter with you guys? You're parents now. You have to be mature and not some silly 5 year-olds who fight for everything. Oh, I have to go to the NICU. I'll take the babies with me. And please forgive each other. You're so in love."
Jo: "Take your stupid ring. I don't want it. We're over. Go." She said and handed me the wedding ring.
Alex: "But Jo..."
Jo: "I said go or I'll call the security."
I left the room and I started crying. Meredith saw me and drove me to an on-call room.
Meredith: "What happened?"
I told her everything and for the engagement ring.
Meredith: "Ok. She's full of hormones right now but it would be nice to reunite before the babies go home."

What do you think? Do you want jolex to reunite or not but stay good friends? Please write down in the comments. Xoxoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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