Chapter 12

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Alex's pov:
I can't understand why she reacted that way. I mean, i know she doesn't like Jo but  at least she should be happy at the fact of me having a baby because I am her best friend. Now, I have to go to Jo because she must be feeling alone.
Alex: "Hey baby! How are you?"
Jo: "Very good actually. I'm nervous because tomorrow we are finding out the gender."
Alex: "Me too hun."
Jo: "So... How did Meredith react?"
Alex: "Um... Not so well. She got furious and threw me out of the house."
Jo: "Oh my god Alex. I can't believe it. I thought she would be glad that you will have a baby soon."
Alex: "Me too. But now we have to get some sleep because we have an appointment with Arizona at 10:00."
The next day
Jo's pov:
Today we are finding out the gender. I'm super nervous and excited at the same time. Alex and I came to the hospital just on time and we were just waiting for Arizona to come.
Arizona: "Good morning guys. Are you ready to find out the gender?- O-oh."
Alex: "What! Is something going wrong?!"
Arizona: "No-No. It's just that you.. a-,are having twins! Congratulations!!!"
Jo: "You've got to be kidding me. Did you hear baby? We are having twins!!"
Arizona: "And they are a boy and a girl! Congratulations again!!"
Alex: "I cannot believe it babe! We are having 2 kids! I love you so so much!"
Jo: "Me too baby. Me too."
Sorry for being inactive soooooo long but I spent most of the time studying last month... Love you!

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