The Famous Noobologist has Died

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AN: Garlic Bread but it's actually weed on toast



     Why do I feel so old? Why do I feel so cold? I'm empty inside without my dearest Chicken Nugget. I ask myself these questions as I float in the cardboard spaceship under a vent of cold air. It's been five minutes, and I've entered the biggest midlife crises at the age of  Y/A years old. Even worse, I haven't eaten since chapter 3, Spleen Juice and Spinal Fluids. I begin to scream-asking for my Chicken Nugget. 

     "Chicken Nugget my love!" I cry.

     "Yeah," Chicken Nugget says casually flying into view.

     "Where were you?" I demand.

     "I was in the other room," Chicken Nugget explains.

     "Oh okay cool," I say rolling with it. "I'm hungry," I say.

     "Say no more," Chicken Nugget says. He teleports us to Mc'Ds. 

     "I'll get a large Mcfry, a Mcsoda with a Mcstraw and a couple of Mcnapkins," I order. There was no way I was eating anything else in that restaurant. Mc'Ds is kind of disgusting.

     "That'll be $0.69," the cashier says.

     "Damn, I only have a dollar," I say walking out of McDs. "I guess I'll starve," I say to Chicken Nugget. Chicken Nugget starts to vibrate and I get ideas, but the author still doesn't want to write lemon let so we don't fuck. Also my pants are still on fire.

     "I sense danger," Chicken Nugget says. 

     "Oh no! It's Karen coming to take the kids!" I scream . I take in the power of Chicken Nugget by eating him. His sultry flavor filling my body.

     "You dumb retard always on your phone! You lazy fool! You can't do anything, you can't even fix an air conditioner! You haven't solved any of the problems our generation caused! Snowflake! Weakling! Stupid! I bet you drink instant coffee with creamer! You and your devices letting you access all the information you could ever imagine and create anything! Even though college costs more and lessons are harder, you're still are gonna be living in your mom's basement without a job because college is so expensive and our economy sucks! Just kill yourself, oh wait! You'll actually do it because you're so weak and can't handle high amounts of stress that can actually kill you regardless of if you want to die!"

     "Okay boomer," I say deadpan. Karen then screams so loud she explodes getting yet, even more fucking blood everywhere. Seriously, is the author trying to give me AIDS!? My pants flare up in their burning rage. 

     "We need to kill that fire," Chicken Nugget says.

AN: join the discord 

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