Bog is Pog

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A/N: Last chapter ogga bogga 


Should I make Chicken Nugget and onlyfans?


     I wonder if crackheads give good head. It's not too far fetched. A toothpaste bottle could tell me what I desire. However, I only have a toothpaste cap and the leg of an Elsa doll because I'm quirky and random.

     "Hey what's that one book that claims the answer to the meaning of life is 42?" I ask Chicken Nugget.

     "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy I believe," Chicken Nugget says looking up from the ikea self he was dusting off with a feather duster. 

     "Thanks honey," I say smiling. An evil man would has not evil by choice waited outside. He had been poisoned by the evil that kept us inside. Though he didn't know it, that man would cause me great trouble. The door bell rang.

     "I'll get it sweetheart," Chicken Nugget called as he stepped away from the desk and walked down the hall, past our four bathrooms in a row, and the room where we kept all the "Iowa is a Scam" T-shirts. The Uzbekistan national anthem played as Chicken Nugget opened the door.

     "Hello, my name is Jam." The man at the door was tall and his skin was blue. Chicken Nugget shook the man's hand.

     "Nice to meet you Jam, I am Chicken Nugget."

     "It's nice to finally meet you. I'm front the neiborhood but only recently got back from a fishing trip to Cypress."

     "Oh how wonderful!" The two had a conversation for a while. Still contemplating the thing about crackheads giving head I did not pay attention. Chicken Nugget had been touched by evil. Her tentacles touching him and he unaware could do nothing. Days passed and I noticed a change in him. He started to cough and his kind warmth turned to a scorching garlic tequila. 

"Chicken Nugget!" I screamed and ran to him

"Y/N! Don't touch me, I have been tempted by evil. I got Rona."

"No! Wait no! This is not right!" Evil took her long nails to my lovers body and killed him before my eyes. Rona has taken his life as well as my heart as it left me a alone.

A/N: this is so sad, can we get a like

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