Chapter 2

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Mias PoV
Sticking my hand out the pile of blankets I feel around for my phone and poke at it till the vibrate only alarm shuts off. I'm still exhausted thanks to my night of disturbed sleep from nightmares, well more like flashbacks actually, years of mental and physical abuse will do that to you.
I slowly drag myself out the pile of blankets and change into clean work clothes, black skinny jeans that Kat got me for my birthday last year, a white tight fitting top thats old and too small, and my black pumps, throwing an old black baggy jumper over the top for warmth. I don't have many clothes, im not allowed them, I'm lucky if I have enough clothes to last a couple of days. My half sisters on the other hand, Britney and Brianna have walk in closets full of designer clothes shoes and bags, new cars, the latest phones, anything the vicious little blonde duo demands, they get.
I hear my phone vibrate on my bed, It's always on silent, otherwise my father and step mother would hear it, I know they would be angry at me for having it and destroy it, that's why I hide it.
I open the text message smiling that someone's actually thinking of me.

Kat: hey babe! Fancy breakfast before work? My treat 💕

Me: your treat?? Just tell me where and when!

Kat: awesome! meet me at Denny's in half an hour! 🍽 x

Immediately I'm excited for the day ahead, Kats my only friend and my best friend, I met her at the bar and restaurant where we both work as waitresses, she kind of knows about my situation but I left a lot out, like A LOT, she just thinks I'm unhappy here and I don't get on with my family. But back to my excitement! it's been ages since I had breakfast! I usually don't get breakfast but I sometimes get lunch with my tips and a free dinner at work, the tips and dinners are great perks! it's mostly bar food but I'm greatful for it or else I wouldn't get to eat.
I grab my backpack and slip my phone into the hidden compartment in it.
I quickly brush my hair and put on the little makeup I have, mascara and blush that Kat gave me for Christmas last year.
I quietly make my way upstairs from the basement and as quickly as I can I haul ass out of  the hell house, my ribs protesting with every movement.
I walk quickly making the 20 minute walk to Denny's in the freezing morning air as quick as I can, the cold penetrating my poor body making my teeth chatter.
I get there and make my way inside the warm delicious smelling diner, I see Kat waiting with two cups and hurry over to her.

 I get there and make my way inside the warm delicious smelling diner, I see Kat waiting with two cups and hurry over to her

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"Hey! Thanks for inviting me" I smile widely at her. "hey babes! Your welcome, I know you never turn down free food" she grins playfully at me.

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