Chapter 16

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Rafs pov
Warning contains sexual content
Lewis goes to get my laptop from my office, he brings it in loading up the cctv footage but looks at me with a sad expression. "You sure you want to watch this boss? I found it hard enough to watch while it was happening" he says looking over at mia, i remember how panicked he was over the coms as he was watching this in real time. "We want to see it" donnys voice grits out angrily from her doorway, I look over to him, behind him are Alex and Justin, all of them have angry expressions, they want to know what frank did, do they can make him suffer for every single thing he did to her. I nod. They gather around behind me as I hit the play icon.
I watch as Mia goes over to Kats car and opens the door, Kat falls out the car and mias screaming, there's no sound to the footage but I can see she's screaming for someone to help while she kneels down by her dead friend, the pain on her face is heartbreaking, I can't imagine how horrific that was for her.
Suddenly frank comes into view, mias still kneeling by Kat sobbing, then frank takes a gun out cocking it at her, he says something and she slowly stands up, her hands ball into fists as she screams something at frank, wow, the pure anger and rage on her face, even frank looks shocked, but he quickly recovers and launches himself at her.
He hits her round the face with the gun, then kicks her hard to the chest, my hands grip the arms of the chair as anger courses through my veins, She goes flying backwards hitting the ground hard, he jumps on top of her and rips her coat open, my jaw clenches tightly as I watch in anger, she tries to fight him off but he punches her in the face hard, Shes screaming but he covers her mouth with his hand, I zoom in the footage, shes biting down on his hand, his blood runs out of her mouth as she throws punches at him, she's really putting up a fight! That's my girl! He screams something as he punches her with his other hand, he punches her in the face and head hard over and over again. He tears her jumper open revealing her bra making the others growl in anger behind me, but She keeps fighting him, clawing at his face and arms. My rage is about to boil over, I'm going to kill frank in the worst way possible for this!. He hits her across the head with the gun again, really hard, she becomes seriously disoriented from it, she fought so hard, I'm so proud of her, my throat tightens as I watch myself tearing into the parking lot in the suv, franks trying to get her pants down as I see myself getting out the suv and running towards him.
"She really put up a fight boss, at least he didn't get know" Lewis says quietly as I watch the rest of the footage silently. "I'm going to kill him" donny seethes behind me. "No..... I am.....slowly" I growl putting the laptop down.
"Owwww" I hear a faint voice groaning from the bed, MIA! She's awake!! "Donny call white, now!" I bark out as I rush over to her, "Mia, it's ok baby, try not to move too much, the drs on his way" I say softly to her as her beautiful eyes try to adjust, "Ricky draw the curtains Justin the lamps" I order them.
"Raf?" She mumbles as her eyes try to focus on me, "yeah baby, it's me, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere" I softly coo at her as I gently stroke her cheek.
A few minutes later dr white comes in to her room, he tells everyone to leave so he can examine her... everyone apart from me, he knows better than to argue with me on this.
"Well I don't think there's any lasting or serious damage, but you need to rest for a while Mia, take one of these three times a day it will help with any inflammation and pain, I'll check on you again tomorrow, Rafael she needs someone to stay with her for a few days, just a precaution" dr white says as he packs away his stethoscope. "I'll stay with her" I say to him. "No you won't, Donny can, you have a girlfriend to attend to" Mia grits out at me bitterly. "Well I haven't left your side since I brought you here, and I'm not going to" I say back to her as she frowns at me. "No, get donny to stay with me, I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't be happy about you staying with me" she grits out angrily at me. "Well it's good job I have the next few days to explain everything to you then" I frown back at her. "Alright..... I'll be going, I'll see you tomorrow mia" dr white says awkwardly as he gathers his things and leaves, Donny and the others all barge in as soon as he leaves. "my wife! Your awake!" Donny yells as he rushes over to her and tries to hug her. "Back off!" I growl at him as I protectively push him away. "Sheesh I just wanted a hug!" Donny grumbles. "How you feeling Mia?" Lewis asks smiling warmly at her, "like I was run over by a bus" she chuckles quietly "I'm ok tho thanks guys, thanks for saving me" she smiles gratefully at us all, even me. "Ok out, she needs rest" I say loudly as I stand up from the bed and usher them out, I close the door and head back over to her bed, I lay down on the bed propping myself up with my arm facing her.
She turns her head away from me, "Mia, don't ignore me, we need to talk when your feeling up to it" I say firmly to her. "I'm not interested raf, I was just a fuck, Go talk to your girlfriend, better yet don't you have a fucking session to get to?" She spits angrily at me, fuck she's gorgeous when she's feisty, it's turning me on.
"Mia.... she's not my girlfriend, never has been never will be" I reply matter of factly "she was just a fuck buddy before I met you, that's it, nothing more, there was never anything else between us, she wanted more but I didn't, I don't love her" I explain seriously to her. "I stopped all contact with her when I met you for the first time at the bar, she just turned up here the other night and caused shit because I ignored all her calls and texts" I say dryly.
"I didn't dump her I called off an arrangement nothing more, She's a spoilt crazy bitch and she hates not getting what she wants, I DONT want her, I want YOU mia, she's never meant anything to me, but you do, I'd never do anything to hurt you and I'd never lie to you....please believe me baby" I explain pleading with her. "So she isn't your girlfriend?" She asks me quietly, she's looking into my eyes searching for any sign of dishonesty "no baby, I've never had a girlfriend, until I met you and you agreed to be mine, I never wanted anything serious with anyone till I met you" I explain softly stoking away a tear that's rolling down her cheek. "Haven't you figured it out yet mia? I've only got eyes for you, I've only ever had eyes for you since I met you, I'm crazy about you..... I love you" I tell her sincerely as I stare into her beautiful eyes. She smiles as tears start rolling down her face, "I love you too raf, I'm so sorry" she sniffs as she carefully wipes her tears away "don't be sorry baby it's ok" I quietly coo at her, I gently kiss her lips, being careful not to open the deep cut on her bottom lip. "Now, let me look after you, what do you need baby? You hungry?" I ask her as she looks at me happily, I really do love her, that night after Jenna left and Mia wouldn't talk to me or let me explain I felt so lonely and empty without her, she's all I want, she's all I need, I realised it's love, i love her, I don't just care about her, I worship her, I adore her, I can't be without her.
"Can I take a shower? I feel gross" she giggles but winces holding her head. "Easy baby, I'll run you a bath ok?" I say sweetly to her as I peck her lips again gently.

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