Chapter 7

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Mias PoV
"Take a seat gentleman" I hear my father say to raf and the guys, Donny rushes over to sit next to me like his butts on fire, Alex, Justin and Ricky follow donnys lead and all sit around my end of the long fancy table, leaving a seat to my right free. Raf goes to sit next to me when a shrill voice stops him.
"Rafael, I've set you a place here, next to my daughters" my step mother says batting her long fake eyelashes. She gestures to a seat right in between my half sisters Brianna and Britney, who I notice are wearing barely any clothes, and a LOT of makeup. I internally roll my eyes. They bat their eyelashes at raf and bite their bottom lips as they eye him like he's the one they're having for dinner, raf ignores my stepmothers offer and sits down next to me. "I'm fine here, but thank you" he replies politely. "Mia! Get off your fat ass and pour everyone their drinks" my father says to me spitefully. "Yes sir" I say quietly and stand up. "I think everyone's more than capable of getting their own drinks Doug, sit down Mia" raf says with authority, raf pulls on my arm gently so I sit back down. I hang my head nervously, until I hear the clacking of high heels rounding the table and heading towards me. "I'm going to sit next to you....handsome" Britney purrs as she runs her hand over rafs shoulders. "Me too, MIA MOVE YOU WHORE!" Brianna shouts at me. "Mia stays here" rafs says calmly looking at Brianna in distaste, but does she listen? Of course not. "DADDYYY!! TELL HER TO MOVE!!!" Brianna squeals stamping her foot. "MIA! FUCKING MOVE!! NOW!!!" My father shouts, I give raf the best 'I'm so sorry' look I can and move to another seat next to Ricky. The twins are now all over raf like bees to honey, I see Alex Ricky and Donny covering their mouths trying to hide their laughs, and raf.... well raf now has a someone help me look going for him. "Aren't my daughters beautiful Rafael, they have really taken a liking to you, I think they have impeccable taste" my stepmother smirks. "I hear your a very rich man Rafael, maybe you would be interested in dating one of my daughters" she proudly smiles at him. Is she being serious? The twins are 16 and rafs like what, 25? Raf stays silent, trying to eat his meal. "If any of you would like some entertainment, your welcome to take Mia here somewhere more private, we don't like her being a whore at the dinner table" my stepmother says with her trademark venomous tone. I ignore her and keep my head down, pushing the little food I was allowed round the plate. "Daddy I want a new car!" Brianna whines while leaning against raf rubbing his chest "I want a new car too daddy! I'm tired of my Porsche! Oh and I need money to go to a big party next week!, I need at least $500 this time!!" Britneys high pitched voice whines as she interlinks her arm with rafs making him drop the steak off his fork he was about to put in his mouth. He doesn't look happy. "Yes my princesses anything you want" my father coddles. "Mia Sunday night give your wages to Britney, all of it" my father seethes at me. "Y-yes sir" I answer quietly with my head down in submission. "How much do you think I could get for Mia Rafael? She's not too ugly, she's been well trained and broken in many, many times, I think I could get fifty bucks for her what do you think" my farther laughs dryly while glaring evilly at me.
I hear the loud clatter of cutlery being dropped on a plate making me jump and look up. "Ive had enough of this, I have the contract here, already signed by me, all you need to do is sign it and the deals as good as done, 20 million will be deposited into the account tomorrow morning, then we go ahead as planned from there" raf says in a deep irritated voice. My father smirks and grabs the contract off the table, flicking through it. "What changes did you make? It looks pretty much the same?" My father asks Rafael in a curious tone. "Just the breach terms, and a few alterations, nothing major" raf reply's. Raf watches my father intently as he skim reads the pages. Then he grabs a pen from his jacket pocket grinning like a Cheshire Cat, and signs it, handing it back to raf, who now has a devilish smirk on his face. "I think this calls for a celebration" my father smiles brightly grabbing a bottle of champagne from a bucket of ice on the table. "None for us, we need to get going" raf says as he stands nodding to the guys to follow suit. "Thank you for your hospitality but we need to be going" he says politely to my father, they're leaving?. "So soon? But you haven't got to enjoy your 'entertainment' yet" my father smirks looking at me. "Oh I wouldn't say that, Mia, go pack some things your coming with us" raf says still looking at my father. Huh?. "What? Oh I don't think so Rafael, that wasn't part of the deal, she stays here" my father chuckles humorously. "Oh I think you'll find it is" raf says smirking at my father "here's your copy of the contract, you'll find it in there" raf states matter of factly throwing a copy of the contract at my father. "Donny help Mia get her things" raf says as he stares down at my now angry and going red in the face father as he frantically reads the contract. What the hells going on? "YOU CANT TAKE HER THAT WASNT PART OF THE DEAL!!!" My father roars as he stands up, furious at raf. "Oh but I can, and I am Doug, i added it into the contract with other things... which YOU just signed.... she's coming with me.....right now" raf says his raised voice oozing dominance "Donny" raf says never breaking eye contact with my furious father. "Come on mia" donny says pulling my arm to get up. I leave the dining room with Donny as all hell breaks loose with my father and stepmother shouting, I stop by the basement door but donny walks past me. He stops at the bottom of the stairs and turns round to see where I went. "Why are you going to the basement?" He asks me with a confused look on his face. "Um, just follow me" I answer and make my way down the wooden steps, with Donny now following close behind me. "You have got to be fucking kidding me" I hear donny mutter in disbelief behind me as he takes in my 'bedroom'. I collect the few clothes and shoes I have and Put them into an old duffle bag. "THIS..... is your bedroom Mia?" He asks still in disbelief. "Yes" I answer as I return from my bathroom and continue To pack everything into my duffle bag. "It's.... it's a basement, not a bedroom, it's damp and it's fucking freezing down here" he says as he gestures around the room. I nod at him in response then rummage in the bottom of my wardrobe under some blankets for a small box, and tuck it safely into the duffel then zip it up. "That's it? That's all your bringing?" Donny asks in surprise, I nod again. "Ok.... come on mia, lets get you out of here" he says sadly as he takes my bag from me and looks around the room once more.
We head up the basement stairs towards all the raised voices. The twins are both crying about something to do with raf not liking them, my stepmother shouting at my father for being so stupid signing the contract and my father screaming at raf about how I'm not leaving, then at my stepmother about how it's not his fault and that raf tricked him. "MIA IF YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR I SWEAR YOUR SISTER WILL TAKE YOUR PLACE WITHIN THE FUCKING WEEK!!!" My father screams at me making me cower and tears well up in my eyes. "No, she won't be"raf calmly says, "because you won't be able to find molly, she's moved somewhere far, far away so you can't find her" raf states while smirking at my father, How does he know about molly? "Come on mia, Donny help her to the car" raf commands as he walks towards the front door and opens it. "IF YOU TAKE HER THE DEALS OFF AND I WILL FUCKING KILL HER!!" My father yells as we leave the house. "No you won't, just read the rest of the contract and you will see why you cant end this deal, oh........ and Have you forgotten who your talking to Doug" raf says calmly, but you can tell he's getting pissed off with all this, he slowly walks back towards my father. "I CAN FUCKING END YOU AND YOUR PRECIOUS COMPANY!!!!" Raf roars in my fathers face then punches him hard, my father falls to the floor, his nose bleeding as my stepmother and half sisters scream in panic rushing to my fathers side. My father who's  disoriented from the hard punch laying on the floor.
Raf gets in the passengers seat and Donny picks me up and quickly puts me on rafs lap, he closes the car door and gets in the back with the others. We pull away from the house, and head to... well I don't know where, and I don't actually care,  anywhere's better than that house. "Hey raf?" I ask as I snuggle against his warm chest, his thumb drawing circles on my leg "Hmmm?" He responds wrapping his arms around me gently and nuzzling his face into my hair. Wow this feels nice, i don't flinch when he touches me, Im pretty sure he wouldn't hurt me. "Is molly really safe? Can he get to her? How did you know about her? What do you know about me? About my family? Why are you helping me?" I ask, question after question , there's so many questions I want answers to now. Raf chuckles into my hair, "we will discuss this later but yes shes safe Mia, he won't find her" he mumbles. "thank you Rafael" I whisper back to him. I barely know these guys but I've never felt safer, happier and more comfortable than I do right now, especially with raf, he protected me from my fathers 'friends', he's been so nice to me, he's protecting my sister, he even tricked my father so he could get me away from that house to help me. I sigh as I relax into rafs arms, the car speeds up pulling onto the highway, my eyes start getting heavy from the events of today, one thing I know is I've never felt safer than I do right now, wrapped in big strong safe arms, listening to his steady heartbeat, as I start drifting off to sleep the last thing I remember is raf whispering in my ear, "I'll keep you safe, I promise, your mine now Mia".

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