Chapter 11

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Mias PoV
Lewis taps a few keys on his laptop then turns it round to show us what's on the screen again. "Read it" he says quietly. Both raf and I lean forward and i start to read it aloud.
"I, Mia Hannah West, make this will of my own free will dated the 19th of November 2019" wait, the date.... "this will was made today?" I whisper looking at Lewis who nods and gestures for me to continue. "I here by declare that my fifty percent ownership of 'West investment incorporated', along with any investments, shares, assets, and any life insurance payment, is signed over with immediate effect, to my father Douglas Philip West in the event of my.......death." I finish with the last part coming out barely above a whisper. "But I didn't write this" I quietly say to Lewis who looks at me with sympathy etched across his face. "I know you didn't mia, that's why I'm so concerned about it" he says giving me a sad smile. "Wait! So her dads planning to kill her ?" Ricky asks in shock.
"This will was signed and registered at town hall first thing this morning, I'm assuming you ruined his original plan of her signing it over by taking Mia, so that's why he went to see Nikolai, it looks like he has a new plan to get mias half the company and it seems he knows about the investments too" Lewis says running a hand down his face in frustration. "It mentioned something about life insurance" raf angrily says through gritted teeth "I'm going to have to hack into the Insurance Bureau database but I'll let you know if I find a life insurance policy for mia" Lewis reply's closing his laptop. "What about her mother, any news on who was involved with her death?" Raf says to Lewis as he kisses the crook of my neck. "Not yet, but I'm working on it." Lewis reply's. "Good, in the meantime I think we should take a trip down to town hall to see how Doug managed to register this will" raf reply's as he sets me on my feet and gets up.

We arrive outside town hall, behind us there's 3 other black suvs with the extra security raf insisted we had come with us. Donnys on punishment for taking me out this morning so he's back at the house, he didn't argue about it after raf nearly choked him to death earlier. Alex helps me out the suv as raf walks round the front of car from the drivers side, we head into the building and up to the floor that deals with probate. Alex, Justin and Ricky go over to the waiting area as raf and I walk over to the reception desk.
"Well hey there handsome, how can I help you" the receptionist purrs out at Raf batting her fake eyelashes.
"I'd like to speak to whoever's in charge of probate here" raf says confidently, ignoring the woman's obvious flirting attempt.
"Do you have an appointment.... sir" she purrs looking raf up and down, she hasn't even noticed me standing next to him.
"No but it's important, It won't take long" raf replies furrowing his eyebrows at the receptionist who's just undone a couple buttons on her blouse to show off her cleavage. Is she for real? Im guessing it wasn't her cv or her professional manner that got her this job (rolls eyes).
"I'll see what I can do handsome" she winks while picking up the desk phone.
After a few minutes of the receptionist making some calls and trying to give raf her phone number a man walks out of an office and over to us. "I believe you wanted to see me about an important matter? Please, follow me to my office" the man says as he walks back in the direction he came from.
He escorts us in to the large office and shuts the door "please take a seat" he says as he gestures to two chairs. "So, this important matter, how can I help?" He asks as he walks around his desk and takes a seat in front of us "a will for Mia Hannah West was registered here this morning, who registered it?" Raf asks as he leans back in his chair. "How is that of any concern to you?" The man defensively responds as raf calmly stares him down, he starts to fidget under rafs stare. Huh something seems off with this guy. "Fine, it was Mia and her father that came in, Mr West the owner of West investment incorporated" the man responds folding his hands on his desk. "That wasn't Mia West that came in with him, THIS is Mia west, and he only owns HALF of west investments" raf reply's seriously.
The man chuckles, "I don't know where your going with this but I can assure you it was his daughter Mia he had with him, she had her birth certificate with her, I can assure you it was her" he laughs sitting back in his chair.
"What did she look like?" Raf asks in an irritated tone. "Blonde girl, really annoying to be honest, wouldn't shut up about the new car her father had just bought her" he responds pinching the bridge of his nose at the memory. Raf looks at me with an eyebrow raised as if saying 'that sounds familiar'. "Actually sir, that wasn't me, that was one of my half sisters Britney or Brianna, I'm Mia West, and I didn't sign or agree to that Will" I say politely to the man. "Nonsense! She had her birth certificate and answered all my questions correctly, why would mr west a well respected businessman forge a will for his own daughter!? The will legally stands so unless you actually have something important to discuss I think we are done here" the man barks out in frustration standing from his chair and gesturing for us to leave. I'm about to say something when raf cuts me off "thank you for your time, Mia, let's go" he says as he puts his hand on my back and guides me out of the office.
Raf nods to the others in the waiting room while ignoring the receptionist calling out for raf to call her, they follow us into the elevator. we head outside and get into the suv in silence till everyone's in and all the doors have been closed.
"He's on someones payroll" raf growls out as he starts the car. "Really?, shit, so what now?" Alex responds from the back seat "now we keep Mia safe till we can figure out what to do next" raf responds as he pulls away from the town hall, and out into the busy New York traffic, the three security suvs following close behind us.

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