Chapter 15

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Mias PoV
I wake up, and force my sore puffy eyes to open, I feel awful, I feel empty, sad, and lonely, is this what heartbreak feels like? I have no idea.
I reach for my phone and check the time, it's just after 7am. I get up and walk over to my bathroom to brush my teeth then head over to my closet, I strip out my T-shirt and shorts and throw on a red bra and matching thong, a pair of wet look leggings, a black jumper top and a warm fluffy coat.

Mias outfit^^^I slip on some white canvas shoes and grab a small over the shoulder handbag off a hanger throwing my phone into it

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Mias outfit^^^
I slip on some white canvas shoes and grab a small over the shoulder handbag off a hanger throwing my phone into it. I quickly brush my hair tying it up into a high pony tail and apply some mascara and lip balm.
I unlock my door quietly checking for anyone in the hallway, it's clear, I quietly head down the hallway and down the stairs, keeping an eye out for anyone. I quietly open the front door and just as quietly close it again, I quick walk down the drive to the open gate. A guard suddenly appears from the small office by the gate and starts talking into a radio looking straight at me, he hits the button to the gate and it starts to close....shit! I start running as fast as I can towards the gate "miss stop!" The guard shouts rushing towards me, I dodge him as he tries to stop me and I quickly squeeze through the gap in the gate "MISS STOP!! PLEASE!!" The guard hollers from behind the now closed gate as I keep running as fast as I can away from the house, I need to get away from here.
I run until I can't run any more, I walk the long walk to Denny's as quickly as I can, sighing loudly in relief as I see the diner finally come in to view. I hurry to the door and step inside the familiar warm, delicious smelling restaurant. I sit at a table next to the window and wait for kat to arrive.
After a few minutes I spot a familiar black suv pull up across the street but no one gets out. I wait, and I wait..... but there's no sign of Kat, usually she's here first. Then I see her little Mazda drive past and let out a breath in relief she's made it. I wait for her to come through the door, but minutes later she's still not come in, this is weird. I hear my phone go off again in my bag so I pull it out to see who it is, I ignore the 20 missed calls from raf, the 8 voicemails from raf, and the 23 texts from raf, I scroll onto the text I just got from kat and tap to read it.

Kat: meet me in the parking lot

Me: why? Just come inside

Kat: just come out to my car

Something doesn't feel right, she only lives down the street, she always walks here, is she ok? I quickly throw my coat on and make my way outside through the back door of Denny's to avoid the suv parked out front, I head to the parking lot behind the dinner, I can see kats car parked in the far corner so I quickly head towards it, I can just about make out shes sitting in the drivers seat, I walk up to the car checking behind me that the suv hasn't followed me and open her drivers door "hey! Are you o......" I start to say........"AHHHHH!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs as Kats body flops out of the car onto the cold hard ground, a bullet hole through her forehead. "NO KAT! PLEASE NO!! SOMEONE HELP!! " I scream through sobs as I kneel down beside my best friends lifeless body, her empty lifeless eyes staring back into mine. I scream and scream for help holding her cold lifeless hands in my shaking ones. "Hello Mia" a familiar voice Calls out from behind Kats car, "WHAT DID YOU DO YOU FUCKER!!! WHY!!!" I scream and sob as a familiar figure comes into view, frank. "She had it coming mia, she kept asking for her fucking phone back, she wouldn't fucking leave till I gave it back, I couldn't give it back! She was the only one you would I shot her....I got your text asking to meet.....and here we are......." he says darkly, with a sick cynical smile on his face. It wasn't kat I was texting...... it was him! I look down at my lifeless best friend, "I'm so sorry kat" I whisper as hot tears pour out of my eyes and drip onto her.
"Oh stop your crying whore, now.... get up!" Frank grits out, I look up to see he's pointing a gun at me. Oh fuck...
"GET......UP!" He shouts and I flinch, I slowly get up from beside kat. "Now... before I hand you over to your father for my reward, I want my turn with you slut" frank laughs, "come's about time I finally got to be balls deep in you" he smiles creepily gesturing with a finger for me to come closer to him. First he kills my only friend, my best friend, now he wants to rape me?? Something inside me suddenly flips, im not scared of this sick son of a bitch anymore, he's not in control anymore, I'm not going down without a fight! I ball my hands into fists at my sides, anger and pure rage courses through my body. "NO!.... GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" I roar out angrily at him, causing him to look shocked at my outburst, then angry...
He rushes over to me and hits me round the face with the gun, then kicks me hard to the chest, I go flying backwards hitting the ground with my back hard, he jumps on top of me and rips my coat open, I try and fight him off but he punches me in the face, I scream as loud as I can but he quickly covers my mouth with his disgusting hand, I ball my hand into a fist and bite down on his hand till I feel his blood in my mouth, I quickly punch his groin with my fisted hand, I'm not going to give up! "AHHH!!" He screams as he punches me with his other hand, "IM GOING TO FUCK YOU TILL YOU BLEED YOU FUCKING WHORE!!!" Frank screams as he punches me in the face hard over and over again. He tears my jumper open revealing my bra but I keep fighting him, clawing at his face and arms. He hits me across the head with the gun again, hard, everything goes fuzzy and my ears start ringing.
I hear the roar of engines approaching and tyres screeching behind us.
"MIA!!! GET THE FUCK OFF HER!!!!" I hear a voice roar as footsteps quickly approach us.
I feel frank being dragged off me and his muffled yells as I hear the sound of punches and kicks to the side of me, my vision starts to fade, fast.
"Mia! Baby! Please.... please be ok! Donny she's hurt call the dr!!!" I hear the familiar voice shout as I feel them picking me up. "I'm so sorry baby please hold on, please" they plead the deep voice breaking with emotion, then it all goes black.

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