Chapter 33

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Rafs pov
I've finally found us two properties to look at tomorrow, ones that's haven't even been put up on the market yet, I hope mia likes one of them.
Speaking of Mia .......where is she? I haven't seen her in a while.
I haul myself off the sofa and limp my way upstairs to look for her, maybe she's taking a nap with tank. At the top of the stairs I see lewis hurrying Mia out of our room and down the hall to his room..that's weird...I limp down the hallway to lewis's door and hear mias voice from the other side.
"we need to tell raf Lewis, this is bad, rafs going to flip out about this" I hear Mia say through the door, flip out about what? I open the door "Tell me about what?" I ask raising an eyebrow at them, Lewis looks like he's about to shit himself and mias sitting on the bed with tank, why does she look scared what's happened.
They both stare at me not saying a word before they look at each other "what's going on" I ask sternly, why are they being weird. "Boss there's some stuff on donnys computer hard drive I think you should see" Lewis says cautiously as he sits down at his computer gesturing to the chair next to him.
"See what" I ask in confusion as I limp over to him and sit down on the chair, "this" Lewis says quietly as he clicks on a file.... I growl as the video of donny in mias room plays.
Then the next video.. are you fucking kidding me!! "did you watch these!?" I growl as Mia showers naked on the screen, I look to lewis who's already turned away so he's not looking at the screen...good move.
"No not 'these' kind of files boss, Mia watched those... the ones of her and the ones of you...together" Lewis reply's hesitantly "you mean...that sick fuck filmed us having sex??" I growl angrily, Lewis nods and carry's on playing the files as he looks away.
He showed me file after file... my teeth are on the verge of shattering I'm gritting them together so hard in anger. I'm going to find donny and gut him for this!
"Boss we found one of the cameras in your room but I fear there might be more...lots more...the camera Mia found in your room was still live, meaning it's still feeding live video to the person that put them there....donny" Lewis says worriedly "boss...donnys watching and listening to everyone's every move....there's no telling how many cameras there are hidden around the house" Lewis says swallowing hard as he looks over at Mia and tank.
I pull out my phone and make a call as I turn round and watch a worried and stressed looking Mia playing tug of war with tank on Lewis's bed.
"Myers prestige estates Charles speaking" the well spoken British voice answers
"My names Rafael i spoke to you earlier about two properties that I'm coming to view tomorrow" I reply as I watch Mia snuggle up with tank on the bed, they are so cute together.
"Ah yes sir I remember, are you still interested in viewing the properties tomorrow or would you like to rearrange the viewings?" Charles responds politely
"Which one is available to move into immediately?" I reply sternly, I need to get us all out this house, and fast.
"Immediately?...well erm...the second property is brand new sir I suppose that would be available immediately, how soon would you want to move in?" Charles sputters off guard as I hear him rustling paperwork in the background.
"Tomorrow" I state firmly, the line goes quiet.
"Forgive me sir, im not sure if I heard you correctly, did you say tomorrow?" Charles chuckles as if he thinks I'm joking.
"I did say tomorrow, I'll pay the full asking price plus extra if I get the paperwork and keys first thing tomorrow morning" I state nonchalantly as I watch mia climb off the bed after tank as he crawls off under the bed, she bends over on all fours on the floor her skirt going dangerously high up her thighs "tank come back here" she whisper shouts as she try's to get tank out from under Lewis's bed.
"Well erm...I...well I can get the paperwork and the keys to you first thing sir but the house has been fully furnished in preparation for its sale on the property market, it will take a couple of days to have all the furniture removed" Charles says in disbelief at my request.
"I'll purchase all the furniture with the property, send me the total price and I'll have the money transferred over my 5pm this afternoon, meet me at the property at 9am tomorrow, also...I'd like you to visit my property this week, I'd like to sell it" i reply in a distracted voice as I watch Mia crawling under Lewis's bed to get tank out, her skirt riding up showing some of her fantastic ass! My cocks instantly hard.
"Yes sir of course sir, I'll visit your current property at your earliest convenience to begin the sales process, I'll send you over the bank details, the total will be fourteen million to transfer for the new property sir" Charles reply's in disbelief, while I'm sat here almost drooling on myself...I can see mias tiny pink thong peaking out from under her skirt... what's under that tiny thong...I want..badly.
"It will be paid in full by 5pm,see you tomorrow at 9am" I reply abruptly and hang up.
Mia pulls tank out from under the bed but there's something in his mouth..."raf...Lewis? this what I think it is?" Mia says wide eyed as she holds up a chewed up wire with something on it... "he put one in MY room!? That fucker!" Lewis mutters angrily " where's safe in the house" I growl, pissed off that donny has every inch of the house bugged or covered with hidden cameras.
"Mia, Lewis, come with me" I say sternly, Mia picks up tank and I lead us downstairs, we head outside and into the gardens, hopefully it's free from donnys surveillance out here "it's not safe here, Everyone needs to pack a bag we're leaving in an hour" I begin quietly so only they can hear me "Lewis message ricky Alex and Justin and tell them we're leaving, tell them about the move tomorrow but we're not bringing anything from the house, it's too risky with all the concealed cameras and bugs" I continue as Mia looks at me with worry "where are we going to go?" She asks barely above a whisper as I wrap my arm around her kissing her forehead, she's tense. "I was thinking a hotel for tonight but I think that's too risky, I have another idea tho" I reply lowly as I pull my phone out my pocket, I find the contact I want and press call, it starts to ring...
"Rafael to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?, is everything alright?" His Russian accented voice answers
"I was wondering if you would mind some guests for tonight? we just found surveillance devices hidden all over my whole property, it's not safe here, we need somewhere safe till we move location tomorrow" I answer lowly as I look to mia, she's clinging on to tank who's licking her face whimpering, this stress isn't good for her or the baby.
"Of course Rafael Your all welcome here I'll have your rooms prepared for your arrival" Sergei reply's sincerely "thank you Sergei, we will be there in the next few hours" I reply and hang up.
We head back inside in silence and each pack a bag quickly, checking everything we pack for trackers bugs cameras, you name it we check for it, we can't take any risks. Mia finishes packing things for tank as I transfer the money for the new property over. When she's finished we head downstairs.
We all meet silently outside and get into our cars, Mia gets into the back of Justin's suv with me and curls up next to me with tank beside her, she snuggles under my arm as we pull away from the house and make our way to Sergei's.

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