Chapter 9

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Mias PoV
What the hell?? Why did he leave so quickly? Did I do something wrong?.
What does he mean by I'm going to work with Justin tomorrow? Is Justin giving me a ride to the bar? And what about my sister where is she and how did he find out about her? I'm starting to get impatient, that's it he said he would give me answers and I need answers, Now, I want to know why he helped me and brought me here. I really appreciate it but why did he do it? And How?. Also I kinda want to see him, I don't know why, but I feel safe around raf, that's something I haven't felt with anyone for years.
I quickly dry myself off and towel dry my hair, I slip on my underwear, leggings and tank top and brush my still damp hair putting it up in a pony tail. I tidy up my clothes and wet towel putting them in the hamper in the bathroom. I wander across my room then open the door, I walk over to rafs bedroom door in the dimly lit hallway and knock. Nothing. I knock again.... still nothing. "Raf? You in there?" I quietly call out trying not to be too loud, it's late and I have no idea if everyone's asleep. I knock as I turn the door knob to rafs bedroom, it's not locked, so I open the door, wow he has a really nice room!

 I knock as I turn the door knob to rafs bedroom, it's not locked, so I open the door, wow he has a really nice room!

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I step into his bedroom, "raf! You in here?" I whisper shout, where is he?.
I walk further into the room and suddenly hear a soft moan and running water, is he ok?.
I silently walk towards where the sound of running waters coming from, "fuck..... Mia" I hear raf moaning, shit did he slip in the shower or something! Is he hurt! I quickly head into his bathroom about to open my mouth to ask him if he's ok but my mouth just hangs open and no sound comes out when I see him, well when I see what he's doing actually.

 Mia" I hear raf moaning, shit did he slip in the shower or something! Is he hurt! I quickly head into his bathroom about to open my mouth to ask him if he's ok but my mouth just hangs open and no sound comes out when I see him, well when I see wh...

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"Mia...." he moans as he stokes himself in the shower, holy fuck! I just walked in on raf jerking himself off in the shower.... why's he moaning my name? Not that I actually mind it come to think about it! He moans again and I'm glued to the spot, I can't move, I can't even look away, I just watch as he increases the speed of his strokes as he pants and moans over the sound of the running water, oh my....that's his dick!... it's huge!! I involuntarily squeeze my thighs together, I'm so turned on right now. His muscles flex and glisten as the water washes over him, the noises he's making... my god!....the sudden ache between my legs is unbearable, I've never felt this kind of arousal panties are now soaked! He groans loudly as he finds his release into his hand, he moves under the water and rinses himself off. Shit I need to get out of here before he realises I'm in here!, but as I see him turn around completely to face me, our eyes meet.

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