Chapter 22

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Warning contains sexual content
Rafs pov
I get us back to the house and even tho I don't want Mia out of my sight, I leave her with Justin in the games room while I talk to the decorators and interior designer, Mia doesn't need to see the rage filled remodelling job I did on my office while she was missing.
The annoying and overly flirty woman that's in charge of the interior design said the office couldn't be cleared and finished in two days, but another twenty thousand on top of what I was paying her seemed to change her mind.
After explaining I'm already in a relationship... several times....and almost having to push the woman out of my house to get rid of her I quickly head upstairs to call Lewis about the suspicious minivan at the hospital.
I head into my bedroom and close the door, I dial Lewis.
"Hey boss what's up" Lewis answers as I hear him typing away in the background as always.
"Lewis I need you to hack into the hospital cctv system and the city traffic cameras, two hours ago there was a blacked out mini van outside the hospital that was taking pictures of us, I want to know who the vehicles registered to and where that vehicle sped off to" I order him calmly as I grab my laptop and open it up on the bed.
"On it boss give me a minute" Lewis responds as his typing becomes loud and frantic.
"How are donny and Mia doing?" Lewis asks casually as he works, this kinda work is child's play for him. "Donny will be out of the hospital by Christmas and mias ok, I'm thinking about asking her to marry me" I respond nonchalantly but smile to myself as I think about Mia.
"Wow boss that's great news! a big step tho Are you sure? great news about donny too by the way" Lewis says in surprise.
"Never been more sure about anything in my life" I breathe out as my smile widens.
"Ok got it boss, have you got your laptop with you? I can connect remotely to your laptop so you can see what I'm seeing on the cctv footage" Lewis reply's typing away.
"It's ready, show me" I respond as my laptop starts loading up different screens without me touching anything.
"Replaying the footage now boss" Lewis says as I watch the cctv footage pull up on the laptop and start to play.
The people carrier pulls up just after we get out of the suv and head inside the hospital. A guy wearing a baseball cap, aviator sunglasses and a scarf around his neck covering his face gets out of the car and runs across the street to my suv, he reaches under the rear wheel arch like he's feeling around for something then quickly heads back to the people carrier.
"Lewis replay that part of the cctv" I order as I squint at the screen watching it again. What was he looking for on my suv, or what was he doing to my suv I think is a better question.
The cctv carry's on playing and about fifteen minutes later I see the window on the completely blacked out people carrier roll down slightly, and a camera lense stick out of it towards the hospital entrance.
I see Mia and myself appear from the hospital entrance and walk towards the suv, mias looking around but she seems to realise somethings off as she looks at the blacked out windows on the people carrier, she alerts me pointing at the car and it speeds off quickly.
"Pulling up the city traffic cctv footage now boss" Lewis states over the phone and my laptop screen changes and the hospital cctv is replaced with the traffic camera footage. "Follow the vehicle, I want to know where he's headed" I calmly instruct Lewis as I watch the images on the screen, the footage changes as Lewis flicks from camera footage to camera footage, following the vehicle.
The people carrier pulls into a street, a very familiar street then pulls up to a very familiar house.
"Boss... isn't that..." Lewis begins in worry.
"It is" I reply dryly
"It's mias old house, Dougs house" I growl out as I start to get angry, he's having us followed and monitoring Mia.
"Lewis stay on the line, I'm heading outside to the suv, I have a feeling about something" I say with urgency as I run out of my bedroom, down the stairs, and outside to the car. I go to the rear wheel arch the guy was feeling around in and reach in myself. I feel around for anything suspicious, I check the entire arch but I don't find anything, but just as I'm about to pull my hand out I feel something, it's stuck. "Stay on the line" I say to Lewis down the phone as I put it down on the ground. I pull my keys out of my pocket and use a key to try and pry whatever it is off the inside of my wheel arch. It finally comes unstuck. Oh shit.... my feeling was right.

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