Chapter 10

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Rafs pov
I didn't want to tell her about her mother, but Its not my place to keep it from her. it was like someone was squeezing my heart when she broke down crying, I hated seeing her so distraught, she's already been through so much, more than we probably know. She had a right to know about her mother, she deserves to know, although I did feel fucking awful when I saw the sorrow and pain in her eyes. She finally passed out from exhaustion, she cried so much my shirts soaked through. Im just laying here watching her sleep, she's so beautiful, I could watch her all night. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, who the fucks calling me this late?! It's like 3am! I gently unwrap my arms from around Mia trying not to wake her and slide off the bed, covering her up with a blanket so she doesn't get cold, I head out into the hallway and answer my phone, this better be fucking important!.
"What" I snap rudely, "boss, I'm sorry to wake you but Theres something you urgently need to know about!" A worried voice states, Lewis, the guy I had dig into everything about mias family. "What is it Lewis" I sigh running a hand through my hair while leaning against the wall, I'm tired and I'm sure this could of waited till the morning. "Boss I've been informed that mias father has just been spotted leaving Nikolai velkovs office over at his casino" he says in a concerned tone. What?! What the hell was he doing there? This isn't good! "Fuck" I breathe out in response "that's not all boss it gets worse....." Lewis says quietly, "how the fuck can it get worse than Nikolai!? He's an ex contract killer for the Russian mafia for fucks sake!" I whisper shout down the phone. "boss he was leaving Nikolai's office with Levi baranov" he utters barely above a whisper. "BARANOV!!??......FUCK!" I shout angrily, Levi baranov is another contract killer, a very mentally ill contract killer, a paranoid, delusional, schizophrenic, he can't be bargained with, he can't be reasoned with, he's ruthless, he's the stuff nightmares are made of. He was banished from the Russian mafia, he's burnt down hospitals full of people in Russia after blocking the exits, he brutally killed his brother skinning him alive for being with the woman levi was obsessed with for years, she eventually killer herself to escape him, hell he walked out of a police station after killing everyone in the building when he was arrested for the hospital fires, Levi is one of the most notorious and dangerous people out there. "Boss I also found some stuff about Mia, I managed to hack into her fathers computer at his house, it wasn't easy.....she's in a lot of danger boss" Lewis says breaking me out my thoughts. "Any idea why he was there to see Nikolai?" I growl. "Not yet boss, I've got someone on the inside with Nikolai working on it tho" Lewis answers as I hear him frantically typing away on his keyboard.
"Start from the beginning I want to know everything, get a tail put on her father I want to know about his every move, everyone he speaks to and anyone he meets with, I want his house bugged, his office, even his fucking car!" I grit out as I head towards my office, this is bad, really bad.

Mias PoV
"Mia, wake up" I hear a voice whispering in my ear. "Mia.....hey! Wake your fine ass up!" The voice whispers again. I feel someone poking me, then they pull the cover off me "wake up future wife!......Oh and don't tell raf I said that!" The voice quietly coos at me. Donny, I know it's him. I slowly open my eyes "heeeey sleepy head!" He beams only an inch away from my face, "what is it donny, what's the time" I groan groggily, he jumps on the bed next to me "it's 7am and you need to get your sexy ass up, WE are going shopping!" He happily exclaims while patting my butt. "Shopping? What about Justin, raf said im going with him this morning" I mumble tiredly. "Oh don't worry about that, your coming with me today, no excuses, now get up!" He smiles while bouncing around on the bed. "Donny look, I had a rough night last night and I found some things out that I need to process ok, plus I don't have any money" i say quietly, remembering what raf and I had talked about last night. "Nope, mope later, shopping now" he exclaims, 'DONK' "AH DONNY!!!" I shout from down on the floor, he pushed me off the bed!!!! His head pops over the side with a stupid grin on his face "oh good your out of bed, at last! quick go shower chop chop! Oh and leave the door open so I can watch" he beams at me "donny that hurt! Get out your not watching me shower!" I growl at him.  "Oooo someones not a morning person!.....your no fun Mia, fine, you have 20 minutes hurry up sexy pants" he says as he jumps off my bed and leaves my room. I drag myself to the bathroom and get myself ready for the day starting with brushing my teeth. When I'm finished and dressed donny comes barging in again and drags me out my room, downstairs and out to the black suv. "Do you want to get breakfast on the way?" He smiles "sure" I yawn back in response, I'm so tired, I really don't want to go shopping, my minds still all over the place about my mom.
"Ooooo how about here? They do the BEST waffles" Donny says pulling into a parking lot and breaking me out of my daze.
We eat breakfast then donny takes us shopping, shop after shop, after shop, after shop.....I lost count of how many shops we've been to this morning.
"Are you going to answer that?" I huff as his phone starts ringing AGAIN! "Fine.... wait here" he sighs as he presses answer and walks away from me. I look over at the huge pile of bags filled with clothes and shoes that personal shoppers helped me pick out in the numerous stores we visited, why donny bought virtually everything I tried on I don't know. "Your card miss" the cashier smiles as she passes me donnys black credit card, i take the card but I notice something....wait.....this isn't donnys card... it's Rafaels! I whip my head in his direction and narrow my eyes at donny crossing my arms over my chest, he glances over at me and looks worried, yeah your in trouble mr! He hangs up his phone and quickly makes his way over to me. " I thought you said YOU were paying for all this?" I ask gesturing to all the bags, he eyes me cautiously, I hold up the credit card "why's rafs name on the card donny?" I ask squinting my eyes at him. "Oops must of forgotten to give it back" he shrugs innocently, "anyways.... we need to go, now, like right now" donny says as he quickly gathers up all the bags. He grabs my arm and pulls me outside to the suv with him, he quickly puts all the bags in the back while looking around constantly, what's going on with him. He quickly helps me into the suv and gets in the drivers seat. "Shit....not now!" he says quietly under his breath, he starts the car and quickly takes off down the road. We approach a crossroads but he runs the red light "donny! You just ran a red light!" I shout pointing behind us, but he ignores me and speeds up, he's weaving through the traffic constantly looking in his mirrors, "Donny? What's going on, your scaring me is something wrong?" I ask, my voice trembling  "hold on mia" he says then he floors it as soon as we're on the highway, he pushes the car hard the Speedo reaching over 100 rapidly, he's weaving in and out of all the cars on the highway still looking in his mirrors, he darts the car in front of two huge lorry's, the lorry's honk at us as we slow down in front of them, what the hells he doing? "Hold on!" He shouts to me then he suddenly turns the wheel sharply, we come off the freeway down a gravel embankment, Donny guides the suv down it then makes a hard turn into a big storm drain tunnel and stops the suv. "What the hell donny what's going on!" I shout at him, he reaches across into the glove box and takes a gun out of it, what the hell? "Be quiet and stay here babe ok" he says quietly, he gets out the suv with the gun and closes the door. I watch him walk around the back of the car and disappear, where did he go!?
I wait silently, I'm scared and shaking, I don't know what's going on but for donny to have a gun it must be something bad. "AH!" I scream as the drivers door opens "shhhh Mia it's ok it's only me, it's ok" donny coos trying to calm me down. "It's ok, I'm going to take us home now ok?" I nod frantically trying to calm my breathing, as donny reverses the car out the tunnel, I wish raf was here right now.
Donny eventually gets us back to the house, but when we pull up I notice there's people everywhere, men in suits and some with.... are those machine guns??? Donny helps me out the suv and escorts me inside the house.
"What's going on donny!?" I ask him quietly as we make our way upstairs.
"We're about to find out mia" he reply's as he guides me towards rafs office.
Donny knocks then opens the door pulling me into the office with him. Suddenly donnys being grabbed and thrown against a wall.
"YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!!" Raf roars at him, holding him up against the wall by his throat "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DANGER YOU JUST PUT HER IN??!!!!" Raf screams in donnys face "Raf.....I-i Didn't......know" donny chokes out, rafs hand still tightly around his throat  "IF YOU EVER TAKE HER WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AGAIN!! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" Raf roars tightening his grip on donnys throat, Donny who's now going a shade of purple from lack of oxygen. "RAF STOP!!!....PLEASE!" I shout, scared he will actually kill donny right now. Raf lets go of donny dropping him to the floor, Donny clutches his throat gasping for air as raf walks quickly towards me. "Mia are you ok?" He asks as he holds me at arms length looking me over for any sign I'm hurt, "I'm fine, but what's going on raf?" I ask him as he takes my hand and pulls me behind his desk and to his chair, he sits down and pulls me onto his lap wrapping his strong arms around me, he nuzzles his face into my neck and takes a deep breath. "Ok someone please tell me, what the hell is going on?" I ask loudly as I relax into raf, I feel much safer now I'm with him but I want to know what the hells going on! Raf sighs then looks over to donny "get Lewis and the others in here, now" his deep voice commands.
Ten minutes later and Justin, Alex, Ricky, Donny and a guy that I think is Lewis are all gathered in rafs office.
"Listen up" raf begins, "I've brought in armed guards and increased our security here at the house. Someone will be with Mia at all times and NO ONE.... to take her anywhere without my permission, that goes for all of you, understood? They were followed earlier by a vehicle with no license plates, luckily donny lost them" Wait what? That's why donny was driving like a maniac? "Lewis bring everyone up to speed" raf says while tightening his arms around me protectively. "Well last night mias father was spotted leaving Nikolai velkovs office" Lewis begins while typing away furiously on his laptop, the guys all look at each other with wary expressions, "from what my insider In Nikolai's circle has told me he was there to ask Nikolai for help" he says glancing over his laptop at me. "But that's not the worst part" he continues "mias father has managed to get Nikolai AND Levi baranov on his side to help him" Lewis states, I watch Justin, Alex, Donny and ricky all go wide eyed and start cursing under their breath, why do they look so worried? It's making me feel uneasy. "Why did he go to them for help Lewis?" Donny asks cautiously. Lewis looks over to me, then the guys all look at me. "What?" I ask warily, what did I do? "He wants their help to get Mia back" Lewis says solemnly. "Why does he want her back so badly, I don't get it? He hates her, He treated her like shit! Now he's going to the two most notorious criminals in New York wanting their help in getting her back?" Donny asks confused. Lewis looks at me then looks at raf,

Lewis ^^raf nods like he's giving Lewis permission to continue "Mia, there's a lot you don't know, your mother had a very secret, very substantial amount of investments to her name, In her will she left you her half of her company and all of her a...

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Lewis ^^
raf nods like he's giving Lewis permission to continue "Mia, there's a lot you don't know, your mother had a very secret, very substantial amount of investments to her name, In her will she left you her half of her company and all of her assets, that includes her investments " lewis pauses and starts typing again "when your mother died those investments amounted to around fifty million, now all these years on" lewis continues as he stands up and walks over to the desk with his laptop "they are worth over two hundred million" he states as he puts the laptop down and turns it to face raf and I. "On your 21st birthday your mothers will comes into effect and you inherit not just your mothers half of the company, but also all of her investments" Lewis finishes bringing my mothers will onto the laptop screen. I think I'm going to pass out, I only knew about the company being left to me, but this?.
" with some difficulty I hacked into your fathers personal computer, what I found is of great concern, he has already drawn up the paperwork needed for Mia to sign over her half of the company to him on her 21st birthday, but what's more worrying now he's got Nikolai Involved is what I found in an email to Nikolai this morning, mias new will amongst other things" Lewis says turning his laptop back round to face him. "But i don't have a will?" I state quietly. "Well it seems you do now mia, it's been signed and registered this morning, your fathers plotting something far worse than just getting you back" Lewis finishes with a concerned look on his face.

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