Chapter 30

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Rafs pov
I'm dragged out of the house, gunshots ringing out in every direction, "GET US OUT OF HERE!!!" Jenna shouts as the fuckers drag me kicking and fighting into the back of a car, tearing my shirt off as I struggle in the process, I kick one of the assholes in the face and elbow another to the jaw but I'm soon having my hands and feet tied up and I'm forced into the middle seat between two of the huge fuckers.
"It's ok baby I'll get us out of here!" Jenna coos at me sickeningly from in the front seat as the car quickly speeds off "how about you fuck off and go and leave me here! I'd rather get shot than go with you!" I growl sarcastically at her, she turns back round angrily "YOUR MINE RAFAEL!" She screams like a mad woman deafening all of us in the car "your mine! cooperate or I'll make the call to end the pathetic whores life!!!" She growls angrily at me. "I'm not yours, I've never been yours....and I never will be! You tried to kill my child!!!" I shout at her as I try to hook my tied up hands over her head and round her neck in the front seat to strangle the bitch, making the driver swerve the car, the two assholes next to me stop me, restraining me "calm him down!" Jenna shouts and suddenly I feel a prick in my arm as I struggle against the fuckers in the back head butting one in the face, oh shit.... my vision starts to swim and my body feels like a lead weight......I feel I'm seriously...drunk? "It's to calm you down! Try anything like that again and the sluts dead! You hear me???" She seethes as the fuckers beside me move my slumped body back into my seat.
"Your mine Rafael, and there's nothing you can do about it!" Jenna growls as the car hurtles down the road. "I didn't TRY to kill it, I DID kill it!" She smiles evilly at me, I start to laugh "you tried, and I'll kill you for that....but you didn't... you underestimated my wife" I laugh as her face falls to one of pure anger... "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" Jenna shouts angrily, I dig my tied up hands into my pocket and throw the pills in jennas face laughing as I slump back against the seat, the drugs making my vision blurry...."NOOO!" She squeals as she picks up the pills...  she grabs her phone from Her bag and presses call... "big her and that baby are going to die!" She grits out angrily..... Oh FUCK what have I done!...... her disgusting smile falls when the person she's calling doesn't answer....... "WHY ISNT HE ANSWERING!" Jenna shrieks in annoyance....
After a while of Jenna having melt downs and constantly making calls with no answer to any of them I can feel the drugs start to wear off...I watch as the driver starts looking in his mirrors constantly.... checking behind us...
"Miss Jenna....there's a black car coming up really fast behind us!" He says worriedly as he speeds up the car. "Who is it!" Jenna questions angrily, turning round in her seat and looking through the back window "I don't know miss! But it's not one of ours!" The driver reply's nervously. I manage to move my body around enough so I can crane my neck to see out the back window, I see the black car weaving in and out the other cars on the road at a crazy speed! Who Evers driving is either crazy or fearless! Holy shit It's Gaining on us seriously fast! way...I know that's a black bmw m4..... it's mias car!

"Who the fuck is that!! Speed up they're gaining on us!!!" Jenna shrieks as mias bmw rapidly comes up behind us

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"Who the fuck is that!! Speed up they're gaining on us!!!" Jenna shrieks as mias bmw rapidly comes up behind us.... her cars almost touching our bumper!....what the fuck!? Mias fucking driving? Where the hell did she learn to drive like that!! I can see it's her through her windscreen her cars so close to the back of ours, fuck she's amazing! I love this woman! Good Alex and Justin are with her. I grin at her out the back window "That would be my wife" I say proudly as I smile at mia. "THAT BITCH!!!....SHES NOT YOUR WIFE!!! IM GOING TO BE YOUR FUCKING WIFE!!!!" Jenna screams hysterically "THAT BITCH IS DEAD!!!" Jenna screams as she pulls out a gun from her bag. "SHOOT HER!!! I WANT THAT WHORE DEAD!!!" Jenna continues screaming like the psycho fucking brat she is.
Both the fuckers in the back seat roll down the windows and pull out glocks... shit....they start shooting at mias car.....Mia weaves her car trying to avoid the bullets hitting the car or blowing out her tyres......that's my girl... "FUCKING SHOOT HER!!" Jenna shouts as she joins in shooting at mias car... a few bullets hit her car but don't go through.... "miss the bullets aren't going through! The cars bulletproof!" One of the Assholes next to me shouts out making me smile  "WHAT!! JUST KILL HER!!!" Jenna shrieks firing madly at mias car, Mia suddenly swings in behind our car almost riding our bumper and mouths something to me....... "GET DOWN! HOLD ON!" She mouths to me a few times so I get it, I nod at her once that I understand and she swings her car back out from right behind us as she puts her foot down, her car roars past us at incredible speed as they continue to shoot at her ...ok now I want an m4.....and now mia will understand why I like our cars to be bulletproof!
"What's the bitch doing???" Jenna squeals in confusion.....suddenly I see mias and Justin's windows roll down as Mia slows down and pulls her car in front of ours....Justin leans out his window and Alex's gun appears out of mias window.... shit!!.... I duck down quickly and then bullets start flying at our car... "our cars not bulletproof!!" The fucker sat to my right shouts ducking down as bullets rain down on the car, suddenly the car swerves and  jennas screaming in the front seat making me glance up, the divers been shot dead in the chest through the windscreen and is now slumped against the steering wheel making the car slow and weave across the road......... "SHIT!!!!" Jenna shouts as she try's to grab the wheel but the divers body slouched against it stops her from steering the car "FUCK WE'RE GOING TO CRASH!!!" Jenna screams as the car suddenly jerks bouncing off the side of the barrier ..... I duck down and grab hold of the seat infront as the car swerves and hits the central barrier, the cars thrown up onto two wheels then flips over, the windows explode all over me as the car lands on its roof, the deafening sound of metal scraping and crunching as the car slides across the road on its roof as it gradually slows down to a stop...fucking hell!....
"RAFFFFF!!!" I hear Mia scream in the distance.....I look up through the smashed windscreen to see her car stopped and she's running towards us with Justin and Alex.... Alex and Justin shout at her to wait ones moving in the car, jennas hanging there upside down in her seat belt and the two fuckers in the back seats are out cold...all be it ones definitely got a broken neck and most likely dead, no one could survive their neck being at that angle!
I hear a gun shot either side of me, Alex and Justin just made sure the guards in the back are dead. "Boss!! Crawl out here!" Justin calls out as I start to drag myself through the broken glass towards the windscreen.
I crawl out through the windscreen just as the sky above opens and rain begins to pour down from the sky, Alex helps pull me the rest of the way out as Justin cuts the ties on my hands and legs freeing them, they help me stand up "shit my leg!" I hiss out as I try to put weight on my left leg, "RAF!" Mia shouts as she runs towards me, "baby!" I say in relief as she jumps into my arms "ah shit" I hiss as Mia quickly lets go of me jumping down "are you hurt!? Do you need a hospital!?" She asks me worriedly as she looks me over for injuries, the rain soaking her through, she looks up at me with her beautiful eyes, raindrops falling on her beautiful face...I grab her face in my hands and smash our lips together in a desperate kiss as I pull her to me, fuck I love her so much!
A gunshot rings out from behind us followed by a cry of pain,  I see Alex fall to the floor holding his leg......
"HES MINE GET OFF HIM!" I hear the psychos voice scream out from behind us...Jenna. "If you fucking move I'll blow their brains out!" Jenna snarls viciously at Justin as she points her gun and me and Mia, "drop it!" She shouts and I nod to Justin pulling Mia out of sight behind me as I turn around to face the bitch, Justin puts his gun down slowly as Jenna walks over to us, the rain washing the blood from the cuts on her forehead down her face, she looks pure evil right now. She hits me in the face with her gun and jams her gun under my chin forcing me back.... "NOOO!!" I shout as she suddenly grabs Mia round her neck pulling Mia towards her and putting the gun to her head "you ruined everything you you and that mistake your carrying are going to die!" Jenna growls angrily as she presses the gun firmly against mias head. "let....her ....GO!" I growl loudly as I step towards Jenna "DONT you dare get any closer....or ill blow her fucking HEAD OFF!!" Jenna shouts as she pushes the gun harder against mias head making her wince. "It's all her fault!!  If it wasn't for her WE would still be together! I fucking love you! Why couldn't you just love me back! I will have you Rafael if it's the last thing I do!" Jenna seethes at me. "ARE YOU THAT STUPID??? WHY DONT YOU GET IT JENNA!!!  I DONT LOVE YOU! I LOVE MIA! I COULD NEVER LOVE YOU! YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ME! I BELONG TO MIA! MY HEART AND SOUL BELONG TO HER AND ONLY HER!" I scream at Jenna as she blinks rapidly, blinking back the tears forming in her eyes... "Your as crazy as two deserve each other!" I shout spitefully at Jenna who looks hurt and on the verge of crying, her hand shaking as she holds the gun to mias head. I spot mias hand slowly move under the bottom of her shirt into her waistband, what's she doing.... "if I can't have you...then she can't either!" Jenna seethes with tears falling from her eyes as she turns her gun on me.. as long as it's not pointed at Mia I don't care... "NO!!" Mia screams as her hand flys out from under her shirt as she turns around to face Jenna, Mia thrusts something against Jennas stomach as she tackles her to the ground, trying to wrestle jennas gun off her... bang!...jennas gun goes off as Mia suddenly jolts forward and slumps over onto Jenna "MIA NOOOOOOO!!!" I scream as me and Justin pull Mia off Jenna, i pull Mia against me as she hisses pain, I feel warm liquid on my hand as I touch her hands covered in blood... "BABY! No no no please!" I begin to frantically panic as I hold her in my arms "JUSTIN! CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" I scream out in panic at him "where were you shot baby?!" I cry out at her, her eyes look into mine... "You look amazing wet from this angle" she smiles lovingly at me

This makes me chuckle as tears fall from my eyes, i pull her wet body against me as I kiss her forehead

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This makes me chuckle as tears fall from my eyes, i pull her wet body against me as I kiss her forehead.
"I love you....ow my arm.....did I kill her?" Mia says quietly to me, I look over to Jenna, who's not moving, her eyes still wide open as the rain pours over her lifeless looking body , she's got a screwdriver sticking out her neck and blood leaking out of a stab wound on her stomach... jennas dead... holy fuck...I look back at mia wide eyed and nod slowly at her "she's dead but that doesn't matter baby please I need to help you where were you shot!?" I ask her frantically, I can't loose her! I can't loose them both! Her and our baby! "Good...that was for trying to kill our baby bitch" Mia says loudly.....fuck I love this woman "raf stop crying...she fired the gun next to my arm, I think it grazed me" she chuckles quietly, wincing in pain. I wipe away my tears in relief as I rip open her black shirt sleeve to look at her arm, she's right it's just a flesh wound "don't you ever do that again, ever! Do you know how scared I was! I thought you had been shot!" I laugh happily as I wipe my eyes, she's ok, thank fuck she's ok! I can hear sirens quickly approaching In the distance. I look around,  there are people stopped along the road staring at the scene, a crashed car, 3 dead people and Alex who's being helped up by Justin with Justin's shirt wrapped round his leg, how we made it out of this alive I don't know but I breathe a grateful sigh of relief we did. "You ok to move baby? We have to go" I say quietly to mia, we have to go before the police arrive. She nods and I help her up, shit my leg hurts!, we lean on each other as we head over to mias car, Justin helps Alex into the back and climbs in with him, "baby I'll drive your hurt" I tell mia but she raises an eyebrow at me, "it's a graze raf I'm ok, your legs badly hurt you won't be able to use the clutch, I'll drive" she smiles as she helps me limp round to the passenger side, I climb in as she walks back round and hops into the drivers side starting the car, she takes off down the road as the flashing lights and sirens reach the scene behind us. I look over at mia as she focuses on the road ahead, she looks so beautiful, not only did she come after me but she saved my life by stopping Jenna from shooting me, she saved our baby's life with her quick thinking and throwing up the pills...I reach my hand across and rest it on her stomach, over our baby, she glances over at me smiling and rests her hand over mine, "you sure you still want to marry me?" I ask her smiling as a grin forms on her face, "it will take more than today to change my mind" she reply's making me laugh
Cough, cough
Justin coughs from the back seat to get our attention as he holds his hand out between us, "I think this is yours Mia?" He grins as he turns his hand over and opens it...her ring....he's holding her ring! "How did you.." Mia begins to ask glancing at it but Justin cuts her off "I took it off the bitches finger when I helped raf get you off killed the bitch with only a screwdriver...I'm impressed!" Justin laughs as Mia shakes her head. "She deserved it after trying to kill our baby" Mia growls tightening her grip on the steering wheel as she drives us home, Justin looks to me frowning, "Donny and Jenna held mia down and forced some pills down her throat so she would loose our baby" I explain angrily "mias quick thinking saved the baby, she made herself sick throwing up the pills before they even started to dissolve" I smile as I look at my hand over her stomach. "Fuck!...quick thinking Mia, the bitch had it coming with that screwdriver then" Justin smiles as he sits back in his seat after handing me mias ring. "May I?" I smile at her as she glances over at me, I take her hand and slip the ring back on kissing it. "Let's go home" Mia smiles as she puts her foot down.
"How are you holding up Alex?" I call out behind me
"Just tell dr white to be there when we arrive" Alex groans from the back seat
"What are we going to do about Donny? Did Sergei get him?" Alex asks me angrily.
"I'll call Sergei when we get back to the house, Justin call dr white, tell him to meet us at the house" I reply quietly as I sit back in my seat just watching Mia as she drives, my thumb stroking her stomach as I rest my hand protectively over our baby.
"By the way baby, where did you learn to drive like that?....I'm thinking about getting an m4 now" I chuckle as Justin and Alex start to laugh in the back "well you have lewis to thank for that, he took me out a lot while you were busy the last few weeks, he also worked his magic on the car" Mia smirks at me, "I'll definitely be having words with him" I chuckle "show me what it can do baby" I grin as Mia smiles widely and puts her foot down.

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