Chapter 18

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Mias PoV
Warning sexual content
"This doesn't add up, why doesn't this add up" I mumble to myself as I sift through the piles of paperwork on the desk in front of me, looking for anything I've missed.
For the last few days I've been busy helping raf by doing all the paperwork for his club, apparently I'm good at it, raf was impressed I knew how to do accounting, id been helping George with the accounts at the bar for the last year when the restaurant was quiet. Speaking of the bar I wonder what happened to frank after the parking lot? Did raf have him arrested?, I'll ask him about it later.
"Hey Mia, raf said you wanted these, I brought you up a coffee too" Alex says walking into rafs office, he places the two big folders down on the desk I'd asked for from the club and sets the coffee down in front of me.
"Thanks Alex, oh... could you ask raf to come and see me when he's got a minute? I've found something that doesn't seem right and I need his help to figure it out" I reply as I grab the folders and open them. Alex stands there smiling at me, "what?" I ask glancing up at him, "nothing, you just really fit in here Mia, I'm glad your here, plus rafs actually half decent to work for now he's not a moody bastard all the time" Alex laughs as he heads back out of the office. "Cute outfit today by the way mia! Much better than those sweat pants you kept wearing!" Alex laughs out from the hallway "gee thanks!" I call back giggling.

Mias outfit^^^Both raf and I have been busy these last few days, me with the mountains of club paperwork and accounts and raf with

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Mias outfit^^^
Both raf and I have been busy these last few days, me with the mountains of club paperwork and accounts and raf with...well whatever he's busy with, which I'm guessing is a lot seeing as he's exhausted every day. He's never too tired for me tho, every night we shower then curl up in bed together talking for a while till we fall asleep together, he makes me feel so loved and wanted every day, I really love him for it. I've moved into rafs room with him, Lewis couldn't get an ID on the figure at my window from the cctv footage, even with all his hi tech facial recognition stuff he uses, whoever it was covered their face well, so rafs decided I need a personal guard with me at all times when he's not with me, I don't mind the guard he's good company, well sort of, his names Taras he's Russian, he's a huge giant of a man but he has a great sense of humour, he makes fun of donny as much as I do!

 I've moved into rafs room with him, Lewis couldn't get an ID on the figure at my window from the cctv footage, even with all his hi tech facial recognition stuff he uses, whoever it was covered their face well, so rafs decided I need a personal g...

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Taras ^^^
"Alex want to fuck you, I can tell by way he look at you, Rafael would gut him like fish if he try" a thick deep Russian accent rumbles out from a chair in the corner of the office as he watches a video on his phone. "O...k, Thank you for that taras, I think" I reply rolling my eyes at him, taras is almost as overprotective as raf is of me, almost, "you are welcome, you are bosses woman, Only boss can fuck you" taras reply's still engrossed in his video. My no filter body guard taras everyone. (Rolls eyes)
"Hey baby" rafs says tiredly as he enters his office taking off his jacket, he's been so busy the last few days, he looks exhausted, hot as always but exhausted.

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