Chapter 6

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Mias pov
I feel around under my pillow for my vibrating phone alarm, I shut it off and slowly sit up in my pile of blankets rubbing my eyes, for the first night in ages I actually slept pretty well with barely any nightmares.
I drag my protesting body out of bed, go to the bathroom to do my business then brush my teeth and wash my face. I get dressed in my black skinny jeans, a white button up v neck top, my black pumps, and a black hoody for warmth. I brush my hair and put my mascara and blush on then grab all my dirty laundry and put on to wash. I make my bed and tidy my room quickly, As I walk past my bed I see my phone screen flashing with two new messages, wow I'm popular today!

Kat: hey babe! It's snowing today! make sure you wrap up warm! X

Me: hey! Thanks for the heads up! See you at work x

Crap! Not snow. Great so I'll be cold and wet now, fantastic, hypothermia here I come.
I open the second message.

Raf: how are your ribs feeling? Did you ice them?
Raf x
I smile and roll my eyes at his message, if I was allowed upstairs to even get ice I would of done, but I'm not. I hate lying, Maybe if I just avoid the ice part.

Me: good morning! My ribs are much better thank you 🙂 how are you today?
Mia x

Hopefully I avoided that successfully and he doesn't ask about icing my ribs again.

Raf: I'm good thank you, just preparing the contract for you father to sign tonight. Don't avoid the question Mia, Your ribs, did you ice them?
Raf x

Damn it! Well I can't lie to save my life, might as well tell the truth. Crap is that the time!

Me: no I didn't ice them, they aren't too bad today tho 🙂 good luck with the contract, I've got to get to work. Have a good day raf 🙂
Mia x

I quickly hide my phone away in my backpack and make my way up the basement stairs, I quietly open the basement door to check no ones around, it's quiet I think it's safe, so I make my way to the front door.
"MIA!" My father shouts from the living room making me yelp in surprise and clutch my ribs painfully. "y-yes sir?" I stutter out, "be back here by 8pm tonight, your going to be the 'entertainment' for my guests tonight as promised, DONT FUCK THIS UP! Or god help you I will send ALL of my friends down to that basement when your sleeping" my father grits out at me in pure hatred. "Y-es sir" I quietly reply then slip out of the front door and hurry to work.
Kat was right it is snowing, and cold, so cold, it's taken me longer to get to work because of the snow but I'm almost there.
I finally get to work and I'm in so much pain from the cold.
"Hey mia how-.... oh my god mia where's your coat it's freezing outside! And your all wet!" Kat says worriedly as she rushes over to me, "Mia your lips are blue!! Your shaking! Come on I've got some dry clothes you can change into" she says softly as she rubs my arms and guides me into the back room with our lockers in. "T-t-th-thank-k y-y-you" I manage to get out to her through chattering teeth.
Kat rummages in her locker and hands me a white vest top, blue skinny jeans, a black cardigan, some socks, and a pair of black converse trainers, I love her so much! "You can keep this outfit" She smiles kindly.
I strip off my shoes and black skinny jeans and put the blue jeans socks and trainers on, I strip off my soaking wet hoodie and white top and hear Kat gasp behind me.
"Mia!..... your ribs..... what the hell happened!!!" She whisper shouts looking across my ribs, I look down and see the bruises are now black and purple across my stomach and ribs, oh no what do I tell her.
"It's nothing Kat I'm fine, honest" I say as I quickly put the vest top on and the warm cardigan, much better!
"That's not nothing mia! Who did that to you!" Kat demands grabbing both my arms, her panicked eyes searching mine.
"Kat I'm ok really, it's nothing, you know how clumsy I can be" I tell her as I turn around and tidy up my wet things hanging them up to dry, feeling guilty for lying to her.
"Mia if you need a safe place to go or anything you know I'm always here for you right? You can stay with me" she says as her eyes well up with tears, my poor friend.
"Hey no, don't cry, shhhhh, it's ok, I know you are but I'm ok, seriously I'm alright Kat" I say as I wrap her in a hug rubbing her back, but wincing in pain as I do.
"Come on we have customers waiting for us" I say as I hold her at arms length, she nods wiping her eyes and we make our way towards the bar. "By the way can you cover for me tonight for a couple hours? I've got to be home by 8" I ask her as we grab our pens and order pads from behind the bar. She raises her eyebrows in shock, I never leave early but she seems to consider it for a moment and then nods "of course I will mia" she says giving me a small smile. We both grab our order pads and head to the waiting customers at our tables.
It's 6pm and the bar is pretty busy but the restaurants quiet so I go and grab my dinner from the kitchen while Kat covers my tables, I take my chicken fillet burger and fries with side salad to a table in the restaurant and quietly sit down to eat, I'm so hungry.
I'm sitting here eating my fry's when a voice whispers in my ear startling me "hey baby girl" the male voice whispers in my ear, "AH!" I yelp turning round in my seat to see who it is "dammit donny! I'm putting a bell on you! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I say playfully, suddenly Donny, Alex, Justin, and Ricky are all sitting down at the table with me. "Hey future wife!" Ricky coos at me, "hey babe" Alex grins, "hey mia" Justin says, "miss us?" Donny grins at me making me laugh, ouch, it hurts to laugh. "I actually did miss you guys donny, but why are you all here? Where's raf?" I ask giggling as all the guys apart from Justin start wiggling their eyebrows at me like weirdos. "I'm right here sweetheart" rafs deep voice says as he approaches the table, wow he looks good.

"Oh Hey raf, what are you guys doing here?" I ask smiling at him as he grabs a chair and sits down at the now packed table

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"Oh Hey raf, what are you guys doing here?" I ask smiling at him as he grabs a chair and sits down at the now packed table. "Well we were in the area so we thought we would drop in for a few drinks, then give you a ride home for 8pm, your 'father' said you would be there to 'entertain' us" raf says clenching his jaw as he mentions my father. "that, and Donny wouldn't shut up about wanting to come here and see you all day" raf says rolling his eyes and glaring at donny. "Hey! I missed her ok? She keeps my lap warm" donny says as he lifts me off my chair and into his lap. I giggle and wince, raf growls loudly, quickly getting to his feet and leaning over the table. "DONT TOUCH HER!" Raf almost yells surprising all of us, including himself it seems, he looks around then sits back down in his chair "you'll hurt her ribs" raf mumbles but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Ok... ok.... easy Tarzan.... I'm putting Jane down, just don't kill me..... me.... friend" donny mocks as he helps me back into my chair. "Hey! Alex!? Those were my fries!" I laugh as Alex looks at me with a fry hanging out his mouth, shocked he's been caught. "It's fine, here" I slide the plate to him. "Thanks mia... owww" Alex says while shoving fry's into his mouth but raf slaps him on the back of his head "Alex don't eat mias food!" He growls while glaring daggers at Alex. "It's fine raf really I was finished anyway, I've got to get back to work, you guys want anything?" I ask but start giggling as Alex stuffs the rest of the plate of fry's and salad in his mouth groaning in satisfaction. "Some beers would be good, and 5 portions of fries if it's not too much trouble" raf smiles at me, oh my those eyes, he could ask me for a kidney and I couldn't say no!. "Sure thing, I'll be right back with your beers" I reply as I take the now empty plate from Alex.
I take the guys their beers and see to the customers at my tables and kats that just came in while she's on break. I grab the two trays full of fries from the kitchen and a portion of nachos I put together while the chef took a cigarette break and head back to the guys. "Nachos!!!!! Oh Mia I love you!!! That's it we're getting married for sure now" Donny beams when I put the nachos in the middle of the table and hand out their fries. "My gift to you guys... on the house" I smile while they all dig in.

"Hey Kat it's 7:30 I've got to get going, you going to be ok?" I call out to her behind the bar "I'm good you go! Bye Mia I'll text you later!"she replies grinning while looking at the guys all standing, or more like towering behind me, all of them are at least a foot taller than me, they are all seriously tall!
I grab my things and we head out to the suv in the snow covered parking lot. "Can mia sit on MY lap this time?" Donny asks raf hopefully, "no" raf replies gruffly, "ohhhhHh no fair" Donny whines, but as soon as raf gives him a look he accepts his fate in the back seat.
Raf slides in to the passengers seat and Justin into the drivers seat, raf lifts me gently like I weigh nothing onto his lap then closes the door.
I sit back against raf as we drive to the house, he's so comfortable, and warm, mmm he smells good. I shift slightly in his lap, somethings poking me, what the hell has he got in his pocket, I shift around trying to get comfortable again but raf groans behind me and puts his hands on my hips to stop me moving. "Don't wiggle like that mia, you will only make him harder" he whispers in my ear. Ohhh..... OH! I immediately sit still, making raf chuckle quietly behind me. We pull up to the house and raf let's me out first. "Head inside mia, we will be in in a minute" raf says so I head into the house. I quietly open the front door then quickly make my way to my room in the basement before anyone sees me.
I quickly brush my hair and make myself more presentable.
"MIA!" I hear a familiar angry voice shout from upstairs, "GET IN HERE!" He shouts.
I hurry up the old wooden stairs and open the door, all eyes land on me, some angry, some confused, one happy? Why does raf look so happy. "Yes sir?" I ask quietly.
"Go sit at the table, my friends here want you to join us for dinner, be sure to 'entertain' them if they tell you to" my father says to me in a bitter tone. I go to the dinning room I'm not allowed in and sit down in a spot I pray isn't taken. Footsteps file into the room... then the clacking of high heels, oh great, this should be interesting.

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