Chapter 14 👑

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December 13, 2016

Kano, Nigeria.

Khadijah Daihaah's POV.

My heart was beating erratically fast, my mind was hazy, and my breathing was getting harder every second. My vision blurred as my hand trembles. I know this familiar feeling; I am having a panic attack.

"Get your act together woman! This isn't the time for you to be having a panic attack" Aaliyah shouted, swatting my arm with her hand violently.

I would've rained all sorts of insult on her, but I couldn't. I have to figure out how to steady my breath. I could barely see anything other than Aaliyah running her hands in her hair exasperatedly.

She released a sigh "Ok Adda Kubrah, listen to me. Breath in and out, just do what I do ok?" she said holding my hand in hers.

Well this is a first, is she actually being nice to me?

I barely nodded; all I could do was try to breathe well. A couple of tries later, my consciousness slowly regained and I could see clearer now.

Another car appeared out of nowhere, literally and over took us. It parked in a way that we had to stop. Our car jerked forward, and while doing that my head hit the front seat, same as Aaliyah's.

The pain is excruciating, my head kept on pounding but even with that I managed to look up as I held my hand with both my hands as if it will ease the pain.

Three buff men all dressed in black came out of the car that was in front of us. Their faces were covered with black masks but their arms which had lots of tattoos were uncovered. Their eyes were red, so red that it scared me. I've never met anyone with that red shade of eyes before. Any movement they make, their muscles show out.

One of them yanked the car door where Aaliyah sat. Using the same force he grabbed her arm despite her loud whimpers and pleads, he didn't let her go.

"Shut up bitch!!" he yelled but she didn't keep shut.

"Please, please let go of me, please" she pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

My waterworks had already begun, so much that I barely had time to catch my breath. "Please!" I sobbed, "Let go of my sister" I pleaded merging my hands together.

Oga Samuel had already been dragged out by another man. His strength was no match to the man. But surprisingly, the person in the RV hasn't come out yet.

The man glared at me, so much that I felt as if the look is enough to kill. "If you don't shut that mouth of yours, I'll put a bullet right through this bitch's head!" he warned grabbing a fistful of her hair. This made her shout out of pain.

This was too much to take in; Oga Samuel is already being brutally beaten by the other man. He already has a black eye while my sister kept wailing on the top of her lungs.

"Please..." I pleaded, my voice coming out hoarse from all the crying. "Let go of my sister, take me instead...."

The man looked between the two of us, shaking his head slightly. Aaliyah took this opportunity to plead with him

"Mister, please take her not me! She's the black sheep of our family, daman everyone hates her please just take her instead" she pleaded sending me deathly glare.

Wow! What a lovely sister I have. Why not just throw me under a bus?

Note the sarcasm.

For a moment I felt like telling the man to just shoot her. But, no matter what sort of a bitch she is, she is still my sister and I'll do anything to get her out of this safely, even if it means risking my own life.

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