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Ferdeausee's POV.

I know I could've just titled it Author's note but that sounds too formal so yeah, it's my point of view.

I don't know where to start but goes nothing.

Alhamdullilah. I'm finally able to finish writing my fourth book on Wattpad that I've spent a lot of time writing.

~First of all, Aamir's name.

I just had to say this, I've met a lot of people pronouncing his name as 'Amir' like where did you guys leave the other 'A'? Please that's now how my head pronounces it. It's more of 'Ahh-mir' 'AHH-mir!!" Sorry. I had to do that.

Now back to real business.

~You see, I'm a pantser.

For those who don't know a pantser is a writer whom writes with the germ of an idea and you write by process of discovery; that is according to a well known bestselling author whom is also a pantser.

I didn't know where the plot was heading I just write based on how crazy my thoughts go. You know when you ask an author how to start writing a book and they tell you "Let your imaginations run wild", that's exactly what happened here. I stepped out of the box of reality and let my imaginations run far and wide.

I know this might sound crazy but the reason I started writing this book was because of the name. I know I'm weird. But seriously, I just had the name in my head and the voices in there kept chanting it. They were like "99 Days My Prince, 99 Days My Prince" over and over again until I wrote it down and said that I'll write a book about the topic because I find it quite unique. I've always had troubles with book names and to have found one this easily makes me want to write a book about it and so I did.

~I had no idea how the plot will be.

All I knew was that her name will be Khadijah and her other name will be Daihaah. You see, I've always been fond of the name Daihaah. It's the name of someone I know, and her real name just happens to be Khadijah too, but she isn't the Khadijah I'm referring to here. And Aamir...well honestly all I knew was that he'll be the typical Wattpad man we read about in books. You know the part of the good looks, being rich, loving and whatnot, everything real men that actually exist in the world we live in are not. But then I thought again, there's "My Prince" in the name so why not just make him a Prince, and so he became a Prince!

~My settings developed with time.

I will be honest with you all; I never knew there is a place named "Karaye" in the world. When I first started writing the book I thought since Daihaah is from Kano, why not make her a royal too? And if I'm not mistaken that was around the time Ganduje appointed four new Emirs in Kano and I was like, "Daihaah should be related to one of them". So I asked my mom, since she spent more than half her life there before she married my dad about the local governments in Kano. The way she was listing them, their names sounded so exotic that I just smiled all through not letting her know that I didn't get one name in my head. So, I resorted to going back to my dear friend Google and so Karaye came in. Now the funning part is that I kept pronouncing it as 'Karaye' instead of 'Qaraye' like how can I know when I've never heard of it? So I only got to know when I was talking to someone about the book and she corrected me. It's safe to say, that was when I knew how it is really pronounced so Kano people I'm sorry for mispronouncing your place name.

~Writer's block=new characters.

Now, whenever I have a writer's block I always resorted to bring in new characters because I was out of ideas. That's the reason why I have a lot of characters in my book and believe me I know that's bad but I can't help it. I believe that by introducing a new character, the person will come with additional drama and whatnot so whenever my characters bore me, I introduce a new character.

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