Khadijah Daihaah's POV.
Katsina, Daura.
September 23, 2019.
By the time Prince calmed down, I helped him and made our way back to our room hoping that he'll not notice me limping. Once in the confines of our room, I head to the en suite and picked out a small medical aid box I saw the other day seeing that his knuckles are neo stained with blood.
I walked back and saw him just as I left him, he was sitting on the edge of the bed. The difference from now and earlier was that he was no longer crying but his eyes were bloodshot red from all the tears he shed. He just sat there quietly and my heart broke at the sight. Gone was the man I was with earlier in the morning and now all I see is a broken man who looked so lost. I felt tears welling up in my eyes at the sight but quickly blinked them back.
I crouched in front of him and took one of his hands to treat the wound. After wiping the blood away, I kept the now blood stained cotton aside and picked up a bandage to roll it over the busted knuckles. I did the same to the other and once I was done, I looked up and saw his eyes on me. His facial expression was passive, the same look at blocks everyone out and the one I hated the most because I don't know what he's thinking of.
I stood up and picked up the kit. I turned and was about to walk away when he held my hand and brought me back to him. I gave him a confused look but he just stood up and made me took my place so that we were switching positions. He crouched in front of me and took my leg that I stepped on the broken glass and examined it. He opened the kit ad took out everything that he would need. He cleaned it but and bandaged it up. I tried to stand up and collect the kit but he just took it back to the en suite.
I waited for him to come back as I saw that he spent minutes in there. Just as I was thinking of checking up on him when he walked out and made his way to the bed. He sat down on his side and when I turned to him he outstretched his hands for me to take.
On other days I may have contemplated but not today, today was just off limit. So I took it as he drag me closer to his side so that his arms were wrapped around me and my face and one hand is resting on his torso. He placed a kiss on my forehead before leaning his head on mine. I sighed and closed my eyes as we sat like that for some time, none uttering a word to the other.
Just as my eye lids began to feel heavy, he spoke, "You want to know about her don't you?" he asked as his hand played with one of the strands of hair which he somehow pushed the head tie of my head earlier.
"Only if you want to tell me" I said lowly as sleep was still looming over me, but I knew this conversation was going to keep me awake.
He sighed as if preparing himself to tell me, "As I told you, she is my mother. Actually not just mine but all of us, with my siblings. She is grandma's niece that got married to dad and was his first time. Almost everyone loved her because she was such a nice woman whom always smiled. There was always this glint in her eyes when she smiles and the ways her eyes quint a bit was mesmerizing. Her love for kids knew no bounds and for as long as I've known her she spent most of her time with us rather than her queenly duties. She was dedicated to being a good mother first, and she was. As time goes on, the people in the palace saw that she paid attention to us and her job rather than her duty as a queen so they started to pressure dad into taking another wife, which he eventually did a few years after I was born. It didn't help that she was constantly away for work and her work wasn't exactly the one that settled down with the council members. Mom was away abroad on her work when he remarried and when she came back things weren't exactly the same in this household anymore because even a blind man could see that dad loved Mami more. People address her as Gimbiya Amarya while Anty Rabi was considered as the Queen mother because she was the one doing everything the queen should do. Anty Rabi would constantly look for trouble and Mami would give her what she asked for, she was never the one to back down from a fight. Things got worse when Anty Rabi had a miscarriage and it wasn't a surprise when she blamed Mami for it whom of course claimed it was a lie. She was right though, Mami wasn't responsible for it. She wasn't even in the country when Anty Rabi had a miscarriage as she was away on work so how could she be responsible for it?" he stopped for a while and I heard him take in a deep breath.

99 Days✅
Storie d'amoreCopyright© 2019. All rights reserved. Rewriting. COMPLETE AND EDITED VERSION CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ON OKADA BOOKS. ~°BOOK 1 IN THE ROYAL SERIES°~ My life was filled with joy and optimism, or so I believed. I was fortunate enough to have grown up with...