Chapter 34 👑

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*drum rolls!!*

I'm back!

If you've read the message on my message board and fell for it then 🤣🤣😂 jokes on you.

I was kidding.

I love y'all too much to do that to you.

Though it's late, but happy late anniversary @wattpadbanters. This is for you. I love you girls!



The day before Qamrah Arrived.

Jannah stood outside the restaurant as she took in the exterior. When he said he wanted to meet, she thought he'd pick a posh restaurant like he always does before but is surprise to see the one he picked.

It was a small restaurant, not too small though but just the right size for at least twenty five people. It was beautiful though, and everything about it was simple just perfect for this casual meet up. That is, if she can call it that.

She sighed and fix her crisp overcoat which stopped just by her knee. She had on a grey turtleneck sweater in the inside which she paired with raven black trousers tucked in a suede ankle boot. Her hair covered by a black turban cap. Her fingers wrap around her black YSL clutch tightly to ease her nerves.

She was beyond nervous. She didn't want to meet him at all. If it was up to her then she'd run and stay as far away from him as possible.

But she has to do this.

She pushed the door open determined to get this over and done with. There weren't many people in the restaurant, only around ten people here. The lights were dimmed a bit and Andmesh song Jangan Rubah Tadriko is being played in the background. A song she feels like defines her life at the moment. It wasn't that she knew the meaning to the lyric, but the soundtrack s much felt like the story of her life at the moment.

Her eyes roam about till it fell on his figure as his back was facing her. She knew it was him instantly, there was no way she couldn't recognize him anywhere. She knew him way too much. Or at least she thought she did.

But, now I'd not the time to think about that.

That is all in the past and it will stay that way.

Walking towards him, her boots clanked on the marble floor gaining his attention. He turned around swiveling his head in her direction and he visibly relaxed seeing her. He thought she wasn't going to come.

She walked straight up and sat in a chair opposite him, that id on the other side of the oak wood table in between them. Placing her clutch on the table, she sat straight and crossed her legs. Her face blank void of any emotion not giving out a hint of what she's feeling under that façade she puts on.

Suhad was a bit disappointed. He was hoping she'd at least smile at him. But, he knew he deserved it after what he did at the wedding. Though it has been just a few hour since he saw her he still missed her. He didn't think she will agree to meet him so when she did, he was very surprised.

While he seemed lost in thought for the moment, Jannah took that minute to look at him. He had on some casual grey button up with black jeans. The sleeves of the top folded as his left hand had on a swanky raven Rollex watch. His face has some subtle stubble, probably from today. His curly Fulani hair trimmed a bit but still longer than that of an average Hausa man. She can't help but notice how much he loves that hair of his. She can't blame him though; it's something that other men will envy. If he wasn't rolling with the El Khabirs, then he would've put the people he's rolling with in shame.

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