Chapter 22👑

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Birthday gift #1🎂

Birthday gift #1🎂

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Dance Monkey by Tones and I

Khadijah Daihaah's POV

Abuja, Nigeria.

July 11, 2019.

I'm the one around here that is not related to this family yet Adda Anee looks more anxious than I am. Ya Faruk had to take a hold of her hand to stop her from fiddling with it. I don't really get why she's this nervous; I mean she had been to this sort of dinners before so what makes this so different?

Immediately we stepped into the house we were greeted by five maids that were hastily working round the house.

"Barkan ku yu warhaka, Good day Your Royal Highness, Your Grace" they greeted Ya Faruk and Adda Anee who offered them small smiles walking further into the living room; hands interlaced.

"Good day Prince, Miss..." they traced off not really knowing who I am or how to address me. They nervously looked at Prince who has his eyes narrowed at them in slits.

I am honestly not comfortable with this special treatment they are getting so I'm totally good with the introduction I got. But, Prince had other plans in mind.

"She is your Amyrah and that is how you'll address her from now, am I clear?" he said with a daunting look and cold voice; his whole posture changed.


"Yes Your Highness" they quickly answered cowering at his tone. For a while I've forgotten that this is how he interacts with other people other than family; or more like other than people within the confines of his comfort zone.

"Ya Aamir..." he walked ahead without letting me finish or at least acknowledging the poor maids again leaving me with them not really knowing what to say.

I debated internally on whether to follow him or say something to the maids who beat me to it apparently, "We're really sorry Amyrah" they apologized looking seriously sincere.

'Amyrah' and 'Khadijah' don't belong in the same sentence, ever. It just doesn't, we're not even together so why do I need labels in their emirate?

"It's okay, really" I smiled assuring before following after Ya Aamir so that I would not get lost gawking at the magnificence of this house.

By the time I got to the living room, almost immediately I was engulfed in an embrace so tight that I could barely breathe, "Khadijah my dear, I'm so glad to see you after all these years" Anty Rabi gushed pulling back but still keeping me within arm's length.

"Thank you Anty Rabi, you look stunning as always" I forced a smile remembering what Adda Anee said about this woman hating her; it can't be true right? Anty Rabi is like the sweetest woman alive and honestly she looks really stunning adorned in a raven black cape gown which makes her look younger than her actual age and a veil maneuvered into a turban cap.

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