Chapter 41 👑

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Ignore all typos please.

Khadijah Daihaah's POV

I went upstairs and changed into a pastel abayah which has its hem covered with sequins. I don't know why but I think pastel is now my favorite color. This time, I combed my hair properly before tying it into a tight bun, and lastly wrapping a moderately big veil into a hijab. I paired it up with a snow white bag and wedge heels. I applied little make makeup which consists of powder, lip balm and kohl.

When I made sure I have everything I'll need in my bag, I head downstairs where Ya Aamir was waiting for me all dressed up in a sapphire three-piece suit with the jacket and neck tie in his hands. "Help me with my tie please" he said when he saw me heading towards him.

I had the urge to raise a brow at him because I know very well he can tie his own tie but I shrugged the thought away and went to help him. Now thanks to my dearest wedge I'm not so short in front of him anymore and I think he noticed it too thanks to the slight smirk on my face. He just chuckled at me though. He mutters a 'thank you' once I'm done and together we made our way to the parking lot where he got into his car and I got into mine.

Since I know the way, I didn't wait for him today. Instead, I drove ahead of him and got there before him. The spot I parked yesterday was open again and so I parked there again. Today, I didn't meet Suhad waiting for me so I simply made my way to the elevator ignoring the not so discrete glances I kept getting. I wonder how I didn't notice them yesterday. Must've been because I was too wrapped up in my thoughts to even pay any heed to them.

A couple of hours later I found myself in a long boring ass meeting with grating board members. To make matters worse there's only two women here, me being the third. So apparently there's a problem and it's the PR team's fault. Can you believe these people? I've only started working yesterday yet they are blaming me for my team's incompetence? Clearly it was the former PRO's fault because he didn't manage them well. But did these people see that? No. One of them to be particular seemed to enjoy blaming me for everything.

Prince and Suhad were not here, they had something to attend so they'll be running late. Hermano is absent again today. Must've been because of Adda Anee, the woman can hardly let him rest with her demanding things anyhow. So, here I am stuck all alone with these idiots.

God help me.

"Mrs El Khabir— Oh my bad! Miss Fareed..." One of the board members and the only person that had been on my neck since the meeting started said intentionally, "Clearly you don't know how things around here are. You just started yesterday yet your team is causing us trouble already" the man who seemed to be in his early thirties said as he crossed his legs. From his posture and the way he talks you can tell he's one of those egoistic people. Somehow I think he is convinced that I got the job not because I can handle it but because I have my husband wrapped around my fingers.

That's just crazy, really!

I sighed counting one to three in my head before talking otherwise I'll vent my frustration on this man. He has been spewing nonsense since, "Like you said, I started yesterday so I didn't know what is happening. If you can give me a week I can rectify the issue..."

"No..." he cut me again and I had to bit the inside of my cheek not to lash out on him, "You see Miss Fareed that just proves that you don't know how this works. Yesterday, you're suppose to search any loop holes in your team and fix it before anything else"

"I will do that but I need time..."

"You see I don't even get how the CEO can hire such a young person to manage a department as big as that of the PR's. Obviously he should have let his little wife at home. You women should not even be at work" he said with a smirk on his face ignoring the way the two other women and I send him a deathly a glare.

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