Chapter 48 👑

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Aisha could swear that almost everyone was rejoicing and looking forth to her wedding with the young councilor. Her father being the selfish and money thirsty man he is didn't think twice about handing her hand in marriage when the rich young man asked for it. To them, he was seen as the richest of them all. And so, her father simply didn't care. He didn't care one bit whether his daughter is happy or alright with the marriage as long as he would gets the money being her father.

And so, not even a week after the man met her father, the two were married. The man didn't bother to do a background research on Jabeer to know the family he is from, his parents and his life because he simply doesn't care. It's like he didn't care that which hands his daughter will fall into because of the matrimony as long as he got his pocket filled up which was what Jabeer was exactly planning. He'll do whatever it takes to have her as his wife.

Aisha on one hand had only seen the man once and so had no sort of feelings towards him. Jabeer however, ever since the first they he saw her wanted her to be his, regardless of how she would feel or anything else. In that perspective, you can call him selfish for putting his wants first before hers.

In his life, he claimed that he had seen a lot of beautiful women but there was something about her that he saw. Perhaps, it was her innocence that made her stand out amongst all her peers that made him want her; badly.

At that time, she and Qamrah were the best of friends despite their differences in skin color and ethnicity. Her mother once took her to Katsina, the same time Qamrah visited her aunt and that was when the two clicked and have been inseparable since then. To Qamrah, she was happy to finally have a Nigerian friend as all the people she'd been around either stay away from her or criticize her for not being one of them.

Qamrah had been the optimistic one amongst them despite her love for the army. She kept telling Aisha to have faith that this might just turn out to be for the best. That maybe, she will fall for him and they might have a happy life together.

Oh how wrong she was.

If only she had known the hell hole Aisha's father had thrown her into.

At first, the first and second years of the marriage, he was okay to live with. You wouldn't call him the best, but living with him wasn't that bad. She hardly sees his anger unless she goes against what she says, and she didn't dare do that. All the warnings her aunts gave her before she got married is imprinted in her head.

Eventually, after the third year, he changed. His reason is because he started to doubt her fecundity and so thought of her as barren. He didn't show it that much at the time till around the six years of marriage and still, no news! Something that Aisha had learnt about him during her time with him is that the man is obsessed with kids. He didn't care if it was a male or female child, he just wants kids of his own; kids with his blood running through their veins; kids that'll take his last name and keep it going for generations to come. He'll do anything to have his own kids.

At first, he was just abusive with words, that is, until it became physical. It was like he was a whole other man with a heart of stone. He would beat her to pulp and then stop her from reporting to her family. The one time she made the mistake of reporting to her father, the stupid man made her return back to her husband and told her that it's none of his concern. She was already heartbroken by her father's words but the consequences she faced later from the monster that the world calls her husband were far worse. So much that it made her wish that she had kept her mouth shut from the beginning.

"Why don't you marry a second wife? Marry a wife that can give you the children you always desire?" She asked one time when she thought he was in his right mind at the moment. That again earned her another round of beatings before he warned her never to utter those words to her again. He wants her to bear his children and no other woman. Every time he beat her up, he'll leave her alone to cry alone without caring one bit about her.

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