Chapter 19👑

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Cambridgeshire, England.

July 9 2019.

Khadijah's POV

I pushed back my spectacles and rub my eyes with my palm before putting it back on again. Most of the people in the library had left and it's just about five of us left in here. Three of them had fallen asleep already and I guess they must either be tired or bored already, the remaining two is I and the other guy I usually see in the environmental studies building; he's a total nerd and still dresses as if this is high school. But, I have no right to criticize his choice of dressing.

I picked up my starbucks latte and took a sip of it. I closed the textbook I was reading and picked up the three other textbooks and packed it up. I stood up from the chair and put on my overcoat which stopped by my knees; I quickly slipped into my Stuart Weitzman ankle boot and picked up all the textbooks in one hand, and my latte in another.

I walked over to the shelves and placed the textbooks where they belong seeing that the librarian, Claudia, is eyeing me somehow. That woman doesn't like anyone at all. Claudia is an old woman with grey hair that is always tied into bun with bangs, grey eyes, and her lips tainted with bright red lipstick and a silver rimmed spec on her nose always. Her black furry cat with bright green eyes, Maximus is always wandering around the library, and no one dares to touch it. I'm surprised one of the frats that come in here time by time hasn't done anything to the annoying cat yet.

After placing the books back, I head to the door deciding that I'm done for the day.

"Goodbye Miss Fareed" Claudia said with a strained smile.

"Goodbye Miss Claudia" I can't help but smile at my accent. Living here has actually made me have a British accent, not a very thick one but it is still noticeable.

"Are you ready for graduation?" Is she really trying to start a conversation with me right now? This is a first.

"Yes I am"

"Well good luck, I'll try not to miss you so much, or at all" her strained smile is now a fake beam. No wonder she's talking to me, she's just happy that another set of students are graduating and she'll no longer see them again.

"Sure you would" I nodded with a strained smile too before walking out of the library hoping to get away from her as possible.

I walked out of campus passing by students; most of them are just excited to graduate in three days.

Three days. That's all that is left before I can finally go home. It feels so good to say that.

Two years has passed, a lot has happened. Now I actually love this place. I've gotten along with the people around here and nobody treats me differently considering there are a lot of foreigners here. I've made friends too and surprisingly a few of them are from the fraternity; they're not as bad as I expected them to be except for the parties every weekend which I may have attended a few times.

Instead of staying in the dorms, I stay in an apartment two blocks from the university. I moved in there after Adda Anee and Ya Faruk left, which was 1 year 7 months ago. They moved back to Nigeria after Ya Faruk finalized everything here, they still come from time to time though. Prince however, I haven't seen him in two years, since they day at the airport. He did come here, but we never met because he never stays and I've never asked about him. We've talked about him a few times, Ya Faruk once told me something about him a year ago when I asked him something

"Where is Prince?" I asked Ya Faruk as we are sitting in the living room of their apartment. We are watching tv whilst talking about everything and nothing when the topic landed on Prince. Adda Anee is in the kitchen cooking something to eat.

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