Chapter 40 👑

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They just stood there staring at each other none knowing what to say. Well, more like Aamir not knowing what to say while Daihaah's thinking of what to do. After all she just saw the little exchange between the duos even though she didn't really hear what they said. Even with the evidence and everything deep down somewhere she was hoping that it isn't true.

Unfortunately for her, everything is true.

And when Prince snapped back into a reality and realized the pain she's in, he stepped forth towards her and attempted to hold her hand only for her to snatch it away. This made him sadder than he was earlier and maybe it did make him feel remorseful for hiding it from her, "Daihaah please just..." he started only for her to cut him off with a sigh.

She was beyond tired of this back and forth relationship they have. Right now she's just tired! She knows she should be angry with him, she should be crying, she should feel the pain and everything but it was just not there. She felt nothing! Numb, is the only word to explain how she's feeling right now, "Aamir just stay away from me. We'll talk when we get home. Just not here" she said her tone void of any emotion and that just scare him more.


That word assured him that it is not the end. If she still considers their house a home then she isn't planning on leaving him.

That's a good start for them.

He was hoping she'll shout at him, say whatever she wants to get everything off her chest but she just bottle it up. God knows that's the highest level of anger when it comes to Daihaah, "Daihaah just let me explain, please" he pleaded trying to get close to her gain but she just stepped away from him.

"Aamir please! If somewhere deep down inside of you, you care about me then please just leave me alone for now. I want space, I need space right now" her eyes were on him the entire time, except that while his display guilt, hers display nothing! Not even a single emotion.

Prince sighed and nodded, stepping away as she made her way pass him and to where her car is. She meant what she said, she wanted space and right now that's all he can do for her.

If he was being honest with himself then he too really needed space. He needed time to think over what just happened and what to tell Daihaah. He really hopes she won't blame him too just like Hannah did. He's lived with so much guilt already. He sighed once again before making his way to his car.

Daihaah tried not to let herself think of anything as she made her way back to their house which turned out to be successful. And once she was in the confines of their home, she packed up all her necessary essential and moved to the room opposite theirs. She needed to get her thoughts together before she'll be ready to face him.

Maybe if she wasn't so robot-like at the moment she would've taken a moment to admire the room's beauty but it was the least of her concern at the moment. So, she did the only thing she could right then. She performed wuduh, said her asr prayer, prayed to Allah to see her though everything's she's going through in her life. Once she was done, she folded the prayer mat and her hijab before getting under the covers and closed her eyes willing for sleep to come.

It didn't take long for her to give into the darkness that consumed her whole being.

After all, it has always been her escape from this world and everything it throws at her.


Khadijah Daihaah's POV.

When I woke up it was a quarter to 7pm. Quickly, I jumped off the bed and into the en suite to perform ablution and say my Maghrib prayers. Once I did that, I changed out of the abayah I had put on since morning and into an oversized crimson with white stripes turtleneck tee with white pants and lastly a black veil which I carelessly tie into a head tie. I wasn't really in the mood for dressing up or anything.

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