Chapter 31 👑

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Khadijah Daihaah's POV.

September 22, 2019.

Daura, Katsina.

Prince woke me up to pray subh, I performed my ablution and then we said our prayers together. As much as I hate to admit it, it was actually one of the best feelings ever. Afterwards, we both went back to sleep. This time I didn't mind how he placed his arm around me again and pulled me to him, though it was still a bit odd but I slept soundly afterwards.

And then, while I was enjoying the bliss of my moment, sleeping with actually no care in the world, my dearest sister barged in and basically threw a fit saying that she'll dump ice bucket on me if I don't wake up. Apparently, we're almost late for breakfast with Queen Dowager. God I hated that morning with passion, I was so tired that sleeping was the only thing that calmed me. Plus, with all the dancing I did yesterday, my limps are sore.

This Queen Dowager will pay for interrupting my beauty sleep.

This girl values her beauty sleep so freaking much.

Once I came out of the en suite I found that Adda had already picked out an outfit for me to wear. It's a grey with touches of green atampha sewn into a blouse with short sleeve and ruffle hem with a straight skirt which has a slit on the back. The blouse is high neck from both front and back side which is made of some lace while the bodice is completely made of the atampha. A golden alkyabba almost similar to the one Adda Anee has on is placed beside the outfit and a pair of grey heels on the floor.

"You don't need makeup but you still have to touch your face up, she can never you just wake up. That will only earn you bad points in her view. She believes that the princess should always be on time and right now we only have five minutes left so yallah hurry up and dress up" she literally pushed me back into the walk-in closet with my hands in hand.

A minute later she came in saying that she doesn't trust me to do my makeup instead she'll do it for me.

As she got to work, I asked her a question that had been on my mind since, "Adda where's Prince?" for all I know, he wasn't there when she came in but he definitely got back to sleep after subh.

When did he leave?

She picked up a matte cerise Huda lipstick and began to smudge it on my lips, "He left earlier with Faruk and Sultan and a few other men. It's something they do every morning they are here. They walk around, or more like drive around Daura to get updated on everything that's happening. They leave by 6 every morning, you'll get used to it"

I'll get used to it. That's what she's been saying since last night. But I don't think I will get used to it.

"And when do they get back?"

"They are probably with the Queen Dowager already, they always come back before breakfast"

I kept shut as I quickly dress up as my sister was panicking already over meeting the Queen Dowager late. While me, ko a kasan takalmi na. Honestly I couldn't care being late to meet the old wrinkled aged woman who was clearly trouble.

Once we left the chamber, a lady that's not as tall as I followed after us. She looked to be almost the same age as Luba from Adda's house back in Abuja. The guards greeted us as we made our way to the old hag's chamber. Adda's till telling me the dos and don'ts around the woman.

"Remember to address her as Queen Dowager only" Adda informed as she fixed my alkyabba again on our way there.

I puckered my lips forward, "And what do you call her?" I raised a brow.

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