Chapter Four

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Endeavor knocked on Doll's door lightly before the sun had risen. When she didn't respond he frowned and pushed the door open. Doll was curled into a tight ball atop her bed hugging Buttons tightly against her as bloody tears streamed down her cheeks. His lips pulled into a frown and he moved into her room.

"Doll." He gently shook her by the shoulder, "it's a dream."

Her cloudy white eyes fluttered open before searching the room wildly for whatever nightmarish thing had been plaguing her dreams. She relaxed after a moment as she spotted her mentor and unconsciously hugged Buttons closer. Endeavor handed her a tissue for the blood streaking from the corners of her eyes.

"Will you be ready to go in fifteen minutes?" He asked her.

Doll nodded and he got up without a word and went to wait outside her door. Ten minutes later her door opened and she stepped out in her hero attire. Her entire body was wrapped head to toe in bandages and she had a somewhat cartoonish string doll mask covering her face. It was specially designed so she could see through but no one could see her cloudy white eyes. She somewhat resembled a cutely creepy mascot that could be found at a Tim Burton-esque theme park. She wore a cute gothic Lolita styled dress with long flowing sleeves. Her dress had an almost straight jacket like appeal to it with various belts buckles and dangling straps. Her legs were wrapped in thick bandages and she wore a pair of comfortable black combat boots. Her long obsidian hair was pulled up into two high ponytails and had various decorative pins poking out of the base. There were various pins in the cartoonish mask covering her face.

He noticed a new addition to her attire, a tiny chibi Endeavor pin, pinned to her collar but said nothing as he felt a little embarrassed. "Ready?"

She nodded her head and trailed along behind him as they went to meet up with Hawks in Fukuoka. They arrived around lunchtime. Hawks was waiting for them at the station, leisurely leaning against a bench while appeasing fans with autographs and selfies. He excused himself from his fans when he spotted The Flame Hero, Endeavor. His tawny hawk like gaze drifted beyond the bulky muscular man with the flaming facial hair to the cutely creepy mascot trailing along behind him. He wasn't expecting Endeavor to bring her along. He felt a fleeting sense of panic wondering if this would throw a wrench in things but recovered quickly and greeted them with a laid-back smile.

"Yo, Endeavor." He nodded first to the intimidating man before nodding his head to the masked Voodoo Doll, "you brought the cute little subordinate with you."

Doll felt her cheeks redden and despite being hidden behind bandages and a mask that completely concealed her face she tried to hide her blushing face. Endeavor looked over at her warily as he noticed her hands pressed to the cartoonish cheeks of her face mask while shyly trying to hide her face.

Hawks smiled, "she realizes she's wearing a mask, right?" He mused as his gaze flicked to an annoyed looking Endeavor.

"Yes." He growled, "I told you not to pick on her."

Hawks chuckled at this. "How about lunch?" He proposed and motioned for them to follow him. As they walked through town, Doll was mesmerized as dozens of bright crimson feathers would periodically leave Hawks wings and whizz around helping citizens in need with various things like helping an elderly woman carry her bags up a stairwell, rescue a dog who'd gotten away from it's owner and even pelt a flasher before he could expose himself to people. He did all of this without breaking stride or pausing in his nonchalant conversation. She stared at him in awe and started to fall behind as she admired his handiwork.

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