The new Perspective

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Before I start. This is my first Fanfic so I am trying my hardest. I really hope you enjoy. Also, this scene does not contain any yaoi. I will put a warning at the start of a chapter if it has yaoi, NSFW or extreme violence. Anyway, please enjoy! :3 I don't own any of the characters in this either. All characters belong to Himaruya Hidekazu

All it took was one look at Italy painting and Germany's heart suddenly changed. For so long he had only thought of the Italian as a burden and an annoyance. But now he thought completely differently. He saw his softness, his kindness and his cuteness. Germany soon came to the realisation that he was in love with the Italian. So in love with him. No words could express the newfound love for Italy.

It was a sunny day, no clouds in the sky. The sun beat down as they ran there 10th lap around the field. He turned back to see Italy and Japan puffing. Sweating while trying to continue running. Both of them looked like they were going to collapse. Soon he came to realise that they hadn't taken a break and stopped running. As Italy and Japan caught up to Germany, they both collapsed onto the ground. Puffing and holding there stomachs. Germany decided to call it a day. After about 5 minutes Japan left and it was only Italy and him. His heart began to beat faster as he watched the Italian sit on the bench, moving his hair out of his face. Whiles sitting next to Italy he spoke, "What would you like to do now Italy?" Italy looked up at Germany. A large smile crept upon his face. With an excited voice, he spoke, "Can we go get gelato?!" Smiling slightly at the cute face Italy made Germany nodded and Italy celebrated. 

They both walked off to a gelato shop and brought two. They walked around in silence. Every now and then Germany would glance at Italy, smiling slightly at the happy expressions he made as he devoured his gelato. After finishing Italy spoke. "Can we go back to your house Germany?" Glancing over at Italy he replied, "Sure. Are you planning on staying the night?" Italy nodded excitedly. Germany was extra happy. Not only did he get to have Italy over at his house, but he would also be staying the night, which meant that they would most likely share a bed. That thought put a big smile on his usually serious face. 

Once they got to Germany's house the sky was becoming a fiery shade of orange. Still no clouds in the sky. Once they got inside, Italy plopped himself on the couch and started patting the three dogs that gathered around him. Smiling at the cute dogs. Germany made his way over to the kitchen and started to prepare dinner. He was happy his brother wasn't there. It gave him more time to spend with Italy alone. Also if he was there he would just pester them about how they hadn't started dating. Even though that was exactly what he wanted, he knew Italy didn't feel the same way. And that was where he was completely wrong. Little did he know the Italian was also deeply in love with the German, but he was way too embarrassed to admit it to anyone.

I really hope you liked it. I will make a second chapter soon. I don't know if it was really long or not. I hope it didn't bore you. 

Thanks for reading

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