The 2p's ruined the wedding!

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Hello. Welcome to the next chapter. Hope you enjoy he he he. 

Italy's POV

I woke up to a throbbing head. 'What happened?' I thought to myself as I sat up. Suddenly memories flowed into my mind. The 2p's just appeared out of nowhere and knocked us all out. I looked around. Fratello and Mr Austria were still unconscious. I tried to move my hand but they are tied up. As I try to stand I only fall to the ground. I look down to see that my feet are tied up as well. I call out, "Fratello? Mr Austria? Are you awake?" Neither of them respond. I suddenly hear loud footsteps. Scared I close my eyes and act asleep. With a loud thud the door opens. Shaking out of fear I try to hold back my tears. The footsteps suddenly get louder and closer to me. Frozen with fear, sudden pain jolts through my body and someone kicks my back. I cry out in pain. As I turn my head, my eyes widen when I see my own 2p standing there. A pissed off expression on his face. "W-why are you doing this?" I asked. He looked down at me and spoke, "That's for me to know and for you to never find out." Shivers ran through my body. I had an idea of what he meant by that and I really hope that it wasn't what he meant. Another person soon walked in and walked over to my 2p. It was the 2p of Luddy. Gulping, I looked up at him. He looked down at me, half glaring, half looking apologetic. I was rather confused. "Lutz, what is the status on the other 1p's?" He cleared his throat and spoke, "They all left the building and are on a search. So far they haven't discovered where we are." My 2p nodded then spoke, "Go back and only come back when they have either found this place or they have given up." Lutz rolled his eyes and left the room. My 2p looked back down at me and kicked me again. "Now," He spoke, "Where were we?"

~Time skip to a week later brought to you by Sunflowers and Pandas

Russia's POV

Kissing China slowly, we fell onto my bed. It had been a couple of weeks since I had seen him so it was good to feel his soft lips and be able to take in his scent. As we continued to kiss, I heard a loud knock on my door. Slightly annoyed I got up from the bed, leaving a small kiss on China's head. "I'll be back my sunflower." He nodded and sat up. I left my room and went down stairs. I walked up to the door, grabbing my pipe. Opening the door I was surprised to see Germany, Spain and Prussia standing in front of America, England, France and multiple other countries. "Oh, hello everyone. What are you doing here?" Spain spoke first, there was a large amount of urgency in his voice, "Amigo we need you help." I gestured for everyone to come inside and they did. We all sat/stood in the lounge. "What do you need my help with?" I asked, curious to what it was. Germany responded, "The 2p's have captured Italy, Romano and Austria. We need your help getting them back." I was very surprised when I heard this. It had been a while since I had dealt with the 2p's so this was going to be very fun. With a bright, happy smile I replied, "Of course I'll help. I have lots of experience with kidnappings, so I'm sure I'll be helpful. But before I fully agree to this, I have condition." Quickly Prussia spoke, "What is it?" I looked at America then smiled, "America has to admit I got to space first." America's eyes widened in shock. Angrily he shouted back, "No way man!" Germany, Spain and Prussia all looked at him with a death glare and he made and 'oh shit' face. Sighing he spoke, "Fine. Russia you got to space first." Smiling happily I spoke, "Thank you America. Okay, I'll help." Everyone nodded and Germany, Spain and Prussia thanked me very much. As they all were leaving I spoke, "I shall be back in a second." I quickly rushed to my room to find China sitting on my bed. "I'm sorry my sunflower. We are going to have to continue what we were doing later." He looked at me confused and I spoke, "Italy, Romano and Austria have been kidnapped by the 2p's and I'm going to help. Want to come?" He nodded and got off the bed. I went into my closet and got out quite a few guns and loads of ammunition. After I had gotten everything, China and I left the room. On the way out the door I grabbed my magic metal pipe of pain. This is going to be very fun.

Romano's POV

Groaning I sat up, my head ached and was pounding. I opened my eyes to find myself in a dirting prison cell. "What the fuck?" I asked myself. I tried standing up but realised my ankles were chained. I looked around and saw that I was alone. Suddenly I remembered that me, Veneziano and Austria were all captured a week ago by the 2p's. Letting out a pissed off sigh I lay back down on the ground. I started to think about Spain. I missed him. I wouldn't admit it to anyone, but I really missed him. He may be an idiot but I love him and I don't like being away from him. I heard footsteps echo down the hall. Lifting my head I looked over to the entrance of the cell and saw someone standing there. I looked the person up and down and realised it was my bastard 2p. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked harshly. He smiled and responded, "Oh, I just wanted to see my 1p that's all and also say that I am going to take very good care of you." I looked at him, confused. "What the hell do you mean bastard?" Opening the cell door he spoke, "I hate that my 1p is in a dirty cell so I have decided that you will live with me." Two guards walked in, uncuffed my wrists and ankles and pulled me onto my feet. I took this as my chance and ran at my 2p. I tackled him to the ground. Got back up and ran off. The could hear the guards shouting and chasing after me, but I didn't look back. I continued to run until I came across a guard that was on his own. I tackled him to the ground, punch him until he was knocked out then took the keys and ran off to find Venezino's and Austria's cells.

No One's POV (Nope, not Canada, he'll come into the story soon)

(The 1p's)

As they all exited Switzerland's house, they loaded their guns and all got in a group. Germany and Russia were at the front. Germany started, "So, has everyone got a gun or weapon?" Everyone nodded. He turned to Russia and spoke, "So do you know where their base is?" Russia responded, " Yes, it is based in the mountains of Northern Italy since their leader is the 2p version of Northern Italy." After a discussion of what the plan was, they all got in America's plane and flew to Northern Italy. Landing on the ground, they all got into their groups and set out to track down the base. Germany, Prussia, Spain, Russia and China all went in one team and walked up and up the hills and through the forests. Russia signaled them to stop after about an hour of walking. "This is their base." Russia said pointing at a very big cabin that had many guards around it holding big guns. They all nodded. It was time to attack.

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