The World Meeting

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Hola amigos. I so we are finally on the 7th chapter. I hope you have been enjoying the story so far. I'm very happy that people have been reading my story, I never actually thought people would read it. So thank you. Righty then! Time to get on to the chapter. Also in this chapter there shall be FrUk, RoChu and PruAus. These are some of my other favourite ships so I hope that you enjoy the extra ships!

~A few days later~

France's POV (This is the first and only time)

I sat in my lounge reading a book on pastries while drinking some delicious tea my lovely boyfriend England made. I placed down the book and looked out of the window. 'There is going to be a world meeting in my country today.' I thought to myself as I took another sip of the tea. I heard footsteps coming from another room so I turned around and saw England. He was carrying a cup of tea and a notebook of some sort. "France, I have something I would like to show you." I nodded my head and followed my gaze until he sat next to me. He placed the book on my lap and gestured for me to open it. Curiously I opened the book staying silent. One the first page it was titled, "England's Private Diary". I looked at him and spoke, "Why would you want me to look through your diary? This is something private to you." He sighed and responded, "It was my diary from when I was younger. I want to tell you something but I don't know how to say it in words. I realised this diary has exactly what I want to say to you so I want you to read it." I nodded and went back to looking back at the book then thought, 'What would he want me to know? Did he do something bad in his past that he wants me to know?' I turned to the next page and at the top it wrote, "Dear Diary". I started to read. As I read I was shocked by what it said. "Today I have realised something. I am in love with that frog face France. I don't know when it happened, but I just have a strong feeling of love for him. Of course I'm not going to tell anyone. They would probably just bully me. Oh well.I guess I'm going to have to act like I don't want to kiss him everytime he is near me." I was shocked by the first page. He loved me? And this was when we were both way younger. Well this was unexpected. I looked at him and he spoke, "I'll let you read the rest of the pages on your own." With that he got up and left, taking his tea with him. 'I guess there are loads of things I don't know about him.'

Italy's POV

~The Day Before~

I picked up my small backpack as the announcement speaker said that I was time to board the plane. Luddy and I are catching a flight to France for the next world meeting. I'm really looking forward to going to the world meeting. It means Luddy and I can tell everyone we are officially dating. I grabbed Luddy's hand and we boarded the plane. We sat down at our assigned seats. I had the window seat luckily. I have always loved the window seat. It gives me a better view of the place that I am going to. I place my backpack on the floor and get comfortable. I looked over at Luddy and spoke, "Are you excited for I world meeting?"

"Not particularly. You know how chaotic it gets." I nodded and responded, "Yeah true. But I am looking forward to announcing our relationship." He nodded and kissed my forehead. I giggled and let out a small, yet content ve~, then I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his big strong arm. The flight attendants went through the whole talk about safety and things then we took off. I was feeling rather tired so I decided that I would go to sleep. I quickly pecked Luddy on the lips, put in my earbuds and turned on some calming Italian music and went to sleep.

Germany's POV

As the plane was preparing to land I felt Italy sturr in his sleep on my shoulder. He slowly lifted his head and rubbed his eyes. I looked over at him and smiled at how cute he looked. "Ve~ Is the flight over yet?" I shook my head and responded, "We are about to land. How was your sleep?"

"Good. I had a weird dream." Curiously I responded, "What was it about?" He blushed loads and looked down. Fidgeting with his hands he responded, "Oh, n-nothing. It was just about pasta." I nodded, knowing he was lying. I decided not to pry and waited for the plane to land.

~Time Skip brought to you by my 3 working brain cells~

Once we were settled into the hotel room, Italy collapsed onto the bed. I sat down next to him, grabbed my reading glasses and a book and started to read. Just as I was about to turn to the next page I heard a loud crash. I put my book down and saw that Italy was no longer on the bed. "Italy?" I spoke, confused on what had happened. I could hear a small whimper of pain from on the ground. I went over to the other side of the bed and looked on the ground. There I saw Italy lying face first on the ground. "What happened Italy?" I asked concerned and confused. He lifted his head and spoke,"I fell off the bed. Can you help me?" I grab him by the hips and pull him up onto my lap.

~Another time skip brought to you by Pasta and World Meetings~

No One's POV

Everyone sat in the meeting room. America going off about what they should do about poverty and starvation. England was getting rather annoyed so he decided to make a comment, "Well, the only reason there is starvation is because you eat all the food." America made a very angry face and England sat there looking smug. America was about to respond with something bad but then he noticed something. China was sitting on Russia's lap. And they were cuddling! "Hold on. Russia dude, China. When did you guys start dating?!" He asked confused as fuck. Russia responded, "Oh we have been dating for over 6 months now. We just didn't tell anyone." Everyone looked super confused. While everyone was silent Germany decided now was the time to tell everyone about his and Italy's relationship. "Everyone." Germany said and got everyone's attention, "Since we are on the topic of relationships. I would like to announce Italy and I have started dating." Prussia responded with a chuckle, "I knew it! And it is all because of ZE AWESOME PRUSSIA!" Austria, who was sitting next to him, whacked him on the head lightly and spoke, "Shut up and stop shouting." Prussia just smiled on him, "Oh I know how much you love my shouting. And I love you when you shout too." Austria blushed a large amount and Prussia just chuckled. Soon France spoke up, "England and I are also dating. Actually..." France got down on one knee beside England and pulled out a box, "Arthur Kirkland, England. I have loved for so long and you are the best thing that had ever happened to me. So, I was wondering, could you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" England's eyes had already started tearing up as he responded, "Yes, you damn frog!" France put the ring on England's finger and he pulled him into a passionate kiss. The room burst into applause and people called out congratulations. And that was how the world meeting ended.

Well that had more FrUk than expected. Oh well. I hope u enjoyed and I apologise for it being late. I kept running out of ideas and I was busy. Soz

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