Prussia is a big d**k

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So I decided I'm gonna add some Spamano into this because I love Spamano. There will be a small amount at the end. Also. Happy New Year everyone. I hope that you enjoy this chapter. :3

Italy's POV

I woke up to still feel Germany's strong arms wrapped around me protectively. I wish this moment could never end. Being in the arms of someone I love. I sun only just peeking through the curtains. The oddly calming silence mixed in with his soft breathing. This moment just felt too perfect. I feel Germany shift a bit and I look up at him. His eyes open slightly and he looks back down at me. We stay like that for who knows how long. His blue eyes captivate me. Suddenly he pulls away. 'No.' I thought to myself, 'I don't want you to let go.' He blushes madly and quickly hops out of the bed. "I-i apologise Italy. I must of accidentally clung to you in my sleep." And with that he left the room, leaving me alone. Sighing slightly, I get out of his bed and make my way out of his room and down stairs to the kitchen.

Germany's POV

I quickly walk down stairs and into the bathroom. I still feel my face is hot. 'How could I have let that happen? Now Italy won't look at me the same ever again. Agh things are going to be so awkward.' I close the door to the bathroom and lock it. I sit down on the edge of the bathtub and continue thinking, 'No. Stay strong. You are the great Germany. This one little incident won't change anything. I can just brush it off and say it was an accident. Yes. Great idea Germany.' With that I stand up and look in the mirror. I quickly splash my face with water, ridding any chance of my blush still there. I slick back my hair and walk out of the bathroom. As I walk I see Italy in the kitchen making breakfast while humming. He was still wearing my shirt which I thought was very cute. Walking up the stairs, I go into my room and get changed into my green military uniform. Slicking my hair back one last time, I leave my room and go downstairs. Italy has placed down two plates of eggs, toast and wurst. I sit down at the table and speak, breaking the awkward silence, "Danke Italy. It looks good." Italy let out a small ve and sat down digging into the breakfast. Maybe things weren't going to be as awkward as I thought.

No one's POV

Only moments later was the door busted down and a loud Prussian stomped his way over to the dining room. "The awesome me is here to have breakfast with you!" He shouted sitting down at the table smiling. "Ciao Prussia," chriped Italy as he took another bite of the eggs, "I'm sorry. I didn't make any breakfast for you." Germany just sighed and spoke, "Hallo bruder. What are you doing here other than to eat breakfast with us?" Prussia stood up and laughed his odd laugh and responded, "I'm here to talk about you guys and last night. Did you guys hook up?! Kesesesese....." Germany spat out his food, while Italy just blushed. "Why would you even think that bruder!?" Germany's voice boomed in the room and Prussia just laughed. Italy didn't say anything, he just sat there blushing furiously. Suddenly Prussia popped back into the room. "I have an idea. Let's play Hide n Seek! I'll be it and you both hide. If I find both of you in five minutes then you have to kiss! Kesesesesese. And if you don't agree then I will force you to kiss now!" Italy blushed even more and Germany made a very angry face. "Fine." Germany spoke out first. "We will play your silly game only if you leave us alone after." And with that the game started. Prussia counted and Germany and Italy ran off to hide somewhere. Neither of them had found a place when Prussia finished counting, so Germany grabbed Italy and they both hid in the nearest closet. The closet was rather clustered so Italy ended up on Germany's lap well Germany was sitting on the floor underneath a shelf. It awkward but they had to stay in the position because they couldn't move. Neither of them wanted to admit it. But they both enjoyed being so close to each other.

Wow. I hope that wasn't too long and I hope you enjoyed it. I'm most likely going to most another chapter even if barely anyone reads it. I have enjoyed writing it and I have plans for it. Welp. Hope you enjoyed. Ciao. :3

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