How it all ends

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Jesucristo. Over 300 view. This is amazing. I'm so happy you have all enjoyed. Welp, time for the next chapter. Enjoy!

No One's POV

A loud scream of pain and two gun shots could be heard echoing through the halls of the building. Russia, Spain and Romano all looked up confused. Suddenly Romano spoke, "That was my fratello's scream. Oh fuck." Romano started running off down the halls, following the sounds of the screaming and crying. Spain, ran after Romano, just as worried about Italy. As they ran down the halls, two more gunshots and pain filled screams could be heard. Romano and Spain fastened their paces as they ran. Once they reached the source of the screams both their eyes widened. 2p Italy lay in the corner of the room clutching both his thighs while screaming at 2p Germany. In the middle of the room, Germany held Italy close, in his arms, whispering things to him. "What the fuck happened?" Romano spoke out, very confused. Germany turned his head, eyes red from crying and spoke, "They made me shoot Feli in the legs." It took Romano and Spain a moment to process what Germany had just said. Quickly Romano went down next to Germany to check on Italy.

Italy lay unconscious, tears streamed down his face while letting out small whimpers of pain in his sleep. His legs looked terrible. In his left leg there was a bullet wound in his thigh, while in his right leg there was a bullet wound in his knee. Blood ran down both of his legs.

Germany stood up, carrying Italy bridal style while Romano walked next to him. Spain walked over to Romano, placing an arm around his waist. He looked at Romano's face seeing that Romano was crying. "I can't believe I let this happen to him." Spain shushed him and kissed his head. "It isn't your fault my Lovi." Still, with a look of guilt Romano nodded and they left. Once they made it to the others, they saw Austria and Prussia together. Everyone's eyes widened when the saw Italy's state. Quickly Hungary got out a medical kit and Switzerland got out a stretcher. Germany placed Italy down on the bed and Switzerland carried him off to the helicopter that was outside the building. Hungary followed, holding onto Italy so he didn't fall.

Once they were in the helicopter, they took off. Silent everyone stood. No one knew what to stay.

~3 months later~

Italy's POV

I woke up, pain coursing through my legs. I let out a pained scream and cry. Luddy who was lying next to me jolted awake and quickly spoke, "Feli! It's your legs again isn't it?" I nodded, continuing to cry. He very quickly put me onto his lap, grabbed the glass of water and pain killers that were on the side table and placed the tablets into the water. I drank it and the pain started to go down a bit. Once I finished drinking the water I gave the glass back to him. He placed the glass onto the side table and wrapped his arms around me. I cuddled into his chest and spoke, "I'm sorry Luddy." Concerned he spoke, "Feli you have no reason to be sorry." Sniffling I responded, "But, you haven't gotten a proper night's sleep ever since it happened. You always have to take care of me. I'm just a burden." Grabbing my chin so I was looking at him. He spoke, "Feliciano you are not a burden. I don't mind taking care of you and I have never really gotten a proper night's sleep ever." he placed a loving kiss on my lips. I returned the kiss then spoke, "What's the time?" He looked over at the clock then replied, "8:00am. Do you want to get out of bed or no?" I thought about it for a moment then responded, "Yea. I'm hungry." Smiling down at me, he picked me and hopped out of bed. He then walked across the room and placed me in my wheelchair.

After the incident with the 2p's and me getting both my legs shot, I'm not able to walk anymore and I have to be in a wheelchair if I want to go anywhere. The doctors say I may be able to walk on my left leg but they said it would be a miracle if I could hold my weight. I also wake up most nights at random times with extreme pain in both my legs. Usually it is from moving in my sleep. Luddy and I also had to move into a room downstairs because it is just easier.

As he wheeled me out of the room, we went into the kitchen to find Prussia making breakfast. I was surprised because he never wakes up this early. "Good morning you two love birds." He said as Gilbird flew onto his shoulder. He turned and spoke, "Did you get the pun?" I laughed and spoke, "Morning to you too Prussia. What's for breakfast?" Chuckling to himself he spoke, "Pasta, just for you Ita-chan." I smiled then thought. 'That's right me and Luddy are getting married today, that's why he is making pasta.' Luddy parked my wheelchair at the table and Prussia served me my plate of pasta. I very quickly inhaled the pasta, happy to have pasta at such early hours of the morning.

~Time skip to le wedding brought to you by pasta for breakfast is great~

Germany's POV

I stood at the altar, preparing myself. This time none of the 2p's were going to mess up the wedding because it was well guarded. The wedding music started playing and everyone rose from their seats. The bridesmaids (Romano, Canada, Austria and China) all walked down the aisle. I looked down the aisle and that was when Feli came out. I didn't care that he was in a wheelchair, he looked utterly gorgeous, wearing a white dress, a veil and was holding a beautiful bouquet of white roses. I was shocked to see The Great Rome pushing his wheelchair. I mean, he is his grandfather and all but still, I thought he disappeared. I didn't question it any longer once he got to the altar.

I smiled sweetly at him as he did the same. My bruder spoke, "Hello everyone! Today we are going to celebrate the awesome wedding of Germany and Italy. Since I can't be bothered with all the things I have to say or vows let's just get onto the main part." I sighed. He cleared his throat. "Do you, mein bruder take Ita-chan to be your wife?" I nodded and spoke, "I do." He smiled and spoke again, "And do you, Ita-chan take mein bruder to be your husband?" Nodding Feli spoke, "I do." Looking at both of us he spoke one last time. "Alright. Now, Kisssssssssss. kesesesesese~" As my bruder continued to laugh like an idiot I leant down to Feli picked him up and kissed his deeply. He kissed back immediately. After we finished kissing, I switched the position so I was carrying him bridal style and carried him down the aisle. Everyone clapped and cheered. This was officially the best day of my life.

So, this is the end of the story. I am so glad all of you have enjoyed my fanfic. I am currently debating on whether I should write a sequel or not. Please tell me your thoughts, on that. Otherwise, thank you so much. Ciao! :3

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