Canada's Death

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Now, this isn't part of the story line. It's just. Last chapter I put down that Canada died and well I guess I have to explain...... Also, I never intended for this to happen. Anyway. I hope you enjoy....... (God I'm a monster)

It was a cold morning. Canada was out for one of his normal morning walks. He was bundled up in layers of clothing. He let out a happy breath as he admired the scenery around him. The roads weren't very busy since it was 6:00am. There was snow everywhere. As he walked he saw his "father" France in the distance waving to him. Canada smiled happily and ran to him, waving in return. Once he was close to France he saw him pull out a pistol. Confused Canada questioned, "France, why do you have a gun?" Without responding France shot him in the chest then ran. Canada fell to the ground. Soon the snow around him turned red from the blood and there on the sidewalk of the streets of Vancouver did he die. 

As France ran he started crying. He got out his phone and dialed a number. The person picked up and France spoke into the phone, "It's done. I killed him Denmark. Now let England go." The line went silent and France let out a loud curse. From there he ran to the airport. He was going to Denmark.....

That's the end....... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.........

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