Triple Wedding.....

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Hola. Now, I am so sorry for killing Canada, so to make it up to u guys I have decided to kill Denmark and revive Canada. Also, I hope enjoy this chapter. And OMG, I can't believe it now has over 200 reads. I'm so glad that you guys have enjoyed my fanfic. Anyway, it's chapter time!

Italy's POV

As Luddy left the room I sat on his chair. "I wonder who is at the door?" I said to myself as I started spinning the chair around. Suddenly I got a fright and jumped up from the chair when I heard many loud and angry shouts from down stairs. Curious I opened the door to hear better. Automatically I knew it was my fratello because he was calling Luddy a potato bastard. Happily I opened the door fully and ran down stairs to greet my fratello. Once I got down stairs I ran over and hugged my fratello, interrupting his angry shots at Luddy. "Fratello! What are you doing here!?" Angrily he responded, "Why the fuck do you not have a shirt on?" Realising I had no shirt on I let go of the hug and responded, "Oh, well I was getting changed and then I heard you. I kinda forgot to put my shirt on." I lied not wanting to make him any angrier. He sighed and spoke, "I came here to tell you that the tomato bastard proposed to me and we are getting married." I gasped and let out a little fanboy scream. I pulled my fratello into a big hug. "I'm so happy for you!" Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I let go of my brother and spoke, looking at Luddy, "I have an idea. Why don't we have a triple wedding?" Luddy looked at me confused. "Triple wedding?"

"Yeah, me and you, fratello and Spain, and Mr Austria and Prussia." He nodded and responded, "That is actually quite a smart idea." I looked over at my fratello to see what he thought of the idea. "Yeah. I guess it is a good idea." Smiling happily I ran off to call Mr Austria and Prussia.

Prussia's POV

Annoyed I got up from the couch to answer the phone. I spoke, "Sorry, babe. We can continue in a moment." Austria looked slightly annoyed and let out a small whimper. I ran over to the phone and picked it up. "Who is it?" I said, sounding frustrated. The person on the other side of the phone spoke, "Ciao Prussia. It's me, Italy." Shocked I responded, "Oh hey Ita-chan. What's up?" He giggled slightly and responded, "I came up with an idea of a triple wedding. What do you think?" Confused I responded, "Triple? Who else is getting married?"

"Fratello and Spain!" I let out a small laugh, "All right. Why didn't I think of that. Anyway Ita-chan, that sounds like an awesome idea. I'll let Austria know."

"Oki doki. Grazie Prussia. Bye!" I responded, "Bye." After I hung up the phone, I ran back into the lounge and lept back onto the couch. Austria jumped a bit. "Who was it?" He asked. I gave him a kiss then responded, "It was Ita-chan. He came up with the idea of a triple wedding. How does that sound to you?"

"Triple? Who else is getting married?"

"Spain and Romano." Sighing he responded, "So those two huh. I'm not surprised." Kissing his again I spoke, "So how does that idea sound?"

"It sounds like a good idea." Smiling I kissed him again the pinned his down. "How about we continue what we were doing?"

Romano's POV

Sighing I sat down next to Veneziano. We opened up his computer and search up different venues for weddings. I thought to myself, 'I wonder what Spain is doing? Hold on, why would I want to know what that bastard is doing?' Suddenly my phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket and opened it. One the lock screen there was a message from Spain that read, "Lovi. When r u coming home? I'm lonely." Blushing slightly I opened the message and responded, "I'll be home in a bit." He responded instantaneously, "Well be home soon. I have a surprise for you 😉" Blushing even more I responded, "I'll be home soon." With that I closed my phone then spoke, "Veneziano, I'm heading home." He looked up from the screen and spoke, "Awww, ok Fratello. I'll see you later." I stood up and responded, "Yeah, whatever." I walked out of the house, got in my car and drove straight home. Once I arrived home, I quickly got out of the car and went inside. "Spain, bastard, I'm back." I heard a door open and some footsteps. He walked into the room in only his boxers. I looked at all his muscles and blushed. 'God damn, he's hot.' He smiled a seductive smile and spoke, "You like what you see?" He walked closer to me and put his arms around my hips. I put my arms around his neck and responded, "Yes I do." He brought me into a deep, passionate kiss. Immediately I kissed back. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. At first I denied, but then he put a hand on my ass. I gasped and he slipped his tongue in. He lifted me up a bit, still kissing me. Understanding what he was doing I rapped by legs around his waist. While we continued to make out, he carried me to the bedroom. Once he had shut the door he threw me on the bed and pounced on top of me, kissing me even more. 'Tonight is going to be fun.' I thought to myself as he started kissing down my neck.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Ciao! :3

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