Dinner/Night Time

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Omg. I'm actually super surprised people actually read the first chapter. I'm super happy. I hope that I can continue writing this story. Please enjoy the second chapter! :3

Once Germany had finished making dinner he called out to Italy, "Italy. Dinner is ready." Excitedly Italy jumped up form the couch and made his way into the dining room. He was hit by the strong scent of pasta. He looked down at the table to see two plates of his favourite  kind of pasta. "Luddy. You made my favourite pasta. Thank you. Ve~" Italy sat down and started scoffing down his pasta. Germany smiled to himself from Italy's cuteness. Italy looked up from his plate, that was now cleaned and noticed that Germany was starring at him. "Luddy? Why are you starring at me? Do I have something on my face?" It took the German a few moments to realise Italy has spoken to him. "No...... I was looking at the wall not you. Yeah.... the wall." His face had become a dark shade of red. Italy giggled and replied at  the stuttered response the German had given him, "Ve~ Okay Luddy." Getting up Italy picked up his plate. He then proceeded to walk around the table and get Germany's plate too. Skipping off he started humming to an Italian song and went into the kitchen. The Italian thought to himself, 'I wonder why Luddy was looking at me then tried to cover it up. His face was so red too. He's so cute when he blushes. I just wish I could tell him that...." As he washed the dishes he continued on with his mental ramble. 

Germany sat at the dining table still red from earlier. 'How could I have gotten so reckless?! I must make sure he never catches me starring at him.' The German thought. Suddenly the door was kicked open and a rather drunk Prussian made his way into the house, stumbling as he attempted to walk in a straight line. "Weeeest! I'm home! Kesesesesese!" Prussia shouted as he walked over and slumped on the couch. Sighing Germany got up and walked into the lounge. 'Great! Now my brother is here to ruin my evening and night with Italy.' Sighing he responded to his brother, "Hallo bruder. What are you doing here?" His voice came more annoyed that he had intended it to. "Am I ruining your night with little Ita?" The Prussian smirked and Germany just blushed and looked away, not replying. Prussia smiled and got up from the couch, "Since I am so awesome, I will let you have your special night with little Ita." With that, he left the house shouting out how awesome he was. Confused Italy walked out of the kitchen and into the lounge to find Germany sitting there starring intensely at the wall while mumbling things to himself in German. His face was also about as red as one of Spain's tomatoes. "Luddy?" He spoke, making the German nearly jump out of his skin. "Uhh yes Italy." Italy smiled and replied, "Are you okay? Your face is bright red. Are you sick?" Sighing again the German looked over at the Italian, a small smile on his face. "I'm fine. I think I am going to go to bed. I'm tired." Quickly Germany raced out the room and into the bathroom. Confused Italy made his way upstairs and went into Germany's room. Now was his chance to steal one of his shirts and sleep in it. Very quickly he stripped his clothes until he was only in his boxers. He then went into Germany's closet and grabbed one of white shirts and slipped it on. He left the two top buttons undone. After that he hopped into Germany's bed and wrapped himself up in the warm blankets. Taking in the scent that he loved so much. Soon he drifted off into a deep sleep. About ten minutes later Germany walked into the room. He looked at his bed to find a Italy sleeping in his bed with one of his shirts on. He went red from this and climbed into bed. He placed his arms around Italy and kissed his forehead. After Germany had fallen asleep, Italy opened his eyes and gave Germany a quick peck on the cheek. He then snuggled back into Germany's strong arms. He happily fell asleep. 

I hope that was good and I hope you enjoyed. I will update either tomorrow or the day after that. Happy New Years Everyone! Enjoy the celebration and have a good end of the decade. Byeeeee! :3

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