The first date

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Hola Amigos. I hope that you have been enjoying this story so far. Also, I know the story is a bit different from the description, it's just that I didn't really want to drag it out and make it take ages to get to the romance. Yeah. I hope you understand. Thanks. Now let's get to the chapter!

~The Next Day~

No One's POV

Sunlight leaked in through the partly open curtains. Signalling that it was morning. Germany slowly opened his eyes. He felt Italy sturr next to him. Germany sat up slightly, his arms still wrapped around Italy. Opening his honey eyes Italy hugged onto Germany tighter and spoke, "Morning Luddy. How did you sleep?" Rubbing his eyes and placing a soft kiss on Italy's forehead the German responded, "I slept just fine. How about you?"

"I slept amazing." They both smiled at each other and decided it was time to get out of bed. Neither of them were bothered to get changed so they just walked down stairs, hand in hand. Once they were down stairs, Germany walked into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for the two. Italy sat down at the table and noticed a note. He opened it to see it was from Japan. It said that he left back to his country and also thank you for the hospitality. Italy placed down the note, then called out to Germany, "Luddy. Japan has left back to his country. He thanked us for the hospitality." Germany called back while continuing to make pasta for breakfast. Which was something he never did. "Alright. Well, I hope he got home safe." Italy nodded, then waited for breakfast to be ready. About 5 minutes later, Germany came to the dining table with a plate of pasta and another plate with wurst and sausages. Italy let out a huge gasp and jumped up in excitement. "Luddy!" He shouted with excitement, "You made me pasta for breakfast!" Smiling at Italy's cute excitement he place down the plate and responded, "Well, today is a special day so I wanted to make you a special breakfast." Confused Italy looked at him. "Special day? What do you mean?" Blushing slightly Germany responded, "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go on our first date today?"

Italy's POV

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go on our first date?" I nearly choked on my pasta when he said that. I have been waiting since the start of relationship to go on our first and we will finally be able to. Nearly leaping across the table, I jumped into Luddy's arms and responded, "I would absolutely love to! What are we going to do? When are we going!?" I was too excited. Luddy put his arms around me and responded, "It's a surprise where we are going and we are going at 4pm." I nodded and then placed a kiss on his lips. We shared a loving kiss. After breakfast I ran upstairs to my room. Well it wasn't really my room it was more like the place I stored my stuff since I never sleep in this room. I went through my closets and drawers, looking for nice clothing. I soon decided that I didn't have nice enough clothes so I went shopping. After finding the perfect clothing I went home and got prepared.

Germany's POV

It was now 3:30pm and I had booked everything and made sure everything was prepared. I had made sure to get the perfect clothing and make myself very presentable. 'I hope tonight goes very smoothly.' I thought to myself while making sure my clothing is very good. I am wearing a balck suit with a white shirt. I have black dress shoes on. My hair is slicked back like it always is. I sigh and sit on my bed. 30 more minutes until the date.

~30 minutes later~

I leaned against the wall as I waited for Italy to come down stairs. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I straightened myself up. Once he came down the stairs he walked over to be smiling. My cheeks heated as I took in his appearance. He was wearing a nice looking black button up t-shirt, casual dark blue skinny jeans and black and white converse. (I hope you can imagine it) I was lost for words. He looked stunning. He smiled at me and walked over taking my hand. "Are we going to go or not?" I nodded, and we left the house and drove to our first destination.

No One's POV

They parked in the parking lot of the building and hopped out of the car. Italy nearly screamed from excitement. They were going to a cat cafe. Germany knew Italy loved cats. Walking hand in hand into the cafe Italy pecked Germany and the cheek and they went inside. It was a nice cafe, with a romantic atmosphere. It was filled with loads of adorable cats. (All of the cats are the Nekotalia cats btw) Immediately Italy went over and started petting three of the cats. "Luddy look. This cat has a curl like me. And this cat has a Germany flag as a bow. And this cat reminds me of Japan. Axis Powers Cats!" Germany walked over to look at the cats. Italy was right. They did look like him, Italy and Japan.

Once they had finished their time at the cat cafe, they hopped back in the car and Germany drove both of them to an Italian restaurant. Once they entered the restaurant they took their seats. For awhile they just stared into each other's eyes, not saying a word. Soon a waiter came and interrupted their oddly romantic stare off. "What can I get you two any drinks to start off with?" Italy looked up at the man and then responded, "Can we please get a bottle of Sangiovese?" The man smiled, wrote it down and responded, "Of course. Anything else?" Italy shook his head, "No thank you. Grazie." The waiter smiled and left the table. "So," Germany spoke awkwardly, "Are you enjoying the date so far?" Smiling brightly, Italy grabbed Germany's hand over the table. "Of course I am. This is has been amazing." They intertwined their fingers and smiled at each other. A few moments later a waiter came back with the bottle of wine and two wine glasses. He placed down the bottle and glasses. "So, have you decided on what you want to eat." Italy responded, "I am. I would like to get (an Italian pasta dish)." The waiter wrote down the order, "And you sir? What would you like?"

"I'll have the same as him. Thanks." Germany responded. I waiter wrote down their order and left. After they ate their meals they left the restaurant and started to drive. "Where are we going now?" Italy asked curiously. "It's a surprise. Just wait and find out." Germany responded. After driving for another 10 minutes, Germany finally stopped the car. Once they were out of the car, Italy gasped. They were on a hill that overlooked Berlin. Germany walked over to Italy and placed his arms around Italy's hip. Italy turned and put his arms around Germany. "This is beautiful Luddy. Thank you for taking me here." Germany placed his other arm around Italy's waist a responded, "You're welcome. I had a feeling you would like it." After Germany set up the blanket for them to lay on, they lay down in each other's arms. After 10 minutes of laying down they started making out and rolling around. They had the best date ever.

Japan's POV

I sat in my room drawing away at a new manga I was creating for myself. It is a GerIta manga and it is about their relationship and wedding. I felt so proud of myself and I continued to draw page after page of gay stuff. This manga is going to be so successful. I will give it to them as a wedding gift once they get married.

I apologise for it being late. I couldn't think of any good ideas. Soz. Welp, I hope you enjoyed it. I must say I made Japan very creepy. Oh well. Ciao! :3

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