Something holy and the capital of Italy

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Ciao my friends. Welcome to another chapter. I do apologise for the slower updates. I have been rather busy recently and I have been failing to come up with ideas recently. Anyway. Please enjoy the chapter. 

~One week after the wedding~

No one's POV (No, this is not Canada)

Italy and Germany lay asleep in bed. It was around midnight and the house was quiet. Suddenly the silence was broken by the loud screams and cries of the Italian. Germany woke up immediately when he heard his lover cry and scream. "Italy!" He shook the small man's shoulders. Italy's eyes widened and he jolted up. Germany automatically put his arms around Italy and held him in a loving embrace. Wrapping his arms around the Germans torso, Italy cried and spoke, "I had a bad dream." Germany stroked his back and the top of his head and spoke comforting words to him.

Once Italy had stopped scrying and calmed down Germany spoke, very concerned, "What was your dream about?" Looking into Germany's sky blue eyes, Italy spoke, his eyes welling up with tears again, "I dreamt that you left one day and never came back." Germany kissed Italy and placed his arms around him again. "I would never leave you. Not now, not ever. I love you more than anything and I will stay by your side forever." Italy started to cry again and Germany got very concerned but confused at the same time. Italy looked at Germany again, then suddenly his eyes went wide. "L- ludwig, what do you remember of your past?" Germany automatically knew this was serious. "Well not very much. I sometimes have dreams about a girl in a green maid's outfit and she keeps calling me Holy Rome. I don't exactly understand them though."

Italy's POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was Luddy Holy Rome? My first love. The one that left and never came back. But that would be impossible, France said he was no more. I don't know what to think anymore. Suddenly I got up and rushed out of bed. I ran out of our room and into Prussia's room. Prussia had been staying with us for a while because him and Mr Austria got into a fight and Austria kicked him out of their house. I quickly walked over to Prussia and shook him. Waking him up. He got up quickly and looked at me confused. I spoke quickly, "Is Luddy Holy Rome?" At first he didn't respond, but after a moment he looked at me dead in the eyes and responded, "I'm so sorry Italy that I didn't tell you sooner." My eyes widened in shock. So what I thought was true. Germany was Holy Rome the whole time and Prussia never told me. I stared at him for a moment and stormed out of his room, then out of the house. Germany called out my name as I ran out the door but I didn't respond. I ran away from the house until I couldn't see it anymore. I leaned against a tree that was nearby, catching my breath. I then sat down on the ground and started crying. I didn't exactly know what to do. The man that I had loved since forever was next to me the whole time and I never knew. And one of my closest friends never told me. I don't know what to think. Should I be happy? Should I be sad? Should I be mad? I looked up at the sky. The sky was clear and all the stars where showing. They twinkled in the black blanket of the sky. I basked in the silence of the night and wiped my tears away. It had been such a long time since I had taken the time to look at the sky and the stars. Soon the silence was broken by the calls of my name. It was Luddy. He was looking for me. And from what I could hear he was, crying? I got up from my spot on the ground and walked, following the sound of his voice. I called back, "Luddy, I'm here." I could see him running in the distance towards me. He ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry Luddy." I whispered to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. We looked into each others eyes. I was right, he was crying. I wiped his tears then spoke, "Luddy, why are you crying?" He placed a soft kiss on my lips then responded, "I thought I had done something wrong and you were leaving. The thought of you leaving makes me so sad. I never want you to leave." I stared at him wide eyed. Then started crying as well. "I would never leave you Luddy. Never in a million years. I'm sorry for making you think that." He smiled his beautiful smile and we shared a loving kiss. Luddy carried me over to a tree that was nearby and he sat down, I sat on his lap. We stayed like this for awhile, in the silence of the night. I broke the silence, "Luddy. The reason I ran away was because I found out something that really shocked me. I was so overwhelmed by finding it out all I could think of doing was running away. I'm sorry." He ran his fingers through my hair then responded, "It is fine Feli. Can you tell what you found out?" I nodded, breathing in and out. "I found out that you are my first love. That you are Holy Rome." He looked at me confused. "When I was a little kid I fell in love with a boy called Holy Rome. One day he had to leave to go off to war. That day he shared his feelings and I shared mine. We kissed and then he left. Just before he went he promised that he would come back. So I waited, and waited. Until one day France told me that he was no more. That day I cried and cried, that was also the day you found me in the box.The reason I was in there was because I wanted to hide away from everyone, so I hid myself in the box. And now I have found out that you are Holy Rome."

Germany's POV

After Feli finished explaining his story, memories ad images kept coming into my mind. They were of many different things. Of me painting with the girl. Or was it a girl. Suddenly I spoke, "Wait, that girl in maid dress, was that you?" He nodded and responded, "Those were the only clothes I could get. Everyone thought I was a girl. Only Miss Hungary knew." I smiled and kissed him. "I'm sorry Feli. I wish I knew that I was Holy Rome." Feli shook his head and cuddled into my chest. "Don't apologise Luddy. I'm just happy that we are together. I love you so much." I pulled him closer and whispered back, "I love you too." Slowly we both drift of the sleep. Not caring that we were in a forest. All I cared about was being with Italy.

Wow. I must say these chapters have been getting longer and longer. Oh well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Adios Amigos! :3

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