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"wheres jo?" zach said as he looked at the two boys.

both boys shrugged and the whole room was full of silence, u could even hear a pin dropping from upstairs.

"im gonna go and look for him." jack said as he got up to leave.

"ok, u do that then" zach mumbled as he watched jack walk out of the living room.

"jo?" jack called out as he walked upstairs, he thought that maybe he'd be in daniels room.

so, he walked into daniels room and didnt see jonah in there.

"wheres jo?" jack asked as he looked at daniel with a worried expression, the blonde looked at him and shrugged.

"idk. he came in here then asked me something then just left." daniel replied as he looked back at the movie he was watching.

"what did he ask u?"

"if i liked anyone."

jack froze then cleared his throat, managing to turn around and walk to jonahs room, knocking on the door before trying to open it.

"jonah?" jack called out as he tried opening the door again.




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