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She hated him he knew that much... She hated his guts, why else would she avoid him and cease to protect him? Castiel knew that something was up when she wouldn't protect him, alas wouldn't even talk to him. However, he never did get the chance to ask because of her avoiding him. Castiel wanted to see his best friend, wanted her to explain everything from the night before, however, the days passed and still he couldn't seem to wave her down, and or get her attention to even share a sentence.

"Cassy calm down... I'm sure you're going to be just fine your friendship is stronger than this," HIs mother tried to reassure only to fail whilst her son broke down into tears not able to keep his emotions inside any longer.

"T-This has been going on to long," He stuttered out never meeting his mother's gaze. "I can't believe she would date someone who treats me so poorly-"

"She's dating who now?" The mother questioned about ready to throw some hands, however Castiel placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to soothe her.

"She is dating Azazel-"

"She's doing what now?" Suddenly the mother got up from sitting on Castiel's bed ready to go give Y/N a piece of her mind... Afterall Y/N was like a daughter to her, however no one hurts her son.

"Mom stop-"

"No one hurts Cassy!" Gabriel exclaimed bursting into the room.

It had been obvious that he was listening through the door. "She's only down the street we can-"

"Stop!" The raven-haired man exclaimed glancing at the both of them through teary eyes. "Sto... Stop alright? I'll handle this myself," he reassured trying to avoid their gazes, nonetheless that didn't go too well.

"I'll go talk to her now... But I mean... I don't know - She probably doesn't want to talk to me," Castiel mumbled through a sigh now pacing the room. "Maybe this was a bad idea I-"

"You're going," Gabriel urged showing Castiel out the door of his room where he smashed right into Lucifer.

"Woah what's got you in a rush?" He questioned, glancing at his brother with wide eyes.

"We're going to watch from afar as Castiel goes to Y/N's house to talk things out," Gabriel explained quickly during his brother along. "You can come if you like,"
"You're not going to watch me!  Or else I won't even go," Castiel threatened turning back to them and jabbing a finger in all of their faces.

"But Cassy-"

"Don't you cassy me, I. Will. Handle. This. Myself," he explained through gritted teeth.

"Fine... But you'll have to tell us the details later," His mother sighed her hands still up in defence.

"Wait what the hell is going on?" Lucifer questioned thus once Castiel left he could hear his mother explaining the story all over again.

A groan escaped his lips als Castiel knew full well that maybe he should have wanted to tell them. However, the raven haired man couldn't help yet to feel thankful for his father being still at work. Knowing fully well that he would be devastated. The nervousness that bubbled inside him was similar to the one that he felt years later walking up the front stops of Y/N's home.

However, this time he thought he knew what he had been expecting, though his expectations weren't accurate. His fist came in contact with the door knocking softly, whilst he knew that the doorbell was broek . Castiel would have usually just climbed in her window however he knew that it was different. She had been avoiding him, so something was definitely wrong.

"Azazel what are you doing here?" Castiel questioned his heart coming up into his throat  nonetheless this happened to be the last person he would have expected to find here.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked confused however a smirk gradually spread across his lips. "I thought I already taught you a less of staying away from my girl? She's already done a nice job avoiding you... Haven't you gotten the hint?" The blue-eyed man's heart skipped a beat at the bullies words, whilst everything came crashing down before him.

Suddenly his fist took a massive heap of his shirt, causing the raven-haired man to squirm under his touch. "I thought I told you-" However before Azazel could finish Y/N came dashing down the steps and into view.

"Cas?" She questioned observing him through wide eyes.

"Well  came here to talk to you... It looks like you're busy though- So I'll-"

"No it's alright I'll- Cas wait don't go look-"

"No it's fine you can finish whatever you were doing," Thus since Azazsel had let go of Castiel seeing Y/N coming the blue-eyed man could easily leave already half way down the sidewalk.

"Cas no wait stop!" She exclaimed placing a firm hand his shoulder pausing his steps.
"Please just let me make this right,"She pleaded searching for his blue pupils, however they ceased to meet her own.

"Break up with him," Castiel blurted instantly face palming himself however quickly continuing. "Break up with Azazel,"


"Don't you catch me if you want to make things right then that's what you have to do," He quickly shrugged off her touch, springin away from her, from everything down the sidewalk.

This was when he knew that their friendship had been broken, although not full over yet. Thus it wouldn't be over until days later.

Castiel had been taken into a flashback of that day, because Y/N's husband had reminded him of the same thing that had occurred years ago. Nonetheless it seemed to be happening all over again, however, this time they might actually be able to talk it out.

"You're married?" The raven-haired man blurted through confusion glazing between the both of them with wide eyes.

"Well I mean yeah... A Lot has happened since you've been gone," She explained as if it were really nothing. "Listen Cas I would like to tell you how sorry I am and I know that won't ever be enough for you to fully forgive me but can you just left me explain before you-"

"Of course I'll let you explain," He mumbled cutting her off. "I mean after all that is partly why I came here,"

"Ok, well this is going to take awhile," She mumbled as they sat on the couch all together, Castiel listening intently knowing fully well that this is what he had been waiting all these years to hear. This is what he needed to finally put those last few puzzle pieces together.

However, that didn't seem to be what happened on this day. Alas nothing that he would have ever expected occurred he would have never expected her reasoning through all of this nonetheless guessed it.

"Wow," He breathed out staring down at his interlocked hands. "I'm so sorry all of that happen to you Y/N,"

"No Cas I'm the one who should be apologizing for everything, I should have never hurt you in the way that I did because I was hurting myself, I should have never left you when I knew that you were vulnerable... I don't know how I'll ever be able to make this up to you,"

"It takes time... However you can start by packing your things so that we can make it in time for the funeral," He urged whilst she leaped off the couch and into his arms... Something in which he hadn't expected, whilst he embraced her back.

Everything was perfect... Y/N was now going to the funeral, she still wanted to be his friend and they could surely fix things.

However this is only how Castiel imagined it would go, and nothing at all how it played out.

"Leave Castiel... I will call the cops," Y/N threatened once he rolled down his car window.


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