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Screaming had only been the beginning, their fight had only been the beginning of ruined friendships and broken hearts.

People could hear them from blocks away and yet they couldn't seem to care. The last thing they wanted in that moment was for the other to win.

Everything over the years that had never been said, all of the emotions that had been built up were released and the only one that seemed to enjoy this was Azazel.

Castiel hated saying the things that he did, hell he still regretted it till this day years and years later. However, his words were like baby food compared to the things Y/N had said to him. After hours of screaming their voices had gone raw whilst the next day the both of them had sounded like wild animals... Much less look like some.

Losing a best friend would do that to you.

Crush you until you no longer have the will to keep going. The last thing that Castiel ever wanted was to say those things to her, however, she gave him no choice. Her words hurt him more than the depletion of their friendship had. Her words had stuck with him through every job interview, school presentation, even simply talking with his parents or brothers. 

Her words put a scar on him that simply wouldn't go away and just as they were about to fade away they had met once again.

And the last thing Cas wanted had been to get hurt again.

Neither of them knew how long their fight had lasted, although once they were done it had turned dark. Their yelling, and blaming one another simply wouldn't come to an end as back and forth is how it went over and over again.

There had been no need to stop after all, they wanted their feelings to finally come out and this was simply what it took to do so. Their fights had surely lasted hours yet to them it only felt like a couple of minutes with no one around to tend their screaming it would continue for as long  as it took.

Long enough to the point in which they had been left with nothing left to say about one another, nothing left to shame the other for and that simply left  the birth of them feeling nothing less of trash. Everytime Castiel looked back on it now it sends shivers down his spine and tears into his eyes. That night had been the worst part of his life yet Y/N's too.

Whilst he couldn't come to know how much guilt she must have felt.

The main point of the argument could have been avoided if only the raven-haired man knew what Y/N had been going through. Maybe he could have stopped some of her pain... Maybe even all of it. Maybe he could have fixed things, maybe if he knew they would still be best friends.

Maybe if he knew things wouldn't have been so horrible.

She could have simply told him that her father was abusive, and it caused her to want to lash out all the time. She could have just explained that Azazel was trying to control her every move and that he hated Castiel with everything he had.

However she hadn't.

She didn't tell him how terrified she had been of the start of them or how they became the leading factor behind everything she does. However she hadn't explained this to him... Not until today at least. So the fight would indeed haunt them for the rest of their lives. They wouldn't and or couldn't have ever expected it, whilst it all started to one of the stupidest reasons.

It all had started simply when castiel wanted to get Y/N to talk to him. After all he was lonely. Thus one normal day turned into one of importance, as that day he was determined to get her to talk.

"Y/N wait up!" He exclaimed, trying to get the attention of the woman that simply didn't want to talk to him. The bell had rung on a friday night so they had all the time in the world to talk. Y/N however had only halted in her tracks, and never turned to face him whilst her back stayed facing him.

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