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"Moving day! Moving day...ain't nothing like a moving day!" My mom sung.

I rolled my eyes. "Mom can you please stop singing?!"

"I'm just so excited." My mom said.

"Wow you're not gonna miss me?" I asked.

"Of course I will , but this is a new start for you. I can't wait to see you succeed." My mom said smiling.

"And I get your room!" Aria said.

I gasped. "I'm sorry what?!" I said making Aria nod. I shook my head. " I thought if I wanted to come back I would still have my-"

"Come on Asia! You live 45 minutes away...and that's if there's heavy traffic!" Makayla said.

"I thought you liked your room." I said.

Aria rolled here eyes. "I have two."

I went upstairs to grab my last box. I saw my dad looking at the pictures I had on my wall. I looked at them with him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"It was so hard without you dad."

"I know. I'm here now. I'm always here."

"I know you are." I said.

"You know I got the apartment so you'd be independent...but since I came back I know I'm really gonna miss you." My dad said.

"Awe dad you know I'm gonna miss you too. I'm always gonna be over." I said.

"I got you something." My dad said handing me a envelope.

I opened it. It was a a gift card to Applebee's. I chuckled when I saw it. "Thanks dad." I said smiling.

"I know you're not gonna cook..so I got you that."

"Hey I'm gonna cook." I said trying not to laugh.

"You're lying through your teeth!"

"I am not." I said laughing.

"I know my daughter." He said making me laugh.

"Yeah you do."

"Also...I know you loved going there as a child."  My dad said. "Oh and I got you something else." He said handing me a box.

I opened it. It was a beautiful diamond necklace.

"Dad it's beautiful

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"Dad it's beautiful." I said.

"Just like you." My dad said. "Let me put it on for you." I lifted my hair. "How did you afford-" He cut me off. "Don't worry about it."

"It's just like grandmas"

"I know. It was very special to her. Her dad gave it to her around your age. So I wanted to do the same for you." He said.

"Well that was really nice of you." I said.

"Yes, I will do the same for Aria." He said making me widen my eyes.

"Oh you will?" I asked.

"Of course I will."

"Oh but wouldn't you wanna give it to Makayla first?" I asked.

"Well when you put it like that-"

"No, I just mean...I don't know forget it."

"No what's wrong?" He asked me.

I could tell he was concerned. I didn't want to break it to him. Maybe it isn't true or wasn't supposed to come out.

"Nothing dad. Let's just go."

We headed to the truck and put the last box in. My dad helped me drop off my things and he went back home. I sat on the new couch and sighed.

A few minutes later Jabez came in the apartment. I sighed again.

"What are you huffing and puffing for?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"You know the cables on right." He said.

"Cool." I said.

He turned on the tv and sat down. "Cool where's the sports channels."

I got up and started to head to my room. "Wait where you going?" He asked.

"My room obviously." I said.

"I thought we were gonna chill." He said.


"Why?" He asked.

"We're not friends baby boy! I don't wanna chill with you." I said.

"Who are you B. Simone ?" He asked.

"Nigga we're roommates that's all." I rolled my eyes. "Shut the fuck up and leave me alone." I said walking to the ac.

I turned it down because it was way to high. "It's too cold in here."

"No what are you doing? We live in Texas it's hot outside."

"Oh my gosh you have it on 63."

"Ok because I like it like that."

"Of course you do Jabez..because your a cold person!"

"Oh shut up"

"You shut the fuck up!"

"Why are you yelling?!"

"Because you're a dumb ass!"

"You know what I'm tired of taking this shit from you. Shut up and go to bed." He said.

"Don't tell me what to do. Now turn the heat down motherfucker."

"No I'm tired of you anemic bitches." He said.

I gasped. "The fuck?! Don't call me a bitch." I said.

"You call me out my name all the time."

"I don't care! You don't call me a bitch." I said

"What the fuck ever."

"I'm not even anemic...you dumb bitch." I said walking to my room. I slammed my door and screamed.

"Stop being dramatic!" He yelled.

Kiddos|Jabezvill Love Story {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now