Chapter I

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11th July 1994, (Y/C)

I am in my grandfather's house. We are both in the garage and I'm helping him fix his car. My father is a mechanic and a computer programmer so despite the fact that I am 11 I know a lot.

"You should put this cable in there." I said pointing at a black cable.

"My my you are right. You know a lot!" My grandpa said laughing.  Then the phone rang.

"Wait here and despite the fact that I know you will try to fix it please don't touch anything while I'm gone"
My grandpa said smiling.

"You know I will." I said and laughed and then my grandpa went to the kitchen to get the phone.

After a few minutes he came to the garage. His eyes were a bit red. However, he was trying to smile.

"What happened?" I asked.

Then my grandpa told me to wait here so I focused on fixing the car. After a few minutes I saw a taxi parking outside of our house. Then he approached it. I headed outside as well.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Listen (Y/N) something came up and I have to go somewhere. Please stay here and lock the doors. Why don't you go and try to fix the car while you wait?" He told me as he hugged me.

"Alright." I said. Then he kissed my cheek. I'll be back before you know it he added smiling. It was a pained smile.

As I was heading inside, I was thinking what my grandfather told me. He would never tell me to fix the car by myself. So curiosity took over me and I followed him with my bicycle. It was tough considering that I had to be fast, careful and most importantly not seen.

A few minutes later I saw the taxi stopping at a hospital. My grandpa rushed inside and I followed him. Then he stopped outside a door were a police officer was waiting. I couldn't hear what they were talking. However I only heard one sentence: "I am sorry for your loss" that was told by the police officer. I got closer without realising it, wanting to hear more even though that sentence was enough for me to understand what had happened. My parents were returning from New York today... My grandpa turned around and saw me.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here!" He said shocked. I froze. I didn't know how to respond. Deep down I knew it though I wanted to hear it. I didn't want to accept it so only three words came out of my mouth:

"Are they dead?"

No one answered. Instead they both avoided eye contact. Their silence was more than enough to answer to my question. I proceeded to open the door.

"You will do no such thing!" My grandfather grabbed my hand with tears in his eyes. "You are to young to look at this."

Both my parents were dead. The officer told my grandpa that they were involved in a car accident. I asked if they could get me to the place where it happened. My grandpa agreed and I went there with him.

Twenty minutes later we arrived. The car was still there. It wasn't burning now, so I approached it and I examined it. There was a hole in the gas tank and in the front right tire. I also noticed that all the breaks the car had were missing. This couldn't have been an accident. My father was one of the scientists in a company called "STARK INDUSTRIES", the head of the department of research and development. That automatically created many enemies.

Then my grandpa took my hand and we returned home. The funeral and the burial was the next day. People I had never seen before were there. There was also a 21-year-old guy looking at me.

"Sad isn't it. When they leave." He told me after the burial.

"Yeah." I said.

"You know I noticed, you never shed a tear" he added.

"I know" I answered coldly.

"Did you tell them you loved them before they died?" He asked.

"I only told them «good bye»." I said.

"I know how you feel. Mine died three years ago. Your dad worked for mine." He said.

"Then you must be Antony Stark." I said.

"Yeah. I wasn't the kind of person to go to my father's lab but when I did James was always there with my dad talking about his smart son (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Yeah my dad used to do that." I said.

"If you ever need anything just ask." He said.

"I won't but thanks." I answered without taking my eyes of their grave. Then Tony patted me in the back and left.

The next few days at school were hard. I didn't want to go. Thankfully, my best friends were there. Their names are Damien, Samantha (or Sam in short) and Adam. We've been best friends since the first day of primary school.

"Are you feeling okay?" Sam asked me.

"I guess so... I just wish they were here...." I said coldly.

"You know..." Damien started. "I shouldn't probably mention it but there might be a way to bring them back...."

"Really?" I asked.

"It has never really worked out but we can try it...." Damien said.

"So what do we do?"  Adam asked?

"Summon a demon. Daemon to be precise.

(It is a something like category but after a lot of research Google started giving me articles about demons and satanism which is kind of weird since I am a Christian.... So I couldn't think of anything else. If you have any suggestions please let me know.)

"Isn't this just a legend? Look I know we dig up some stuff about ancient legends but playing with supernatural stuff is not safe." Adam said.

"No one forces you to come with us. I'm doing this for (Y/N). So I'll help him." Damien said.

"Me too." Sam said

"Still....." Adam tried to protest "We shouldn't do that. We can't play with forces we don't understand."

"Come on it is only a legend. It means it will probably won't work. Besides, if it does work,  (Y/N) will get his parents back." Damien added.

"My father-" Adam tried to say but Damien interrupted him
"Your father won't learn about it."

"But-!" Adam tried to say again but Damien interrupted him.
"Look I know he is a priest. But we won't tell him. None of us will talk. And even if something happens, I'll take full responsibility. I promise." Damien added.

"Fine....." Adam agreed.

"We will all meet up at our hideout at 2am sharp." Damien said. "(Y/N) I want you to bring something that belonged to your parents. Something that connects you three. I'll bring everything else we need."

With that we all headed home. I couldn't think anything else. The though of bring my parents back to life felt wrong, but I didn't want to be alone. And after I bring them back.... I'll find the one who killed them and I'll kill him myself...

Dust (Black Widow X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now