Chapter XVII

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After a few minutes, Clint landed the quinjet in a farm. When we got out, he told us to follow him. We were all exhausted. Clint opened the door and we all got in. We got out and looked around.

"Honey I'm home!" We heard Clint saying. 

"I thought this was a safehouse." Tony whispered to me.

"I guess it is." I said as I looked around. There were children drawings and toys scattered around.  Clint motioned us to wait here. A few minutes later he came back with a pregnant woman and two kids.

"Hey" The woman greeted us akwardly when she came into the living room.

"Dad did you bring auntie Nat with you?" The girl asked as she hugged Clint's leg.

"Why don't you hug her and figure it out yourself?" Natasha said as she opened her arms as the little girl ran to her excited.

"I want you to meet my family." Clint said with a smile. "This is my wife, Laura." 

We all greeted her akwardly. Then she showed us to our rooms. There were two spare rooms with double beds, so Natasha and Bruce went to one, Me and Tony took the other and Steve decided to sleep on the couch. Thor said that he needed answers about a vision he had so he left.

After some time we decided to help Laura with the house. So Tony and Steve went to cut wood. I went to the kitchen and saw her cutting vegetables.

"Thank you for your hospitality." I said.

"Any friend of my husband is welcomed here." She said and smiled. Then she tried to reach the top shelf but she couldn't.

"Do you want any help with that?" I asked.

"Yes thank you." She said as she took a step back and I stretched to reach the top shelf and grabbed the pot. I noticed that she rubbed her waist and grimaced.

"Do you want me to cook so that you could rest for a little. I mean, you are pregnant, you should rest." I asked and grabbed a knife.

"You know how to cook?" She asked surprised.

"Yeah. Why, do you find that weird?" I asked and smiled.

"Well, most guys don't know how to even boil an egg." She said as she sat down to a chair.

"Well, I am pretty skillful with a knife." I said and she looked at me surprised. "No wait! That came out wrong! I mean I can cook." I said and we both laughed. Then I turned around and started cutting red, yellow and orange bell peppers . Then I put them in the pot. I added some salt and pepper and started stirring it with a ladle. 

"Can I ask you something?" She suddenly said with a worried voice.

"Sure" I said as I finished with cutting peppers, mushrooms and onions and had moved to carrots.

"The job you guys do... I know it's dangerous... how do I say this..." She said 

"You are worried about Clint." I said as I now placed the slices of carrots in the pot and started stirring them again.

"Exactly. I am really worried about him. He doesn't have those superpowers you guys have and-" She said while panicking a bit and again with a worried voice.

"Do you trust your husband" I said as I turned around facing her. 

"Yes but-" She said but I cut her off.

"Then everything will be okay. He may not be as strong as Steve or Thor nor as smart as Tony, Bruce and I. And that's why we need him most. Because of our strenght or brains we tend to make irrational and arrogant decisions so we need him more than ever. He keeps us together. So we'll protect him" I said and smiles gently. She did too. Then Clint came into the kitchen

Dust (Black Widow X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now