Chapter XXIV

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I abruptly opened my eyes and choked on water as I felt a wave of electricity passing through my body. I started caughing as I turned around facing the cold metal surface Ι felt a hand on my back patting me softly. I turned around prepared to attack and saw Tony backing away slowly.

"It's me Rookie." He said and when he saw that I calmed down he approached me. "It's okay." He added and hugged me. 

"What, what happened?" I said as I took big breaths.

"Let's just say that for a moment, I thought you were a goner." He added and let go of me smiling.

"What about Barnes? And Steve? Oh god please tell me I didn't kill any of them." I said as I tried to get up.

"No. Unfortunatelly Barnes is still alive. Steve too." He said as he pushed me down, "For now, let's just lay down and rest until help gets here. Oh and by help, I mean that you are in big trouble." He said as he laid next to me.

"Please tell me you didn't call Nat." I said and frowned.

"Well, since Clint is in some Supermax floating ocean pokey, Nat was the only person that can fly the quinjet. I was out of options. Sorry rookie." He said and then he laughed. "You are in big trouble. While you were busy being unconscious, you had 27 missed calls from Natasha"  As if on cue, I heard a faint beep coming from my glasses, however, I couldn't answer since they were almost destroyed during the fight. After a couple of minutes it stopped.

"28" He added

"I'm dead." I said and laughed. Tony laughed too.








A couple of hours later I was brought into a hospital room in the Avenger's base. I was looking outside of the window when I heard the door opening. I turned and saw Natasha. She was looking at me irritated when she sat next to me.

"Someone's in trouble!" I said and she raised an eyebrow.

"That's me, I don't know why I said that." I said while she looked at me quietly.

"Can you just say something? I don't want to speak to myself!" I said.

"Are you idiot or stupid?" She asked.

"What?" I asked

"What sane person leaves the hospital while being injured and dives straight into a battle with two veterans?" She asked irritated. I looked straight into her eyes and realised that she was worried about me. 

"I'm sorry, but I had to." I said and looked down.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?" She said with a shaky voice. "28 calls! TWENTY FREAKING EIGHT MISSED CALLS." She said raising her voice. " When Tony called I thought you....." She whispered her voice fading..

"Barnes killed my parents. And Tony's" I said and I took a big breath. Natasha looked at me surprised. "There was a video. He burned my father alive and hit my mother until she died." I added. She placed her hand on top of mine. 

Dust (Black Widow X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now