Chapter XXIII

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When we arrived at the coordinates Sam told us, we saw an underground old base. Tony walked in front of me and entered in the underground base first. After making sure it was safe, he motioned me to move in. I looked around and saw unused and rusty military equipment. Some rockets here and there, weapons etc. What surprised me the most was that we past in front of an old training room. After carefully walking around, we finally found Steve and Barnes. Steve prepared himself to fight us but the Tony explained how he was right about the other Winter Soldiers and about a guy that framed Barnes. After walking around for a while, we entered a vast room with about ten capsules, in five of which we saw humans. Steve prepared himself when I approached one of them. It was a woman with blond hair. I noticed a bullet hole in her forehead.

"She's dead." I yelled at the other.

"Yes, all of them are dead. They died in their sleep." A voice said as the door we came from locked itself. Steve threw his shield to prevent it from closing but with no avail. We all looked around prepared for anything.

"Please Captain. The Soviets built this base in way that that it can withstand the blast of 100 rockets" The voice said.

"Bet I could beat that!" Tony yelled.

"Oh I'm sure you could Mr. Stark." The voice said again. I kept looking around for him while Tony kept talking at him. I eventually saw him behind the door we came. I pointed at him and we all headed there. But Steve approached him first. Me and Tony stopped in front of a computer. Then the screen suddenly lit up. One date popped up in Russian.

"December 16th 1991" I said translating as Tony looked at the screen surprised and curious.

"A nation toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within.... That's dead, forever." He said and Tony pressed start.

"I know that road." Tony said with a trembling voice. "What's this!" He asked but got no answer. I glanced at the screen behind his shoulder and saw James Barnes as Winter soldier killing Howard and Maria Stark. Then, Tony went to attack at Barnes but Steve hold him.

"Did you know?" He asked Steve.

"He didn't know what he was doing" Steve answered

"Bullshit." He said. "I asked if you knew." He said.

"Yes." Steve then said. I approached Tony carefully from his blind spot. Tony then punched him making him fall to the floor and sent a blast at the Winter soldier sending him flying to another wall. I immediately run and grabbed Tony before he could attack Barnes again.

"RUN!" I yelled at Steve and Barnes as I used Daemons powers to enhance my grip.

"Let go of me! He killed my mum!" He said while trying to break free. He fired a blast to another wall to make me lose balance. But as he did that, we both turned at the direction of the computer and I caught a glimpse of another date.

(A/N: This scene will be a bit violent . Also, play the video)

"11 июль 1994 (July 11th 1994)" I whispered and slowly released my grip, eventually releasing Tony. He attacked Steve and Barnes while I slowly made my way towards the computer. I pressed the start button and a road in broad daylight appeared.

That road....I know that road....

Then, the video was slowed down and I was able to spot my parents car in the distance. Both my parents were visible and I saw them both smiling. I saw my mum reaching for my father's hand. Suddenly, there was an explosion in the back of the car, that made it fly and after a few spins, it stopped and it was on fire. Then, a man with the motorcycle approached them. I noticed he had a metal left arm, a red star with silver linings drawn in it. He got off his motorcycle and approached my father first. He was still alive. I could see him moving. Then, the man grabbed my father and threw him into the flames that were growing bigger in the back of the car. I heard him screaming before his life was consumed by fire. Then the guy proceeded to check if my mother was alive. He noticed that she was alive too, so he grabbed her by the hair and started slamming her head in the hard metal door until she died. Then, he threw her lifeless body in the fire as well. Lastly, he took them both out of the fire with his metal arm and placed them back in their seats, burning the front part as well. Then, the video started glitching until it stopped with his face in the camera.

I tried to look away from the video but I couldn't. Barnes' face was clear. I didn't want to believe this...I looked back at the place were the guy was but he had now disappeared. My attention shifted to the trio who were fighting as I heard the sound of metal clashing.


I didn't answer immediately. I stood there watching the three men fighting, before they fell to a lower floor.

"I'll kill him" I said coldly and engulfed my limbs in flames as I run to help Tony.

Steve had pinned Tony and started punching him in the face when I kicked him in the face burning his helmet a little and sending him crushing on a wall. I couldn't control my rage, or to be precise, I don't want to control it. I wanted to release all the emotions I suppressed all those years. Anger, sadness, regret, guilt, rage, despair, misery, fury, pain, grief, wrath, hostility, shame, resentment, hatred towards the person who took everything away from me. Daemon had told me once that the more I felt, the more powerful I would become and right now, I felt like my power was immense. Like nothing could stop me.

Tony got up and looked at me surprised. My appearance had changed. I took a the devilish form of Daemon in my human body.

"I'll kill him." I said as with an almost devilish voice.

Steve got up along with his shield. Barnes did too and stood behind him. I stood next to Tony. We all ran towards the other duo. I attacked Barnes and Tony attacked Steve. Banres blocked most of my attacks with his metal arm. I hit him on the head and he fell down. I pinned him on the ground and started punching him burning his skin at the same time. He tried to resist and fight me with his metal arm, but I increased the temperature at such degree that I slowly started melting it until it was so flexible that I cut it off. I heard him screaming since he could not withstand the heat I was emitting.

"THAT'S THE PERFECT END FOR YOU. HOW DO YOU THINK MY FATHER FELT WHEN YOU THREW HIM INTO THE FIRE. BURNED HIM ALIVE!" I said with Daemons voice as I got up, dragged him towards a wall and started slamming his head in it. 

"AND HOW DO YOU THINK MY MOTHER FELT WHEN YOU SLAMMED HER HEAD UNTIL SHE DIED!" He begged me to stop but I didn't. I was able to smell his blood and feel its warmth. It disgusted me that I his blood touched my hand.  After about three hard hits, my hand stopped moving.


"Let go of me! He killed my parents! He deserves to suffer and die the way they did! I'll kill him!" I started yelling


"HE KILLED MY PARENTS, HE DESERVES TO DIE! IT'S HIS FAULT MY LIFE WAS DESTROYED. HIS FAULT SAM IS DEAD! HIS FAULT I'M A MONSTER! EVERYTHING STARTED BECAUSE OF HIM!" I yelled angrily as I broke free from Daemon's invisible grip. I charged at Barnes  who had just managed to get up. But before I was able to reach him, Steve threw his shield frisbee style and it hit me in the head, at the exact same spot Vision hit him with his laser.

I felt my surrounding slowing down and my eyes got dizzy. I placed my hand on the same spot and as I slowly brought it to my face to check it I saw blood. I walked backwards trying to balance myself. I stumbled back and without realising it, I reached the edge of the platform. I took one last glance at the half dead Barnes and at the injured Tony. Just before his eyes met mine, I fell backwards into the emptiness. I was still conscious when I hit the hard and thick ice surface. My body hadn't cooled down, so the heat I was emitting melted part of the ice making me fall into the cold water, which hit me like a ton of bricks. I barely opened my eyes and saw blood coming out of my wounds. I looked at the broken part of the ice where I cought a glimpse of light. But it felt like it was distancing itself from me, which meant that I sank deeper and deeper. I tried to kick my legs and push my body towards the surface but to no avail. My body was numb, and I could not feel it...

Daemon, I know you can hear my thoughts. If I die here, I set you free.

I couldn't move anymore, nor could I feel my body and for the first time in a while, I felt the cold. Everything was so quiet... so peacefull. I couldn't think anymore and to be honest, I didn't want to. I closed my eyes and prepared myself. Then, I felt a warm light  embracing my numb body that was floating in the emptiness alone. 

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