Chapter XIX

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It's been a year since the incident with Ultron and now, I am officially an Avenger myself. Despite that, I didn't take part in many missions, only the ones I found interesting, since I had to finish my second year in MIT. According to Tony, I was probably going to finish in three years instead of four. During the year I came really close with Wanda. I like to think myself as her older brother. We went to a few interesting missions together and when I don't study we hang out a lot. Unlike... Natasha. When Bruce left, she became a bit distant. She doesn't talk more than she had to and keeps taking one mission after another to keep her distracted. She was heartbroken. When I saw her, we would talk and I would try to comfort her and she would cheer up for a while. Wanda obviously learned about my crush on her and she wouldn't stop teasing me for it. But she promised to keep it a secret.

Now I'm in one of Tony's houses, near the University. I'm getting ready to go to my goddaughters' birtday party, Cassie's. I wore a plaid red and black shirt with a pair of black jeans and a white T-shirt. As I was putting my shoes on, I heard my phone buzzing. I opened it and saw a text. It was from an unknown number.


"Hey. Guess who just got out of prison." 

"Who is this?

"It's me Scott. Oh my god, is this a wrong number?

"Damn it Scott, no this is the right one.

"I'm glad. You had me worried for a moment."

"I had you worried! This was an unknown number to me. Whose is this by the way?"

"Luis' phone. Make sure you save it, until I have mine back. By the way you didn't answer the first question."

"I don't know, Luis perhaps?"

"No doofus, I did!

"Well then Glad you are out."

". Are you going to Cassie's party? 

"Of course I am. I'm her Godfather."

"Great, Cause I don't want to face Maggie alone xD"

"You're crazy. Want me to pick you up?"

"Yes please, I'll send you the address"


I placed the phone in my pocket and went to my bedroom. I took out a white shirt, a pair of formal black pants and a black vest and placed them in a backpack. Τony had a presentation at the University and I had to go after Cassie's party. I then picked up Cassie's gift, got out of the house and climbed on my motorcycle. A few minutes later, I arrived to the place Scott told me to met him. I took of my helmet and looked around. I saw Scott waving his hand as he approached me.

"Hey buddy. Long time no see!" Scott said as he hugged me. I hugged him back

"Come on up Scottie." I said smirking. "By the way I will have to leave earlier. I have a presentation to go to."

"Sure thing. Besides, I doubt Maggie will allow us stay more than five minutes." He said as he climbed on behind me. "And stop calling me like that."

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