Ending 1

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I opened my eyes and formed a gauntlet with Daemon's fire. I placed all the stones inside and instantly felt my all the power rushing through my body. Everything was hard, even breathing. I saw that Thanos throwing away Steve, slamming Thor's head on the ground and punching Tony, knocking him on the ground. Then, he approached me. I looked at Tony smiling and stood up. I turned my gaze on Thanos angrily.

"NO! DON'T!" I heard Tony yelling as he flew towards me.

"Burn in Hell." I said and snapped my fingers.




I found myself in front of an orange temple. I looked around and everything was actually orange. Suddenly, I heard a female voice, and a little girl approached me. Her face however, could not be seen

"Hi there." She said. But I didn't respond. "Are you coming here?" She added.

"Coming? Where is this here?" I said with a low voice.

"Here it's here silly!" She said with a childish voice.

"I don't understand..." I said as I looked around confused. "Which way should I go?" I asked.

"That depends on where you are going." She answered and looked at me.

"But... I don't know." I said.

"Then it doesn't matter which way you go!" She said and smiled.

"You are crazy." I said

"No, you are the crazy one. You are here asking questions. You don't know where here is, you don't know if you are coming or not and lastly you don't know which way you have to go." She said laughing.

"Am I...dead?" After thinking for a while, I asked.

"Depends. Do you want to or not?" She said.

"I... don't know. I wanted to but now.... I'm not even sure anymore" I said and laughed a bit.

"Hmmm" The girl said. "You're weird" she said pointing her finger at me

"I guess so." I said and smiled

"You haven't changed a bit since I knew you." The girl said.

"You know me? How?" I asked.

"It's me silly.!" The girl said and stepped forward. Now her face could clearly be seen.

"Sam..." I whispered.

"Missed me?" She chuckled. I took a step forwards to hug her. "No stop!" she added.

"Why?" I asked surprised

"You got to be sure about coming here. You have the option to go back. Daemon decided to do whatever you want." She said. Then another woman walked and stood next to her. I could recognize her red hair. I'd actually recognize that red hair everywhere. Her green eyes where shining like emeralds and a warm smile was on her face.

"You have some really good friends here." She said and patted Sam on her shoulder.

"Natasha...." I whispered. "Why did you do it...?" I asked.

"Because I had to bring you back..." She said

"When I learned it... I tried, when I had the gauntlet on, I tried to bring you back." I said. She just looked at me smiling.

"Still trying to bring me back? Wasn't once enough?" She said still smiling. I looked at her surprised "I knew all along." She added. Then she approached me and placed her hand on my cheek. "I took a while, but I realized that you are the one for me. However, when I did, it was too late. You were gone." She said and looked at me straight in the eyes. Her eyes started tearing up. "I broke when I lost you..."

Dust (Black Widow X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now