Chapter 9

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Persephone walked over to the Asphodel Meadows, where her friends ran over to her as soon as they saw her. They lifted her hearts, the dear friends who had nothing but time. Her heart ached for them, knowing they never felt or did anything. They just hung around until the time came they were reincarnated.

'What do you want to do today, Persephone?' one of the girls asked. She had already forgotten her name and Persephone knew better than to name them herself. 

'I want to dance in the tall grasses, sing songs and braid your hair.' The girl took her hand and pulled her into the small crowd that gathered. She was never afraid of them. As long as she was in the Underworld, she intended to take care of them. Sometimes she even contemplated never leaving, but she always dismissed the thought as soon as it came up.

'I should've known you'd be here', someone said behind her. Minthe was beautiful. That was all Persephone wished to say about her. She was too touchy-feely when it came to Hades and too pouty when it came to Persephone. It was clear the nymph couldn't wait for Persephone to leave, but she never said anything. She knew better than to agitate the gods - even if Persephone wasn't an Olympian, she was too powerful. 

Little did Minthe know Persephone's powers were almost non-existent Below. Yes, she was immortal and yes, she was divinely beautiful - but the one thing she could do was letting everything bloom and blossom. And that wasn't happening in the desolate lands of the Underworld.

'We thought you wouldn't', she laughed, 'that's why we're here.' Her friends giggled and Minthe rolled her eyes before forcing a smile.

'Hades wants to know if you want to accompany him to the bathhouses of Tartarus.' Persephone got up from the mossy underground and towered over the nymph. Minthe flinched, afraid of being struck down. The goddess of spring said goodbye to the souls that were so dear to her and followed the nymph back to the castle.

The bathhouses of Tartarus were situated in the shadows of large pine trees. She had been there before on a tour around the Underworld. She loved the heated baths and the smell of lavender and mint. Steam hung thick in the large rooms and made sure there was sufficienty privacy. Hades didn't lead her to the grand entrance as she expected.

'Where are we going?' she asked him.

'Did you think a god would bathe with the lot of them?' He laughed. 'Follow me, goddess. I want to show you Heaven in Hell.' She crossed a wooden path that circled around the outdoor baths. It looked almost heavenly, and wasn't inferior to the Court of Olympus. They walked into the pine woods when she saw a large door in the hill, guarded by two large centaurs.

'Is this your private bathhouse?' He smiled as he opened the door for her.

'It is. You can get undressed over there. Everything you might need is in that room.' She followed a nymph with short blonde hair to a dressing room. She wondered who else he'd ever let use the room.

She sat down on a cushioned seat and started twisting her long curly hair into a bun. The same nymph came over to help her. She was accustomed to her mother touching her hair and skin - not other women. A shiver ran down her spine as the nymph started undressing her discretely. She gave Persephone a large black towel so she could cover herself up.

'What's your name?' the goddess asked. Startled, the nymph looked up.

'Aia, my lady.' Persephone smiled softly.

'Have no fear', she said, 'I was merely curious. I don't mean anything to hurt you.' Aia didn't seem to relax, but she tried for a smile.

'Would you like me to anoint you with this dark ambrosia honey?' She nodded and uncovered her shoulders so Aia could apply the sticky honey. It had a dark, spicy smell, like Hades. Colour rose to her cheeks, but Aia didn't seem to notice. 

After massaging the goddess Aia brought her to the central part of the bathhouse and closed the doors behind her. Her hair sat messy on top of her head, her skin was radiant with the golden honey. The black towel covered everything up. She had never been ashamed of her body. Above she could walk around naked for all she cared - so why would she bother now?

'There you are', said Hades. His voice startled her. She had never known herself as skittish. She accepted his hand and followed him to the warmest part of the room. Steam hung so thick in the room she could barely make out his outline. That, together with the heat, calmed her down. She hadn't noticed until that moment how she missed the heat of Helios' rays. Of course, this was nowhere near the same, but she accepted it as more than good enough.

'This is lovely.' She let out a sigh as her toes touched the hot water. She threw her towel on a marble bench near the steps and let her body sink into the water. She could hear Hades follow her into the water and she swam to the side. There the steam wasn't so thick and she could see his beautiful face again. She was aware of the rosy colour on her cheeks and hoped he would attribute it to the steamy heat in the bathhouse.

'Do you want to play a game, goddess of Spring?' he asked, a mischievous gleam in his electric blue eyes. She let out a laugh.

'I'm not getting into a wager with you, Hades.'

'No wagers, no losers or winners.'

'What kind of game did you have in mind?'

'A game of Truth or Dare.' She couldn't imagine playing a game of Truth or Dare with the King of Souls, Lord of the Dead, God of the Underworld. She giggled and sank further into the water until the hot warm touched the tiny curls at the base of her skull.

'Okay. You'll start.'

'Dare.' She felt the colour in her cheeks darken. Truth was, she never played this game before and she didn't like the thoughts that came to mind. 

'I dare you to... hold your breath for ten minutes.' 

'That would be a boring ten minutes for you.'

'You can dance for me as well.' He chuckled.

'I don't dance. Especially not naked.'

'That's a shame. Holding your breath it is.' He crossed the water to her and sucked in the steamy air. He looked at her intently. She wanted to touch his cheek, brush the tiny droplets from his eyebrows. She smiled at him and his penetrating gaze. She felt sorry for the god that was left all alone in his kingdom, disgusted by everyone Above and Above There. Really, she wanted to know what went through his head right now. 

'Ten.' He slowly rose from the water and inhaled deeply. 'My turn. Truth or Dare?'

'Truth.' He smiled wickedly. 

'Do you like being a Maiden Goddess?' 

'I'm sorry?' The colour drained from her face.

'I mean - You have sworn off all the pleasures of the flesh, you will never marry. Did you know what that meant when you took your vows? You were very young at the time.' She took a step back.


'Answer the question, Persephone. That's the game. It wouldn't be fun to ask questions I know the answer to.' She felt herself getting angry.

'I may have been very young when I took my vows, but I don't mean to turn out like Hera, getting tied up with some god who can't keep it in his pants nor do I mean to get my heart broken by some mortal boy who will eventually die. I don't per se like being a Maiden Goddess, but I am and sure intend to stay so.'

'Fair enough. Your turn. Truth.' Flushed she looked at him. He got under her skin and he didn't seem to have meant to. She should've trusted him more. He didn't mean to push her buttons, he didn't mean to pull her on his lap and deflower her on the spot. Why did that annoy her just as much? She may not have been a loser to the game, she didn't feel like a winner either.

'I don't want to play anymore.' He cocked his head to the side.

'I didn't mean anything by it, Persephone.'

'I know', she sighed reluctantly. 'Stupid Apollo got under my skin.' He laughed.

'That arrogant boy isn't here, nor will he ever.'

'Why are you never at Court?' Hades shrugged.

'I don't like the Arrogant Ones.' She laughed and he enjoyed the sound of it. He vowed to himself he would do anything in his power to hear it until Time itself died out. 

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