Chapter 14

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At night Persephone couldn't sleep. She kept twisting and turning until she got bored with it and got up. She walked through the abandoned corridors of the castle, humming a song to herself when she suddenly found herself at the far end of the hallway to Hades' room. Minthe passed her, a smug smile on her face, and Persephone felt a jealous anger rise from within. She thought about turning around and leaving, not wanting to feel whatever Minthe released inside her - but she couldn't have that godsawful nymph have the best of her!

She knocked on his door curtly before going in. He was sitting in front of his fireplace and looked up annoyed when she entered the room. His features softened upon seeing the goddess of Spring, and she felt reassured in knowing he didn't want anything to do with Minthe.

'Can't sleep?' he asked softly. She shook her head.

'Can I stay here for a while?' He nodded and she sat down on the ground, her head against his knee, her gaze fixed on the blue flames. 

'You can't go into Tartarus anymore', he murmered. She flushed and said nothing. Of course Minthe would tell on her. 

'Do you mean I can't go there ever again - or for now?'

'For now', he said decidedly. 'Please. When the time is right I will take you there myself.' It really was the please that did it for her. It brought her the greatest pleasure if he asked so submissively - as if she had all the power.

'Truth or Dare', she said.


'Do you like torturing them? Even if they deserve it? Or maybe because they deserve it?' He went silent for a second.

'In the beginning I might have, but I guess my brothers are - ironically - more vengeful than I am. I don't like to inflict pain on anyone or anything. It comes with the job, I guess, but it's the part I hate most. I would do anything to keep the souls safe - and here I am, torturing them to bits.' He went silent again, contemplating on what he said. 'I would do anything to keep you safe, Persephone.'

'My mother used to say the same. She would do anything in her power to keep me safe. In the end everything she did, trying to protect me, was pushing me away. I love my mother, despite her obvious overprotection. She is warmth and laughter, flower and song to me. She is Summer.'

'And you are Spring.'

'I am sorry your father tried to eat you.' He let out a laugh she felt deep in her core. It made her warm on the inside.

'Truth or Dare?' he asked after a while of silence.


'You always pick Truth. Are you scared of what I may ask of you if you picked Dare?' She blushed.

'I guess I am, a little.' He chuckled and lowered himself from the chair onto the floor. 'It is the same as why you never want to pick Truth. You don't want to tell me everything.' He tipped her head towards him with his index finger under her chin and smiled warmly.

'I would never ask something of you I know you wouldn't want to do.'

'I'm not scared of that - I am more scared of the things you don't know I wouldn't want to do. Your turn. Truth or Dare?'


'Predictable.' She let out a chuckle. 'Dance with me.' She looked at him with a beaming smile. He got up and offered her his hand to pull her up. His fingers intertwined with hers, he placed his other hand in the small of her back and pulled her closer. She put her head against his chest and slow-danced with him in the faint orchestrated moonlight, listening to his heartbeat. It didn't bother her anymore that everything Below was fake. It felt just like the real deal.

'I should go to bed', she said when the dance was over. She looked up to him, a slow smile curling her lips. He kissed her on the forehead without giving it a second thought. She reddened and they looked at each other stupidly when he realised what he had just done. She opened her mouth to say something when he took a step back. Quickly she grabbed his hand and pulled him back. She hugged him tightly. She had felt something she had never felt before. There was a feeling of power rumbling in her stomach. 

Something, Hades knew, her mother had tried to keep from her in order to have Persephone remain with Demeter forever.

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